December 17, 2014

Blog Post Two for Some

Many of you have finished your first blog post and are ready to create and publish post #2!  My classes meeting on Thursday will find me missing, and Mr. Yetman will be in my lab.  Please do a super job in my absence.  I have told him how wonderful you all are!  Please read the rest of this post carefully before beginning.
You will be working on agenda items #'s 5 and 6 today.  Please don't worry about widgets and gadgets. We will resume our work with them next week.
Step 1:  Launch Google Chrome, sign in to your "Drive" and open your ILT folder.
Step 2:  If you didn't finish "polishing" your first blog post last week, please start there. You will open the "First Blog Post" doc, make your corrections, copy the text, paste it in to Blogger **, then upload images, add image URL, check one last time, and then "Publish."
**You should already have a draft of a post with a title and labels.  You will need to go to your dashboard, select "post" under options, and click on "edit" to continue.  Use this resource to help you with this.
**If you make corrections to your post and want me to take a look at your work to change your grade DO NOT give your rubric to Mr. Yetman.  You will need to bring the rubric to me on Friday morning during homeroom.
Step 3:  You will need to begin creating your second blog post.  Please use the Helpful Hints resource I have created for you.  It is available here, and a copy can be found next to your workstation.  I have also left a resource to help you with your image searches.
Please do a super job in my absence.  Remember:  No watching videos or listening to music during class. You will not be needing your iPads today as you will be using your workstations.  Please put them "apples up" in the safe place, next to your workstations.  I cannot wait to see your next post!!!

December 14, 2014

Widgets and Gadgets

It's hard to believe this is our last full week of school in 2014.  We will have some interruptions with concert rehearsals and the performance on Thursday and Friday.  Please try to stay on task so you can publish your second blog post before we leave for our break.  During class one you will be adding widgets and gadgets to your blog.  I have resources on the second page of this blog to help with this task.  Please include the following gadgets on your blogs:

  • Page Counter  (Blogger:  Blog Stats)
  • Blog Roll  (Blogger:  Blog List)
  • Subscription Gadget (Blogger:  Subscription Links)
You may add others if you choose.  I would suggest a translator gadget and you may also want to look at VOKI and clustrmap as well. Think about where you are putting your gadgets.  Remember-the most important part of your blog is your words.  Nothing should distract your readers from your words!!
Please be sure to settle on your title and URL. Once you are comfortable with it; you will need to share your blog information with me by completing the blog creation form found on:  Blog Collection Form resource.

During class two this week you will work on your second blog post.  Please be sure to use the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines as you are working on it.  Create a Google doc, title it Blog Post #2, and compose away.  Once you have finished this post, please have a classmate edit your work.  Once it has been checked out by a peer (peer edit) you will need to copy and paste it on to your blog.  Remember to give your new post a title, and a label (tag).  Check it one last time before you hit "publish."

Have a super week!
     ~Mrs. White :)

December 8, 2014

Polish, Publish, and Coding

I don't know about the rest of you, but I would much rather be having white fluffy precipitation this time of year than the cold pouring rain foretasted for our area.  The weather outlook for this entire week is bleak!  A December nor'easter usually involves snow, not rain.  Check out Wikipedia's explanation of nor'easters

This week is packed full of activity and expectations.  During class one you will receive feedback and comments on your first blog post; the paper version.  You will take a few minutes to digest this information and then go to the Google doc and make corrections or "polish up" your post.  If you received and "INC" from me, please be sure to return your pink rubric when you have completed this assignment so I will know to check and adjust your score.  You have until December 19th, but please don't wait until the last moment.
Once you have polished, you will then copy and paste the words, upload the image, and add the URL as a "caption" in Blogger.  Before you publish, please "Save" and "Preview."  When you feel your post is "practically perfect and ready to post" go ahead and press the "Publish" button. Taadaah!!  Your first official blog post!!!!  You will then want to go in to your template designer and tweak a bit.   **Be sure to look for those orange tabs to save your work.

During class two you will be participating in "Hour of Code,"  a national event.  Please use the "Hour of Code" doc before moving forward.  You will find all of your resources on the site.  I can't wait to hear what you think of this event.

Have a super week!!  Remember, we still have a full two weeks plus of school before our break.

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December 1, 2014

Last Stretch of 2014

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a restful few days off.  Did you see any snow?!  Some parts of New England had a "White Thanksgiving."  I don't know about you, but I definitely had my fill of turkey.  Do you have a favorite leftover turkey recipe?  The Food Network has some ideas in their "Best Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes" post.  Maybe one day I will see one of your recipes featured on this blog.  Let's wake up from the turkey coma and get going with our blogs.

This week you will be creating your first blog post!!  I have compiled a packet of resources for you.  You will find it next to your workstation.  It includes the following:

I hope you find them useful.  Remember this first post is your introduction to the world.  Take your time and do a super job!  Later this week we will take a look at commenting and practice by doing some "paper" comments on your "paper" posts.  Next week you will use your feedback from peers and me to polish and then publish your first post!!  Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!

November 24, 2014

Assessments, About Me's, and Thanksgiving Activities

I don't know about you, but I spent most of yesterday outside.  I could not believe the difference in the temperature between the two days!  I spent about 3 hours raking leaves yesterday, but didn't really mind.  Why do those leaves fall from the trees?  Check out the USDA Forest Service site to get the answer.  Unfortunately we are in for some crazy weather over the next couple of days.  I hope you stay dry and warm.  What did you do over the weekend?

We will start our day with your first assessment.  I know you are ready for it so please don't be nervous.  I would like you to take this assessment on your iPad.  There is a resource with QR codes next to each work station.  Please be sure to scan the correct code for your ILT section!  If you aren't sure which section you are in, please ask.  Once you have scanned the code with your "qrafter" app, select the option to "Open URL in Safari."  This will open the assessment.  Read questions carefully and do your best with spelling when typing.  When you have finished please go back and review your answers before hitting the "Submit" button on the bottom.
Simplified Steps:
1.  Find Qrafter app on iPad
2.  Take picture (using camera) of the correct QR code for your ILT section
3.  Once you've heard the "beep", select "Open URL in Safari
4.  Take the quiz, reading questions carefully
5.  Double check you answers
6.  Submit the form.
7.  Close out open app, close cover, and place iPad "Apple Up" in safe spot.

You were given some feedback on your "About Me" first draft.  Today you will make corrections on this draft (it's living in your Google Drive) and then copy and paste your information to your blog.  You will find this section under the "Blogger Profile."  To find this, log in to Blogger, drop down arrow under your name in the top right corner of your blog dashboard.  You will see "Blogger Profile."  Click on this and you will be there.  Please double check your work and ask a neighbor to take a look as well.  Once you are sure it's correct, save it.  If you would like me to check it first, please ask.  :)
Simplified Steps:
1.  Log in to Google Drive
2.  Open your About Me doc
3.  Make corrections based on my feedback
4.  Log in to Blogger
5.  Go to Dashboard
6.  Drop down arrow in top right corner of Dashboard
7.  Select "Blogger Profile" and select "Edit Profile."
8.  Complete profile by copying and pasting information from your Google doc
   *** You will only change what is on your Google doc.  Scroll down to the word "General"
   and begin there.
9.  Be sure to save your changes; look for the orange box.
10. Sign out of Google (both Blogger and Drive)

If there is any time  left in class you may check out some of the interactive Thanksgiving activities on either
i Teach With Technology or Gamequarium:  Thanksgiving.  You should not be on any other sites, and should not be on these if you haven't completed the assessment and your About Me.

I hope you and your families have an enjoyable few days off.  If you are traveling, please be safe.  If you are staying around here, be safe as well.  Don't eat too much pie!!
                                          ~Mrs. White :)  
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November 17, 2014

Mind blowing...Game-Changing!!!

I had an amazing and "mind blowing" two days last week.  I attended the iPad Summit which was hosted by EdTech Teacher.  At this point I am still trying to organize my thoughts.  I have so many new thoughts, ideas, and yes Apps to share, but I need to figure out the best way to share what I have taken away.  This will come in due time.

To get back to the tasks at students will continue working on blogs.  Designing the "skin" of your blog is the most exciting part in some regard.  First of all, it seems real.  Secondly, it is a way to convey to the world (your global audience) a little bit about you.  After all, this blog design is unique to you.  So please take your time and put some effort and though in to it.  I changed my blog around for a solid month before I became satisfied with it.  I will occasionally add some pieces and even take some away if I feel they have lost their usefulness.  So explore and have fun!!

We will be creating a "study guide" for an assessment you will have next week before we leave on break for Thanksgiving.

I hope you had a super weekend and are ready to design and share a piece of you with the world! :)

November 11, 2014

Preview to Coding

We are taking a break from our blogs during class two this week.  During class you will preview "coding."  In December we will take part in "Hour of Code."  This is a very fun activity and I hope it will encourage some of you to pursue coding as a career.  I found a great resource from our friends at Google.  They have created a site called, "Made With Code."  You will be using this site during class today.  Please follow the procedure below.  Be sure to read all of the directions in this post before you start clicking!  *Notice I have not given you any links to this point.
Step 1:  You will go to the site, Made With Code, and watch the opening video, "Things You Love Are Made With Code," as an activator.

Step 2: You will then select one of the "mentors" to explore.  You will do this by watching the video about  this person.  There are 6 different mentors.  Please scroll through and find one you find to be interesting.

Step 3:  You will then select one of the "Projects" to complete.  There are many projects.  Please       scroll down and read the descriptions and levels before selecting one.**You will not be able to do "Accessorize" as you would need an image for this.  We may try it another day.  Follow the instructions.             You will need to think and may get frustrated, but will feel so great when you complete this project. **While working on a project, if you get stuck or frustrated look for the "?" or "Help" tab somewhere (usually in the top right hand corner.)  Use this information to problem solve!!  If you want to try to save your project, please be sure to save it to your pdrive, not to the desktop of your workstation.

Step 4:  Complete the form, "Made With Code Project."   Be sure to submit this form when done.

Step 5:  If you should finish before the end of class, repeat steps 2 and 3 with a different mentor and project.  Only do Step #4 one time, please.
**If you should somehow manage to complete all of the listed projects, then move on to the "other resources" on the bottom and you will find some other coding projects to explore.

Have fun and do a great job for my substitute.  Absolutely NO games or videos other than the ones on the Made With Code site!!!  I cannot wait to share all of the cool stuff I will learn at the iPad Summit I am attending.  

November 10, 2014

Ready, Set, Design!

I hope you had a great weekend.  I don't know about you, but it flew by at warp speed for me!   I am excited to have tomorrow off.  I would like you to take some time tomorrow to think about why we have this extra day.  It is to honor our veterans.  Do you have anyone you know, in your family or a friend, who has served for our country?  This would be a great day to thank that person if you can.  There are so many ways our country is honoring those who have made sacrifices so we may enjoy the freedoms we have. The Cape Cod Times has a list of what is going on around our area.  Check it out!

This week you will start designing and creating your blog!!!  I will walk you through the initial steps so we can adjust some settings.  You are still in the shallow end with "swimmies" on!!  We will use the Blog Creation Checklist you will find next to your workstations as we get started.  Before beginning, let's take a look at "What is a Blog?" for inspiration.

November 2, 2014

Blogger Profiles...Here We Go!

     Well yesterday was quite a wild weather day!!  I am sure many of you were without power, Internet, and worse yet....cable!!  I hope you managed to stay warm and were able to watch the Patriots' game.  If not, I'm sure you have heard the end results.  I don't know if this storm is an indicator for our winter.  If it is...YIKES!!  You can check out the Weather Channels' 2014-2015 Winter Forecast on this site.  
     We will start off class this week taking a look at the evaluation scores you gave the blog you explored last week.  Please go to the Padlet wall and follow the instructions you find there.  You will need to have your note card from last week.  You should have the name of the blog and the score you gave it written on this card.
      This week you will start working on one of the components or pieces of you blog.  You will create your "Blogger Profile."  Please start off by taking a few minutes to check out some profiles of other young bloggers.  I have created a resource for you to use and take you on this task.  You have the option doing this on your workstation or your iPad.  If you would like to explore it on your workstation please use this link to
About Me Resource document.  If you would like to use your iPad, please use the QR codes provided on the paper you can find in your Workstation Resource Folder.
     Now that you have checked out some other profiles, you will begin to work on your own.  I have created a template for you to fill out.  You will be able to copy and paste this information in to your blog next week.  I want to be able to give you some feedback before you do this. I will show you how to make a copy of  this About Me Template so you can make changes to it to fit you.  Please be ready to follow my directions for this.  Be sure to put your document in to your ILT folder so I can see it.  I will also ask you to print a copy of this document so I can have options by which to share feedback.
      Your ticket to leave today will be sharing three possible blog topics you have selected.  This is getting exciting!  I cannot wait for you to start playing around with your blog layout!!!
      Have a super start to your week!!

October 27, 2014

Blogging 101

    It has certainly been a crazy month.  I cannot believe October is almost over!  This weekend we gain an hour (HOORAY!!) as we set back our clocks.  Why do we change our clocks?  Check out the information on the Daylight Savings Time post.

    I know some of you are still having difficulties with your Apple ID's and getting your Apps, and I am addressing that with individuals and trying to problem solve.  We are moving forward and beginning our lessons on Blogging.  Before starting, I need to have a sense of what you know, so please take a few minutes and complete the Blogging PreAssessment.  We will need to establish a common vocabulary for some terms associated with blogging.  We will take a look at a diagram of a blog, label it, and discuss our BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines this week.  Before we take a look at our guidelines, we will take a look at Blogging in Plain English (it's an oldie but a goodie.)

     You will have some time to explore a couple of other blogs.  You may use your iPad and your "Qrafter" App (QR code reader).  There is a sheet of QR codes in your workstation resource folder.  If you don't have your Apps yet, you may open my blog on your iPad (this may be a good time to bookmark it) and click on the links of the Interesting Blog Resources document.  You may also view these blogs using your workstation and this same document.  The choice is yours.  Please select one of the blogs listed and review it using the Blog Evaluation Checklist you can find by clicking on the link or finding it in your workstation resource folder.  When you have finished, please go to Padlet and post the name of your blog and the score it received.
     Have a great week, and please don't get frustrated.  You will all be up and running shortly!!  Try to remain calm as the end of October, Halloween, and Daylight Savings Time all approach this weekend.  I heard we may even see a little of the "white stuff" this weekend!!!

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October 19, 2014

Next Steps

This is our recovery week.  We will be trying to get everyone set up with their Apple ID's and accepted in to the Meraki VPP.  I know we will figure this out quickly.  We will start off our class with a very important survey.  As I explained to you earlier, there are many stakeholders involved in our school, and we need to share our iPad journey with them.  We need to create some baseline data as well, and this will be done with this survey.  Please take this survey seriously and ask me if you don't understand something.

Once you have finished this survey, you will take a tour of X2.  This is a tool/resource for you.  You will receive feedback from your teachers on your portal page.  You will need to add your teachers' pages to your X2 account.  We will also take a look at your calendar which is another way to help you keep organized.

The final step in our organization this week will be the final check on your Google Drive organization.  Did you create, name and share folders with all of your teachers?  You will also check your email and clean it up.  Please use the "Clean It Up and Organize" Google doc I have created for this task.

Have a super week!!!    ~Mrs. White :)

October 15, 2014

Log In Poster Contest

We are finally distributing iPads to grade 7 students today!  HOORAY!!!!  I will be working in your classes with you passing out the iPads.  While I am away from my lab, I have a challenge for you all.  You will be working on a poster.  The criteria for this poster can be found on the gold sheet in your workstation resource folders.  You will be given a "rough draft" piece of paper.  Please take at least 10 minutes to sketch out what you would like your poster to look like based on the criteria.  You will be expected to turn in this rough draft so please be sure to put your name and ILT# on it.  You will have the option of using paper and art supplies to create a more traditional "hard copy" poster OR you may digitize your work and use an on line creator. If you choose to create your poster on line, please write the name of the tool you are using on a note card and turn it in.    You may also use a combination of both paper and your computer.  If you would like to type your text and find images from the Internet, print, and then paste on a paper you may do this as well.  You are the artists and your creativity should flow freely.  Art supplies can be found on the table in the back of the lab next to the printer.  Please be sure to clean up after yourself and return all materials to the place you found them.  You should be able to complete this project in the class time given today.  Please do not rush through this project.  I will be selecting the top posters to use and/or copy.  These winning posters will be placed in classrooms and computer labs throughout the school.  Have fun!!!!

October 6, 2014

Ready Set Let's Roll...

A great song by Chase Rice and a super start to our final preparation of all things iPad for grade 7!!!   This week and next week we will be preparing for you to get your iPads. Let's check out how some other students are using iPads by watching "A Day in the Life of a Minnetonka iPad Student." Before we get started with our project you will need to open your email from Apple (finally) and verify some information.  Please be careful with your typing!! You will be creating a group slide presentation of our iPads "rules and regs."  Each of you will work on a slide.  You will need to include the following on your slide:
  • Text from iPad Commitment Letter
  • Your explanation or understanding of what that text is saying
  • An image of some type with the URL to give credit to the image source                                          

Apple ID's and VPP

This post is for my 13 year olds only.  We will be creating your Apple ID's today.  You will also need to complete the VPP invitation.  I will walk you through the steps!

October 1, 2014

Getting Good Stuff from Google

"Google it," has become one of the most common phrases in society today.  It's hard to imagine our world without Google, but in all actuality Google is only 12 years old (though this is somewhat disputed-How Old Is Google?)  Google celebrated its birthday 3 days ago!  So Happy Belated Birthday, Google!  We are going to be working on perfecting our searches this year.  So let's start off by seeing How a Google Search works.  I have found some interesting resources to share with you. We will look at these throughout the year and add to it. We will go on a Google Scavenger Hunt using the Google Tips and Tricks site.   Happy Searching!!!  -Mrs. White :)

September 29, 2014

You Have Mail.....

   What an amazing weekend!!!  It felt more like "summer" than "fall!"  I am sad to say it was probably the end of our warm weather for quite a while.  I hope you all were able to take advantage of it and were outside for at least some of the weekend.
   We are moving along with getting our Student Apple ID's created.  Your families should be receiving an email from Apple.  Those of you who are 13 will be creating you accounts in school with me this week.
    This seems like a great time to review emails and proper email etiquette.  You will need to use an email from Apple next week.  So get ready to learn the way to send a "professionalish" email.  This is a skill you will be using for the rest of your school career and life!!  I have created a resource which you will find in your workstation resource folders, but it is also available for you to access on line!
Check it out:  Parts of an Email Resource.
    Have a super first full week of FALL!

September 24, 2014

BIS Website Scavenger Hunt

Today you will be going on a virtual scavenger hunt.  There are many resources on our BIS website and what better way to check them all out than to go on a scavenger hunt.  I will not be in today to go on the journey with you so please read my instructions below and do a great job for the substitute.  I know many of you need to finish creating contacts and folders.  Some of you also need to share folders.  We will finish doing these things the next time we meet.  So for today you will be working on agenda item #5.
Scavenger Hunt Instructions:
You will need to go to the BIS Website.  The substitute will give you each a copy of the scavenger hunt.  Please be sure to read carefully and take your time.  Make sure you write your first and last name and your ILT# on the top of the page.  I would like you to try to do this independently.  If you get "stuck" you may ask a computer neighbor for help.  Please do not move your seats or wander around the lab.  You will need to click on different tabs on the website to find the information you will need.  Use the words in the questions as clues to help you determine which tabs to click.  At the end of the class your substitute will stop you, ask you to log off your workstations and then review this scavenger hunt with you.  You will be correcting it together so please raise your hands and contribute to the discussion.  You will need to turn in your completed scavenger hunt at the end of class.  I know you will do  a super job in my absence today!
To get to the BIS Website click here.

Reminders:  You should not be listening to music or watching any videos!  If you should finish early please check out Cool Math Games.

Special Message for ILT # 13 and ILT #16 (Periods 3 and 5):
You have already done the Scavenger Hunt, so you will be working on Agenda items 1,2,3, and 4.  All of the resources you need you will find in your workstation resource folders.  The blue one is the list of all your teachers' email and sharing addresses.  It is  online as well.  You will need the green resource for agenda items 2 and 3.  Please be sure to name your folders correctly:
                                        Subject Lastname,FirstInitial. Class ___(A,B,C, or D)
For example if Jennie Lopes was creating a math folder it would look like this:
                                        Math Lopes,J.  Class B
Once you have created a folder you will share it with your teacher.  Be sure to share it to the correct address; the one that ends with "" NOT the "" one.
You do NOT need to create a "Technology" folder; you've already done that with me.
Your final resource is a white piece of paper with the events you will need to put in to your Google calendar.  Hint:  It is one of your Google Apps so use the grid to find it.
I will check all of your work on Wednesday next week.  Please be careful and do a great job!!

Reminders:  You should not be listening to music or watching any videos!  If you should finish early please check out Cool Math Games.

September 22, 2014

Managing Your Digital Life

Summer is quickly coming to a close and Fall is arriving bringing warmer weather than we've had in a while.  I am noticing the change of color in leaves and other subtle signs.  I guess we are in for a true "Indian Summer" here on Cape Cod.  I hope my students were all able to take advantage of some of the great weather this weekend.  Many are involved in football, hockey, cheering, gymnastics, and other activities I haven't discovered yet.  Hopefully they found some time to relax and enjoy "unstructured time."  I updated my Apple devices to iOS 8 have you?  What do you think?
This week we will finish working on organizing and managing our digital lives.  We have been immersing ourselves in Google so I thought it might be interesting to take a peek in to the work atmosphere there.  We will start our first class viewing, "Inside Google Offices."  Do you think you'd like to work for Google?  We will check out some other interesting work places throughout the year.
Students will need to complete creating contacts in their Gmail address books, then create and share folders with each of their teachers; "digital in boxes."   You will need the Grade 7 Teacher Email/Google Share Resource to complete these tasks.  Once these tasks have been completed, creating events in Google calendar is next on the agenda.  Please use the Google Calendar Events doc to complete this task.
If you have completed all of the above items, I would love some help mounting and hanging up our "passion" word clouds.
Have a super start to your week!

September 15, 2014

All Things Google...

Just a little bit of information to get us started this morning.  We will be setting up our Google Drives.  You will need the following resources:
Grade 7 Teacher Email/Google Share Resource
Creating Your Folders in Google Drive

September 8, 2014


I am so pleased to have a full week of school.  Now we can really get down to the business of learning! We will work on our "Passion Word Clouds" during our first class; something we did not get to last week.  This is such a great way for me to get to know my students.  You will be doing so much with your passions in our lab this year.  Passions are so powerful and can push people to amazing places.  Check out this video, "Famous Failures"  What does this video say to you?  You will use the Passion Assignment doc to help you create your word cloud.  Once you have formulated you ideas, you will copy and paste them in to either Tagxedo or WORDLE.  I cannot wait to adorn the walls of our lab with your Passion Word Clouds!!!  Have a super first full week of school!!

September 2, 2014

Here We Go......

Today was our first day of school, but I did not get to see my classes.  Instead we were given the time to get to know the students on our "Connecting" team.  I really appreciated having the whole day to spend with these students.  We have some amazing students attending BIS this year!!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, I will begin meeting and "teaching" my classes.  I am so excited for this year.  We will be having a totally different approach to learning in Room 231 this year.  I have taken my inspiration from so many places; my students, bloggers, tweets, books, classes, conferences, Suggestions from my students being implemented include students working in groups or with partners some times, changing seats, and resources displayed on both front and back boards to name a few.  In addition I will be sharing the map for our entire school year with my students.  Of course, this is just a draft and my students will help me make the adjustments as we chart our course together.

First order of business is to discuss "passion."  What does it mean and what are the passions of my students?  You will be completing the Passion Assignment and then be using Wordle, WordItOut, and Tagxedo to create word clouds displaying their passions.  You will be printing out your word clouds and hanging them on the walls of the lab to continue inspiring us throughout the school year.

That's all for now (another piece of feedback suggested I make my posts shorter).  I can't wait to meet you all!!!

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August 22, 2014

Gearing Up For A New Year

   Although I have not been blogging over the summer, my mind has continuously been thinking about my old students, and my new ones.   I took some time to read through the feedback letters my students wrote for me at the end of the school year.  I am making some adjustments based on their suggestions.  So thank you so much to all of you for your thoughtful feedback.  
     As for this year......hold on to your hats!!!  I am so excited about the start of the new school year!  The format of our classroom will be changing drastically.  The year will begin with preparation for the iPad 1:1 rollout which will be taking place at the beginning of October.  We will also be taking a look at Google and how we use it.  After getting ourselves Google and iPad ready, we will be moving in to our Genius Hour format.  I am going to ask my students to help me determine a new name for this concept as we will not be limiting it to one hour, or maybe it will be.  Hmmmmm something to talk about. head is spinning, and my heart is racing.  I am sure there will be some mistakes made along the way, but that is how we learn.  Get ready to explore your passions and share your finding with the world!!  I cannot wait to meet you all.  See you soon.

June 16, 2014

Turning the Tables

Believe it or not this is our final full week of school....your last full week of being a 7th grader. This has been an amazing year at BIS. I have learned so much from all of you. You have received a tremendous amount of feedback from me throughout the year. I hope I have helped you learn how to use it effectively. Now it is your turn to give some feedback to me. I started giving this assignment a couple of years ago and have found it to be so helpful. Many of the changes I make in my classroom set up or how I share information have come from my students. So today during class I would like you to write a letter to me. Please be sure to use "Friendly Letter Format" just as you would for an email. Check out this resource from a school in Carolina if you need to brush up on the format. You should use your Google docs to create this letter.

What exactly would I like you to say to me? I want you to be honest and share what you liked about ILT and what you didn't particularly care for as well. Think about the topics we have covered this year. You may want to go back through my blog posts or MOODLE modules to refresh your memories. Flipping through the papers in your Workstation Resource Folder (which by the way was a suggestion from a student last year) may jog your memory as well. In the next paragraph in the body of your letter I would like you to address my teaching style. What are things you like and what are things your think I might want to reflect upon? Again, I would ask you to be honest, but also mature and respectful in the way you address this topic. I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

During class #2 this week you will do a little digital life clean up. I would like you to try to find an item from each of your content areas to save for a portfolio. You will be cleaning up not only your workstations, but your iPads as well. I have prepared a resource, "Clean Up Checklist," to guide you through this process. Once you have finished your cleaning, you will continue work on your "Unthinkables" animations.

Hang in there.....we can do this!!!

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June 12, 2014

Extra Credit

Many of my students have been asking if there is anything they can do to improve their grade.  Well here it is.  I have created an extra credit assignment.  This completed assignment may be used to replace your lowest content grade this trimester.  Please read the directions carefully.  I will be checking your sources so be sure to use your own words.  Do NOT copy and paste.  I will not grade any assignment which is only partially completed.  The assignment must be done in its entirety.  The due date for extra credit is no later than June 19th.  I will not accept any assignments turned in after 2:30 on this day.  There will be NO exceptions. That gives you one week to complete this Extra Credit Option.

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June 10, 2014

iPad Feedback

The time has come for your voices to be heard.  About 3 months ago history was made in our building and you all were a tremendous part of it.  Although you have only had iPads in a 1:1 model for a short period of time, I am sure you have a lot to share.  We want to hear everything you have to say, the positive and the negative.  After all this is the first time we have ever done anything like this and we expect to have made some mistakes. I am sure you all are ready to let us know what some of them were.  Please be sure to have have some type of balance in your responses and let us know about the good stuff as well.   You will start off by giving feedback in the form of a survey.  Please take your time with the Grade 7 Student iPad Survey.  Some of the questions will require you to type responses.  Please do the best you can with spelling.  Once you have finished answering the questions please be sure to submit the survey.

The survey is only one part of your feedback.  You are now going to have the opportunity to craft your own feedback, and get another blog post published.  I would like you to think about experiences using your iPad for the past three months.  Please create and then publish a blog post about these experiences.  Please put this post on your "Technology in School" page.  Think about some of the questions from the survey you just took.  These questions may be able to help you craft your post.  I cannot tell you how important and even critical your feedback is to the success of this program.  I guarantee we will use your feedback from both the survey and what you share in your blog posts to make changes and improvements next year.  Please don't hold back in what you are sharing.  We want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I would only ask you share your feedback in a mature and responsible manner.  I would recommend using subjects instead of teacher names when you are sharing your experiences.  Please use the resource I have prepared to help you be successful today; iPad Feedback Resource.

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you.  Getting the iPads was really the easy part.  You all did the hard work.  You made the mistakes, learned from them, and showed us how you could really soar as learners.  I could not be more proud of you and cannot thank you enough for all you have taught me!!  I have truly been learning alongside my students this year more than ever before!! 

June 9, 2014


This week we are going to use some software and a peripheral we haven't used yet this year.  You are going to be doing some animating using "Animationish."  This software and company was founded by Peter Reynolds.  He is a really great and talented person.  I have met him many times.  You can visit their studio in Boston if you are truly interested.  There are some help features in the software, but you may also want to check out this "Animationish Lessons" link.  What will you be doing with this great software?  Super question!   Check out the procedure for this week below.

Before getting started......check out Google's home search page.  The winner of the 2014 Doodle for Google is being featured. You may watch this short video.  How many of you picked this one?  Next you will be taking a minute to check out your feedback from teachers in your X2 accounts.  Please remember that X2 is very case sensitive and you must type your username using all lower case letters!!  I have given you a form to use so you can record the information you need.  Please take 5-10 minutes to complete this activity.  You will need to bring this completed form back to class with you.  I have left a completed sample form at each workstation.  Please use it as a resource. now you know what you need to take care of in the next 2 weeks (taking responsibility for your learning), so let's get going with Animationish.  You may or may not have done some work with Mrs. Baskin about the "Unthinkables" and social thinking skills.  I have left a resource at each of your workstations.  Please take a few minutes to review this resource; "The Unthinkables.  You will need to select one of the characters from this resource and create a simple scene.  What do I mean by a "simple scene?"  The character you select will need to have an interaction (situation) with either you or Superflex (the hero.)  This interaction needs to be resolved. In other words, the hero needs to help either himself (herself) or the character problem solve so the situation becomes more comfortable.  You may want to use speech bubbles or a slide for text to help get this across.  So how many slides you are asking?   I cannot give you an exact number, but you need to fulfill the assignment.  I do not expect this to be completed in one class.  You will continue to work on this mini project over the next couple of weeks. By the way, if you don't know where to find the Animationish software it is in the "Drawing and Creation" folder on your desktop.  Have fun!!! **If you are not comfortable with the tablets and the software, you may draw your scene, kind of like a comic strip.

Saving your Animationsih:  This is very important!!!
You will need to be sure to save your work (and to the right place!!)  Look up at the top of the screen (within Animationish) and find the box titled, "save."  Left click and select "where" you are saving.  It should not be Animationish Samples or Documents!!!  You want to select your pdrive (drop down the arrow until you find your name-pdrive and select it.)  Please name this file "Unthinkables" and then select "save."
Cleaning up your workstation:
Once you have saved your work please follow these steps:

  1. Close all open windows and sign out of workstation
  2. Turn "Unthinkables" resource back to first page and place neatly on the yellow workstation folder.
  3. Unplug your tablet.
  4. Place stylus carefully back in red ribbon.
  5. Wrap cord around tablet.
  6. Place tablet on top of resource on workstation folder.
  7. Place keyboard back down on desk in front of workstation.
--Thanks!  Mrs. White :)

Quick Summary for Class #1:
  • Go to X2, look at all feedback, and complete X2 Feedback Form.
  • Take 5 minutes to look through the "Unthinkables" resource (either on line or hardcopy)
  • Select an "Unthinkables" character and a hero/heroine (you or Superflex)
  • Using Flipbookish or Advancedish begin creating a scene/cartoon showing the Unthinkable in a social situation with your hero.  **Your hero will try to help this Unthinkable resolve the situation or make it more comfortable.**
  • Follow directions above to "save" work correctly.
  • Follow directions above to prepare your workstation for the next class.

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June 3, 2014

Stay Calm and Blog On!!

As promised I am giving you an opportunity to create and publish another blog post in class this week.  Most of my classes have finished discussion the Social Media Survey results.  If we have not yet finished, we will do so by the end of the week.  I know the end of the year feels very close, but please remember we still have a lot of work to do and my expectations remain high for all of my students.

I will not be in class on Wednesday and some of my Thursday classes as I will be in a meeting which means you will have a substitute in the room.  You will be given the instructions to read EVERY word of my blog post.  Please be sure to read everything before clicking or doing!!!!

You will be using this time to create and publish a new blog post.  This post may be about anything.  It does not have to be school related, but must be school appropriate.  Of course, as always, you may use Pinterest or other resources for inspiration.  However, you should not be spending more than 10 or 15 minutes on such sites.  Please be sure to take some time and find a way to link your readers to a site or source to support your post.  An appropriate image would also be great.  Be sure to give a link for the image unless you created it yourself!!  This post will need to be edited by a classmate.  Before asking for a "peer edit", be sure you have gone through the post yourself.  Peer editors; please be sure to double check for capital letters (especially I's) as well as other grammatical errors.  Remember, you are not commenting on the content, but checking to be sure Blogging Guidelines have been followed.
Once your post has had another set of "eyes" check it out, you should publish it.

You should then work in your Digital Literacy and Citizenship iText.  This can be found in your iBooks.  You should have competed and submitted two lessons to me.  They are Unit 1, Lesson #1:  Digital Life 101 and Unit 2, Lesson #1:  My Media.

If you have finished your post and both of the iText lessons, you may either read other blog posts from your Feedly accounts or "pin" for inspiration for your next post.

**ILT #14 I will collect your Blog Design Rubrics on Friday during class.**

Remember; you are NOT to listen to music, play games, or watch random videos!!!  Please use your critical thinking skills and Effective Effort strategies.  I am confident you will do a great job!
---Mrs. White

May 27, 2014

And the Survey Says.....

This week we will take a look at the Social Media Survey you completed recently.  I have created a Google Presentation to share these results with you.  The best way to view this is to click on "present" in the top right corner.  Make sure to view it from the beginning.  Please take a few silent moments to review this presentation;  Social Media Survey Results.  We will discuss them shortly.  Once you have taken a look at the presentation, I would like you to write down the most surprising statistic on the note card you were given.  I will collect these and we will have an informal discussion about the results and your comments.  This will be a time for you to share your thoughts not only about the survey, but about social media in general.  This topic can be a bit sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable for some students.  I know you will all bring the necessary levels of maturity and respect to our conversation today.    At the end of class I will return your note card and ask you to use the other side for your "Ticket to Leave."  I would like to know which statistic shared today is the most alarming to you.  I hope you will learn something from our discussion as I am sure I will.
Some of you will not be having a second class this week.  Those of you who do will be working on Unit 2, Lesson #1- "My Media" in your Common Sense Media eText.  You will complete the entire lesson (there is only one activity.)  You will be using your iPad for this.
Every student will be taking some time to self assess your blog using the Blog Design Rubric.  You will staple you completed Blog Checklist to the rubric and turn them in to me.  I will begin the process of reviewing your blogs and getting you a final grade and some feedback.  Please be patient with me as I have hundreds to go through.  

May 19, 2014

What Role Does Social Media Play in Your Life?

The role of social media in your lives will be our topic of discussion for the next few classes.  I hope our classes will make you think a lot and help you to make wise choices.  Please read this post carefully as resources and instructions for both classes are included.

**Reminder to all students:  This Friday, May 23rd, is the last day to submit incomplete work or retakes.  As of this Friday all incompletes become "0's"!!!!  Do not turn in any make-up or retake work to a substitute!  Be sure to give rubrics and any other papers directly to me and me only!!!

During class #1 this week, you will be diving right in to the social media activity we spoke about last week.  If you were in class and downloaded the Digital Literacy & Citizenship Workbook last week, you will be using the Social Media Activity resource during your first class this week.  Please be sure to read this resource carefully as you will find instructions for setting up the "submitting your work" component of this eText.  **Please be sure to use the correct email address for me; it is sharing ( not my email.

If you were not in class last week to download the Digital Literacy & Citizenship Workbook, you will need to use the "downloading" resource to take care of this.  Unfortunately it will take most of class for the workbook to download.  While your workbook is downloading you will work on the second activity for this week; the class two assignment.

During class #2 this week you will first finish editing and sharing your podcast.  The resource for sharing your podcast is in your yellow Workstation Resource folder.  Once this task has been completed, or if you finished it up last week, you will move on to working on your blog.  I have created the Blog Checklist you asked for last week.  You will be given a copy of this checklist; so be sure to use it.  Remember, I will be assessing your blogs for your final grade, using the Blog Design Rubric, starting the first week of June.  This does not leave much time for your to get it ready.  I will be collecting your checklist once you have completed it.  Once your blog is "assessment ready" you should create and publish a new post.  Be sure to have a classmate edit your post before publishing it.  I need to see at least 4 new posts before the end of the year!!

**I have my class on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  I will be in school, but not in our lab.  You will be having a substitute and I expect your best behavior and most effective effort.  Everything you need is in the blog post and in your Workstation Resource folders.  Please make good choices and get your work done. A summary of your class assignments is below:

  • Use the Social Media Activity resource to complete the first unit in your Digital Literacy & Citizenship Workbook.  
  • If you were absent last week and did not download the workbook use the download resource to get the eText.  You will not be able to complete the activity today as the book will not be there for you to use so you will then move on to the next activities.
  • Finish editing your podcast and then share it.  (The resource for this is in your Workstation Resource folder.)
  • Ask substitute for a Blog Checklist and begin working on your blog; getting it ready to be assessed.
  •   I will be collecting your checklist once you have completed it. Please don not turn it in to the substitute.  I will get it from you during our next class together.  **You my want to use some of these blogs on your blogrolls (blog lists):  List of Blogs
  • Create and publish a new blog post.  (Be sure to have a classmate edit it before you publish it.)

**You should not be watching videos (unless they are instructional or you are getting resources for your blog posts) or playing games on your iPads.  You have plenty of  work to get done!!
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May 11, 2014

Finishing Up Those Podcasts

This week you will finish editing your podcasts and share them with me.  If you remember our conversation from last week, I will not be requiring you to post your podcast on your blog.  I respect that many of you were uncomfortable doing this. Instead, you will need to share your podcast with me by putting it in a folder I have shared with you.  Use this document, "How to Share Your Podcast." I have also put directions for this procedure in the yellow "Workstation Resources" folders.  I will help you with this process if you need it, so please be sure to ask.  **Please be sure to review the Podcast Rubric before sharing your project.

This week you will be asked to review the Blog Design Rubric you were given mid way through the year. As we discussed, this will be your last "big" content grade of the year.  It is basically your "final" as we have been working on blogging for most of the year.  I am sure it has been a while since you have taken a look at this rubric.  You may have time during your second class to start getting your blog assessment ready.  Please be sure to go through each criteria of the rubric carefully.  I have noticed many of my students' blogs need some work to do well when measured against the rubric. In addition, I will be creating a checklist to help you with specifics.  I hope to have it ready for you next week.  If you need help please be sure to check out the "Blogging Resources" page on this blog.

During class two this week you will be completing the "Social Media Survey," and getting ready to for some work on a social media activity I have created for you. We will be using the data from the survey for discussions in future classes.  It is anonymous.  Please read it carefully and take it independently.  Do not speak with your classmates while completing it. Be sure to submit it when you are done.
Once you have finished the survey you will need to get ready for a Social Media activity we will be working on next week. You will need to download a book in iBooks for this activity.  It is going to take at least the whole class to download the iBook.   I am having you do this today so your are all set next week.  Please follow these directions, Downloading iBook for Social Media Activity, carefully.
Once you have started the download of the iBook you will need to work on the agenda items on the board.
You will need to finish editing your podcast.  Please be sure to check the Podcast Rubric when you think you are finished with it.  Then you will need to share your podcast with me.  Both the rubric and instructions for sharing the podcast are located on top of your Workstation Resource folder.
If you should finish with these two items before the end of class you should start working on getting your blogs ready to be assessed.  Everyone has work to do on his/her blog.  No one should be playing games, watching videos, or listening to music.  The only exception would be if you are looking for some help on your blog.  Instructional/informational videos are permitted and encouraged.  You may also create and publish a   new blog post.  I am expecting at least four new posts before the end of the school year!

**I will not be in school on Thursday.  Mr.Carme will be in our lab and I expect my students to do a good job.  

Please be aware our sixth graders will be taking their Math MCAS on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Be sure to keep our hallways quiet; giving them a great testing atmosphere.  If you should ride in with a 6th grader on the bus be sure to give them a smile and wish them luck.  You could make a difference in someone's day!!!
  Have a super week!!

Attention All Students.....Important Grade Information

This is an important post for all of my students.  I have posted your grades in X2 and your midterm progress reports will be going home with you on Friday.  I have spent the past two weeks reviewing timelines, blogs, and other work.  Many of my students did a great job on their timeline projects; however, many of my students did not meet my expectations.  You were given three weeks to work on this project and you created the rubric.  You were asked to assess your own work and told I would not be "grading" these projects right away so you would have time to continue working on them.  Most of you did not take advantage of this and did not do any more work on your timelines.  Over 80% of you did not include the most important date, March 4th (the day all grade 7 students received iPads), on your timelines. Many of you did not check to see if the link you shared with me on the Google form was correct and when I tried to look at your project was taken to a log in or an error page; not your project!  It is your responsibility to check your links!  Many of you will see "INC" for your timeline grade.  This "INC" will become a "0" on May 23rd if you have not submitted an improved project.
Please do not be misled by your current grade.  The "INC" does not get averaged in with your other content grades.  You may have what "seems" to be a great grade right now.  Please be forewarned that great grade will plummet when the INC becomes a 0.  For example, if you received a "95" and an "INC" on your progress report and do not re-submit an improved project or turn in a missing project, that "95" will become a "63" on May 23rd.

Please be sure to follow the directions below if you would like to re-submit your timeline project.

If you would like to improve your grade on your Timeline project or received an "INC" and need to receive a grade other than a "0" you will need to complete and submit the "Re-submission and Retake Form for Midterm Progress Grades."  In addition you will need to give me back your original rubric; the one I returned with your original feedback.  I WILL NOT look at a project if I don't have your originally graded rubric.  If you have any questions, please be sure to ask me this week.  Do not wait until the last day of the deadline!!

May 4, 2014

Keep On Podcasting

Welcome to another crazy school week.  I will be seeing some of my students twice and some of them once.   When you are in class this week you will be working on your podcast.  Many of you are in the "production" phase of this project and need to make your recording.  Some of you are in "post-production" and ready to edit.  Our goal is to have all podcasts recorded by Friday.  Remember I am not expecting perfection!   This is your first time creating this type of media and it would be unrealistic to expect it to be perfect; plus perfection is for fairy tales not life!!!  Just do your best and you will meet my expectations.

Before you get started, I would like you to cast your vote for this year's Google Doodle.  Thanks to Tadeo for sharing this annual event with me.  You can cast your ballot at Doodle 4 Google.  Be sure to cast a vote for each grade group ( a total of 5 votes!)  Voting will close on Friday, May 9th.

I am working on getting your timeline and script feedback to you.  Please be patient with me as I have hundreds of projects to explore.  I am also going to be looking at your blogs.

Your teachers have you prepared for your MCAS so take a breath, use all of those effective effort strategies, and you will do just fine.   

April 29, 2014

This One if For Mr. Petitt's Class

Mr. Petitt has created survey for his students.  Please read the questions carefully.  Be sure to "submit" when you have finished.  Take survey now.

April 28, 2014

Back From Break

Welcome back.  I hope you all had a chance to rest and relax.  I was lucky enough to get away to warmer weather last week.  It was nice to put on flip flops and shorts and not get goose bumps!!  Everywhere I went I was reminded of how much technology has changed things.  One day I actually powered my phone off for a few hours and didn't use any technology.  You can see the results in the picture below (okay I guess technology was used to take this pic!)
Kingfish off Miami
(I caught some wahoo, dolphin, bonito, and these kingfish-lots of fun!!)
That day now seems weeks away, and I was reminded how much temperature can differ in a few hundred miles; from 90 to 45 to be exact!!  We are back in school and need to focus on the task at hand- PODCASTING!

This week you will be recording your podcasts.  If you have not yet finished your scripts, please do so.  I have not yet finished going through them; but will do so this week.  Once you have finished recording, please start your editing.  Be sure to use the resources you have found to help with this.  There are some suggested in my prior blog posts and you have pinned some on your Pinterest boards.  Have fun with this project.  If you have time, please publish another blog post.  I will be expecting at least 10 by Friday.

April 13, 2014

Finishing Up Those Scripts

This week will be a short one for half of my students.  We don't have school on Friday which means many of you will only have one class this week.  It is so important to finish you scripts during that one class.  You want to leave for vacation with scripts written so when we return to get right to recording!  Please be sure to time your scripts before you print them.  Take a look at the rubric and make sure you have fulfilled all the requirements having to do with your script.

Once you have finished with you script you will be exploring GarageBand on your iPads.  I have created a "Garageband Exploration Guide" to help you.  Make sure you are able to do everything listed on this guide.  You can use your Pinterest resources or the "help" menu for GarageBand.  If you would like to find an pin other resources to help you please go ahead and do so.

**Be sure you have completed the self-assessment of your 1:1 iPad Timeline project and submitted your collection form so I may assess it as well.  If I cannot see it, you will receive a "0."  

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Have a great vacation!

April 5, 2014

Moving Along......

This week will be dedicated to two types of media- podcasts and blogs.  You will start off working on your podcast scripts.  Most of you have started them, but a couple of sections need to have the initial lesson.  I will also be giving you the rubric for this project.  Please be sure to use the "Tips" document as you are writing your scripts.  You may make a copy of the Podcast Script Template to place in your drive or to print and complete (old school.) The video on my January 14th blog post, "Copyright Terms," will show you how to copy a Google doc for your own use.  Remember you will need to be signed in to your Google account to do this.

You will need to complete the form for you ILT section found on the Timeline Collection Form.  I need to take a look at your finished iPad 1:1 timelines and assess them.  You will be given a copy of the rubric for this project.  This is the rubric you and your classmates created.  Please be sure to put your name and ILT# on this rubric.  You will then need to open your project and complete this rubric or "assess" yourself.  I will then take a look at your project and your rubric and give you my feedback and your final grade.  Please take this seriously and look at your work with a critical eye.

Once you have finished creating your script and submitting your Timeline Collection Form, I would like you to read it to a classmate or you could try recording it as a test run in GarageBand.  I need you to listen to your steps to see if your script makes sense and be sure your audience will be able to follow along!! If you choose to make a recording; it will not be your final one; just a trial run.

During the second class this week (ILT 14 & 16- this will be your class #1) I will be at my NISL class.  Mr. Carme will be with you in the lab.  I am "in school" but not "in the lab" on Wednesday and Thursday.  During this class you will be creating and publishing a new post for your homepage or passion page of your blog.  Before you start on this post, I would like you to log in to your Pinterest accounts. (Username is Google email and Password is the usual) and create a new board.  **You may use your iPad or your computer for this part of the lesson.  You should be able to complete this task in 15-20 minutes.  This board will be a place to hang some resources for your podcasting project.  Check out the this video for some help creating your new board.  "How to Create a Pinterest Board video." Once you have found 5 good resources to pin you will get started on your new blog post.  I would recommend using your computer instead of your iPad to create your blog post.  Blogger is not as "user friendly" on the iPad. You need to get this post uploaded by the end of class and I'm afraid you may not have as much success on the iPad.  The choice is your's, but you have a deadline to meet.  Please take out your BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines and review them before you start this post.  If you have "forgotten" your folder, there is a copy of these guidelines in the "Workstation Resources" folders by your computer.  I have been noticing many errors in your posts and would like you to take a moment to review my expectations before beginning.  Please be sure to include and image and/or links in your post.  Remember to check for capital "I's" and spelling errors.  Your post should consist of at least 5 solid sentences with variety and a "voice."  Think of a topic that is interesting and exciting.  Be sure to "upload" images; don't just copy and paste them.  There are instructions for this in your "Workstation Resources" folders.  Be sure to include an image link to give credit unless you have taken the picture yourself.  Once you have completed this post, you will need to have a classmate edit your work before publishing.  Please do not rush this post!!  I need to see your growth as a blogger shining through!

If you should finish with this post before the end of class, please either read your blog subscriptions on Feedly or search for a new podcast in your Podcast App on your iPad.

PS  I have added a "search" gadget to my blog.  This should help you find information a bit more easily.  Hope you enjoy it.  You may want to add this to your blog as well!

March 30, 2014

Your Latest Thoughts on iPads

Well it has been almost a month since you were given iPads of your own for the school day.  I know there have been a lot of wonderful things happening.  It has most definitely been a time for learning and figuring out how these devices can benefit students and teachers.  I would like you to take a moment or two (probably more) to think about how your learning has changed over the past month.  Do things look differently in your classrooms?  Are you thinking differently about your learning?  We will have a discussion to start our classes today, and then I will give you the rest of class to create and publish a new post for your "Technology in School" pages of your blogs.  I have created a list of "Thinking Questions" for you to ponder just in case you are "stuck."  Please be honest in your posts.  We have so much to learn from you!

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Podcast Script Template

March 24, 2014

A New Type of Media....Podcasting

It appears as though Mother Nature isn't quite done with her winter antics.  I cannot believe I am going to be typing this at the end of March, but it looks at though a pretty significant nor'easter in the form of a blizzard is heading our way midweek.  Yes, I said a blizzard with the potential of a foot of snow!!!  Yikes!!!  Let's hope this storm heads out to sea and misses us.  I mean really....Fenway Park is being groomed for the Red Sox Opening Day 2014, and I don't believe shoveling is on the preparedness schedule.

Oh well, there is nothing we can do but watch and wait at this point.  Our schedule is being altered once again this week due to ELA MCAS.  Most of my students will only see me once this week.  This one class will be an introduction to a new type of media.  This media is called podcasting.  You will begin class by watching the video, "Podcasting in Plain English."  You are familiar with this video format as it is created by the people at Common Craft.  I would really love to have you make a similar type of video, but that's a post for another time.  After watching this video, you will be exploring the Podcast App on your iPods.  You will use the Podcast Exploration Guide for this exercise.  Use the QR code I have left beside your workstations to get you to this guide.  You will need to toggle back and forth between the guide and the App.  I'm really having you work on all those skills.  Please record your responses on the Podcast Exploration Response Sheet.  I will be collecting these response sheets at the end of class and assessing your exploration.  Please be sure to put your name and ILT# on them and write neatly.

Next week you will be presented with your newest project; creating a podcast.  You will find out all of the details during our first class.  Let's hope this potential winter storm doesn't cause a delay in this process for some of you.  Enjoy the start of Spring!!!!

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