March 30, 2014

Your Latest Thoughts on iPads

Well it has been almost a month since you were given iPads of your own for the school day.  I know there have been a lot of wonderful things happening.  It has most definitely been a time for learning and figuring out how these devices can benefit students and teachers.  I would like you to take a moment or two (probably more) to think about how your learning has changed over the past month.  Do things look differently in your classrooms?  Are you thinking differently about your learning?  We will have a discussion to start our classes today, and then I will give you the rest of class to create and publish a new post for your "Technology in School" pages of your blogs.  I have created a list of "Thinking Questions" for you to ponder just in case you are "stuck."  Please be honest in your posts.  We have so much to learn from you!

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Podcast Script Template

March 24, 2014

A New Type of Media....Podcasting

It appears as though Mother Nature isn't quite done with her winter antics.  I cannot believe I am going to be typing this at the end of March, but it looks at though a pretty significant nor'easter in the form of a blizzard is heading our way midweek.  Yes, I said a blizzard with the potential of a foot of snow!!!  Yikes!!!  Let's hope this storm heads out to sea and misses us.  I mean really....Fenway Park is being groomed for the Red Sox Opening Day 2014, and I don't believe shoveling is on the preparedness schedule.

Oh well, there is nothing we can do but watch and wait at this point.  Our schedule is being altered once again this week due to ELA MCAS.  Most of my students will only see me once this week.  This one class will be an introduction to a new type of media.  This media is called podcasting.  You will begin class by watching the video, "Podcasting in Plain English."  You are familiar with this video format as it is created by the people at Common Craft.  I would really love to have you make a similar type of video, but that's a post for another time.  After watching this video, you will be exploring the Podcast App on your iPods.  You will use the Podcast Exploration Guide for this exercise.  Use the QR code I have left beside your workstations to get you to this guide.  You will need to toggle back and forth between the guide and the App.  I'm really having you work on all those skills.  Please record your responses on the Podcast Exploration Response Sheet.  I will be collecting these response sheets at the end of class and assessing your exploration.  Please be sure to put your name and ILT# on them and write neatly.

Next week you will be presented with your newest project; creating a podcast.  You will find out all of the details during our first class.  Let's hope this potential winter storm doesn't cause a delay in this process for some of you.  Enjoy the start of Spring!!!!

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March 17, 2014 last!

Our schedule will be altered for the next two weeks due to MCAS, but we will keep moving forward!!  During our first class this week you will have an opportunity to review your ILT feedback in your X2 accounts.  Please be sure to take the time you will be given at the beginning of class to do this.  I will be coming around to answer and questions and give you the opportunity to share any work you have updated or completed.  I will be posting your grades at the end of the week; so this is your last chance to show "progress" since your progress reports.
You will also be using class #1 to finish up your timelines.  Be sure to check your work with the rubric.  I will be asking your to "grade" yourself using this rubric and will want a copy of how you think you did so I can compare it to my thoughts.  It will be interesting to see what you think.
During our second class this week (for some of you the only one) you will finally get the BIS iPad Playlist of music you have been waiting to hear.  You will use your Filr App to make this magic happen.  I will take you through the steps; so have no fear.  
Have a great week and use your Effective Effort strategies on Tuesday for your Long Composition.  It is important and I know you can do it!!!

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March 9, 2014

Getting Back to Normal...Sort Of

This week things will be getting back to normal in our building, but what is normal?  Things certainly won't be as they were a month ago; before iPads.  So I guess part of the next few weeks will be dedicated to us figuring out the "new normal."  Once again I want to praise and thank all of you.  You continue to impress me with your discoveries and the great choices you are all making.  Just remember-this is a learning experience for all of us.  We are still trying to figure out the "rules" or boundaries for these new devices.  You will need to be flexible and patient.

Moving on to our project for this week; your "1:1 iPad Timelines."  I will be attending my class on Monday and Tuesday.  You may see me in the building, but unfortunately I will not be in our lab.  Mr. Carme will be supporting your learning on these days.  Please do a great job for him and show him your best effective effort strategies!  Last week you were given the 1:1 iPad Timeline document.  You will need this to know what events to place on your timelines.  You will also want to take a look at the rubric for this project.  There is a copy of it in your "Workstation Resources" folder.  Please take this out and go through it before you start your work on this project.  This is the rubric you all created and it will be used to assess your final project.  During our second class last week you selected the tool you would be using for this project.  Some of you chose a tool from the list of suggestions.  If you were absent last week, you will need to take a look at the document, rubric, and list of suggested tools and catch up on this project.  If you do not understand what to do, please check in with a classmate to help you.  Please work hard as I expect this project to be completed by the end of class two this week.  I will be asking some of you if I can share your timelines with some of our stakeholders.

 **Very important:  If you are creating a new account; please be sure to read the forms (sign up) carefully.  If there is a line for username separate from the email address please be sure to use your first name, but not your full last name.  Use the first initial of your last name.  If you need to add something because a username has already been taken, try adding a "19" after your initial.  Write this information down somewhere and if you have time add it to your school sites table.  You will also need to check the setting of your account and make sure your timeline is "private."  You do not want your work in a public gallery because you will be mentioning Cape Cod and Barnstable Public Schools in some of your events.  If you have any questions about these settings I will be able to answer them during class two this week.

If you should finish this project before the end of class; I would like you to work on a new blog post for the homepage of your blog.  Remember to use your guidelines and have a classmate edit your post before publishing!!  Have a great class!

March 2, 2014

Drum Roll Please.......

Well the day is finally here!!!!  Tuesday you will be receiving your iPads!  I am so excited for all of you.  I spent most of my weekend trying to get all of you verified and in to the VPP program so you will be able to download your Apps.  We will be spending our first class this week getting those loose ends tied up.  You will finish working on your new blog post for your new blog page.  I will also ask you to try to log in to your iTunes accounts using your new, professional Apple ID information.  This will be a good test.  Remember that a few of you have a slightly different password because of those pesky consecutive characters.  I don't expect the day to go off without a hitch, but I think it will run pretty smoothly.  I cannot wait to see what you will do with this awesome device.

During class one this week I will be making sure you can all get in to your Apple accounts.  I have created a checklist for you to use during this class.  It is a good day to tie up all of the loose ends.  Please be sure to go through this checklist carefully!  **As always if you should finish before the end of class, please work on the homepage of your blog.

Once we have settled down from all of the iPad excitement, you will work on a new project.  You will be creating a timeline.  We had a discussion about "stakeholders" last week.  You will be creating a timeline showing the history of this project.  This timeline will include significant events; some of which include some of our stakeholders.  I would like you to select a tool to use for this project.  I will give you some suggestions, but in the end you will decide what you want to use to get the job done.  In addition, you will need to have the iPad 1:1 Initiative Timeline document and the rubric for this project.
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