This week we will take a look at the Social Media Survey you completed recently. I have created a Google Presentation to share these results with you. The best way to view this is to click on "present" in the top right corner. Make sure to view it from the beginning. Please take a few silent moments to review this presentation; Social Media Survey Results. We will discuss them shortly. Once you have taken a look at the presentation, I would like you to write down the most surprising statistic on the note card you were given. I will collect these and we will have an informal discussion about the results and your comments. This will be a time for you to share your thoughts not only about the survey, but about social media in general. This topic can be a bit sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable for some students. I know you will all bring the necessary levels of maturity and respect to our conversation today. At the end of class I will return your note card and ask you to use the other side for your "Ticket to Leave." I would like to know which statistic shared today is the most alarming to you. I hope you will learn something from our discussion as I am sure I will.
Some of you will not be having a second class this week. Those of you who do will be working on Unit 2, Lesson #1- "My Media" in your Common Sense Media eText. You will complete the entire lesson (there is only one activity.) You will be using your iPad for this.
Every student will be taking some time to self assess your blog using the Blog Design Rubric. You will staple you completed Blog Checklist to the rubric and turn them in to me. I will begin the process of reviewing your blogs and getting you a final grade and some feedback. Please be patient with me as I have hundreds to go through.
Some of you will not be having a second class this week. Those of you who do will be working on Unit 2, Lesson #1- "My Media" in your Common Sense Media eText. You will complete the entire lesson (there is only one activity.) You will be using your iPad for this.
Every student will be taking some time to self assess your blog using the Blog Design Rubric. You will staple you completed Blog Checklist to the rubric and turn them in to me. I will begin the process of reviewing your blogs and getting you a final grade and some feedback. Please be patient with me as I have hundreds to go through.