October 31, 2013

After 95 Years......Fenway Celebrates!!

WOW!  That's about all I can say at this point.  Many of my readers don't understand the true excitement and miraculousness of this team and this moment.  For many of my readers this is their third memory of a World Series win.  For those of us who have been around a bit longer, waiting 86 years, or in my case a lifetime, for that first ring; this all still seems so new.  In a year when all we knew was rocked and changed, the Boston Red Sox have made things okay again for at least a moment.  They have shown us Boston really is "strong" and for that we will all be eternally grateful.  So cue the duckboats; here we go again and boy does it feel amazing!!!

image link

October 28, 2013

Designing Your Blogs.....What Colors Should I Use????

There was definitely a buzz in the air as students exited my lab last week.  We have been talking about our blogs for weeks, created "paper" posts, and created "paper" comments as well.  Last week the big moment finally happened, and students were excited.  A new crop of seventh graders have begun creating their blogs and launching themselves in to the global community.  Although they have just begun designing, and not uploaded their first posts, it is still a big moment.  Students will continue working on their blog designs for the rest of this week.  There are so many options and those uniform templates are quickly changing as student blogs are taking on their own personalities and becoming unique. We have many resources available to help you add widgets/gagdets, your "About Me", and finally upload your first posts.  These resources can be found in the "Resource Folder" next to each student workstation.  In addition, the second page of my blog is dedicated to blogging.  The second link will take you to a Google doc which contains numerous links to different blogging resources.  This includes some "help" tutorials from Blogger.  Speaking of "help"; can you find the "help" tab on your blogger account?   I will share my thoughts on widgets and gadgets letting you know which specific ones you will need to be sure to have on your blog.  You will receive one final resource which will be a "guide" for you throughout this process.  You will receive a "Blog Design Rubric" during class this week.  Please be sure to refer to it as you are working on your blog.
Choosing the colors for your blog is very much a personal process and which color combinations are "right" is really a matter of personal preference for the most part.  There are certain colors you should try to avoid.  Those "high viz" or neon like colors are very harsh on a reader's eyes.  You should try to avoid using those.  The color "red" should also be used sparingly.  This color can be used for emphasis, but it too, is a harsh color.  I found an interesting site which may help some of you select your color palette.
Check it out:  "Symbolism of Color."
So please have fun with your blogs this week.

Additional Resources:
Here are links to the resources in your folders.  Many thanks to Mrs. Finnemore for creating them for us.

Adding Widgets/Gadgets to Your Blog-  You will need to have at least 3 widgets/gadgets on your blog.  You must include a page counter and a subscription link.  Many of you have asked about my "Clustr Map."  This a great one to include as well. Google Translator is another super widget.   Blog rolls are also good widgets to include.  You could put some of your classmates' blogs in your rolls.  Vokis are also fun to include. This video was created by a student and shows you how to add your Voki.  I would strongly suggest avoiding games.  We have found these to be very distracting to your readers.  Please be very careful if you include any games.  Make sure they do not have any advertising and place them where they will not distract from your words.

Adding your "About Me" to your blog.  This resource will help you take your About Me from your Google drive and place it on your blog.

Uploading your first blog post.   I'm not sure if you will get to this point this week.  I need to get your feedback to you first.  This will most likely take place next week, but just in case the resource is here for you.

Have a blast!!!  But more importantly- GO SOX!!!!


October 21, 2013

Commenting and Blog Design

I am looking forward to a "normal" week with my students.  No professional development days, holidays, or class pullouts.  This week I get to see all of my students!  HOORAY!!  We will take a look at the BPS Commenting Guidelines.  Your comments are just as much a part of your digital footprints as your posts.  How do you comment well?  What kinds of comments are you hoping to receive?  These are just a couple of the things we will talk about this week.  In addition, you will get some feedback from your peers and me in the form of "paper" comments.
Once we have completed our test run of blogging and commenting you will move on to creating, or designing your blogs.  I have a couple of good resources for you to take a look at before starting.  One is Ten Tips to Design Impressive and Professional Blogs.   Take a look at the blog/site, "Who is Penny Juice?" and think about the design.  What do you think of it?  Are there some things you would do differently?  Why or Why not?   I will guide you through a couple of settings.  We want to be sure you are able to moderate your comments.  I will explain what this means.  I know you are so anxious to get started with this process.  You are really going to need to nail down your titles for your blogs this week as well.  Try to be creative.
Finally, we will need to wrap up some loose ends. You will need to finish up your blogging guidelines presentations.  I will share a Google form URL next week so you can submit those to me.  Retakes need to be completed by this Friday.  If you have any questions, please be sure to see me.
Fall is most definitely in the air.  The mornings are chilly and the evenings are filled with the smell of warming fires burning.  I wonder if any of my bloggers will share their thoughts of fall in their posts.  I'll just have to wait and see.  Have a great week!

October 17, 2013

Friday Classes

Hi my friends!  I will not be in my lab today, but know you will be in very capable hands. It will almost be as if I am there.  Everything you need to know is in this post.  Today you will be creating your "paper" blog post.  **Remember-you are in the shallow end of the pool my little tadpoles.  Next to each of your workstations you will find a lovely yellow folder.  This is the new home for your resources.  PLEASE BE SURE TO LEAVE THIS FOLDER AND ITS CONTENTS NEXT TO YOUR WORKSTATION AT THE END OF CLASS.  DO NOT TAKE IT WITH YOU!!!!  Please find the packet,"Creating Your First Blog Post."  This packet is filled with tips and helpful information.  Please read it carefully.  You will want to pay careful attention to page three.  If you answer questions 1-4 on this page you will automatically create your first blog post.  This post is so important as you are introducing yourselves to your potential readers.  You want to get them hooked so they will keep coming back for more!!   Try to write using complex and creative sentences.  Avoid, "I am Fred.  I like elephants."  This gets boring and your readers will lose interest.  I will have a sample post on the white board for you to check out.  You will be creating this post in your Google Drive.  Follow the same procedure of moving the doc in to your ILT folder that we used during class #1 with your "About Me."
Just a note:  Google was acting a little bit quirky yesterday.  If you are having trouble with it, please log out of Google.  Go to your Open Office folder on your desktops and create this post using Open Office.  Save the document to your pdrive.  Make sure to name the document.  Good luck.
Have fun and be creative.  I cannot wait to watch your go from tadpoles to sharks!!!
See you next week!

Special Notes for Sections:

ILT #2, you have a special lesson today.  You will start class by taking the Blog Interest Survey I have created.  Click the link above and take your time.  When you have finished, please be sure to click the "submit" tab.  You will then be given a form to fill out.  Once you get your work done you know what time it is!!!   See you Monday.

ILT #10 and ILT #11:
I know we had discussed getting your assessment feedback from the substitute today, but when I thought more about it, I decided it wasn't the best plan.  I would like to be able to be there to explain my feedback and be sure everyone understands my comments and your grades.  So I am going to ask you to hang in there for a couple more days.  You will receive your feedback during class #1 next week.  Thanks for understanding!  Have a great weekend!
               Mrs. White:)

October 15, 2013

Red Sox, and Patriots and Blogging.....Oh My!!

What an amazing couple of days in the Boston sports realm!!!  On top of all of that excitement, as if our hearts could take much more, you will now be creating your first blog post!!  Okay so maybe writing a first blog post isn't quite as exciting as the last second touchdown in Sunday's Pat's game or Big Papi's 8th inning grand slam, but you have to admit it is kind of cool.
This first post will be a "paper" post of sorts.  You are still in the shallow end of the pool my little tadpoles.  I want to keep you safe and secure.  You will create a new Google doc and title it, "First Blog Post."  Please be sure to type your first and last name, and your ILT# on the doc itself.  You will be printing this one next week and turning it in to me.  This post is your introduction to your readers.  There is a packet of resources next to each of your workstations.  You will need to take a few minutes to read through this packet. Everything you need to create your first blog post is in this packet.  This first post should take all of this class if you do it correctly. Don't rush!  Please make sure you take the time to do it correctly.  There is a rubric on the last page of this packet.  Be sure to read it as well. Have some fun and show us your voice in this post. You may not win the World Series or the Superbowl with this blog post, but it could win you the honor of "Student Blog of the Week!"
image link:  http://www.empowernetwork.com/timidle/blog/5-killer-tips-for-writing-a-blog-post/

Short and Sweet

This weekend I was very busy and had to make some choices.  Should I use the time I have to give students feedback and finish correcting assessments or should I spend the time on my blog post?  I chose giving feedback.  You should get your assessment and feedback during class two this week.

Here is the resource you will need for class one.  Have a good one!
                              About Me Resource

October 5, 2013

Finding Out What You Know

This week students in my classes will be taking their first assessment.  This is an opportunity to show me what you have learned so far this year.  We have spent time preparing for this assessment, and I think you will all be surprised at how well you will do.  You are really a very bright bunch of young men and women!!  Assessment #1 was created using a Google form.  It will only be available, accepting responses, during school hours.  Students will not be able to view or take this assessment from home.

I will not be in the lab for my students two days this week as I will be in "school" myself.  Mr. Frazier will be in the lab in my absence.  Please do a great job for him.  I have gone over my expectations with some of you, and know those of you whom I did not speak with will do an awesome job and make me proud.  

Please start off class by taking the assessment.  There is a link to the survey part of the assessment in the first paragraph of this post.  You will also be given a printed copy of an email to correct.  There are five errors on this email.  Please circle, and then correct each of these mistakes. The directions are written on top of the email.  Please be sure to read them carefully.

Once you have completed your assessment, you will begin working on a presentation.  You will create a presentation using either Glogster EDU or Google Presentation.  If you choose to use GlogsterEDU you can find some video tutorials at the bottom of the home page.  Please remember there is NO punctuation (no underscore) in your Glogster username (nickname).  Your password is the same as all of your other passwords.  If you are using Google Presentation don't forget to name or title your presentation before you begin.  There is a "help" tab for you to use to try to answer questions you may have.  In the help tab you will find this "Overview of Google Slides."  

What exactly is the presentation to be about?  You were given a copy of the Barnstable Public Schools Blogging and Commenting Guidelines last week.  We reviewed and discussed the Blogging Guidelines. You will create your presentation about these Blogging Guidelines.  Please do NOT simply retype the guidelines on to slides or in text boxes.  You will need to add extra information to explain each of these guidelines.  This extra information should be written in your own words.  This presentation will show me your level of understanding in regard to our Blogging Guidelines.  This will help me design my lessons over the next couple of weeks.  If you use any images from the Internet be sure to copy the URL of that image and paste it on the slide or in a text box with the image.  There is more information about using and saving images in the resource below.

I have created a more detailed resource for this project.  Please check it out!
Please try to make your presentation fun and interesting!!  I want to be able to create a space where these presentations will "live" so students can use them as resources this year and in future years. 
Have fun!  I cannot wait to check out your work!