October 27, 2014

Blogging 101

    It has certainly been a crazy month.  I cannot believe October is almost over!  This weekend we gain an hour (HOORAY!!) as we set back our clocks.  Why do we change our clocks?  Check out the information on the Daylight Savings Time post.

    I know some of you are still having difficulties with your Apple ID's and getting your Apps, and I am addressing that with individuals and trying to problem solve.  We are moving forward and beginning our lessons on Blogging.  Before starting, I need to have a sense of what you know, so please take a few minutes and complete the Blogging PreAssessment.  We will need to establish a common vocabulary for some terms associated with blogging.  We will take a look at a diagram of a blog, label it, and discuss our BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines this week.  Before we take a look at our guidelines, we will take a look at Blogging in Plain English (it's an oldie but a goodie.)

     You will have some time to explore a couple of other blogs.  You may use your iPad and your "Qrafter" App (QR code reader).  There is a sheet of QR codes in your workstation resource folder.  If you don't have your Apps yet, you may open my blog on your iPad (this may be a good time to bookmark it) and click on the links of the Interesting Blog Resources document.  You may also view these blogs using your workstation and this same document.  The choice is yours.  Please select one of the blogs listed and review it using the Blog Evaluation Checklist you can find by clicking on the link or finding it in your workstation resource folder.  When you have finished, please go to Padlet and post the name of your blog and the score it received.
     Have a great week, and please don't get frustrated.  You will all be up and running shortly!!  Try to remain calm as the end of October, Halloween, and Daylight Savings Time all approach this weekend.  I heard we may even see a little of the "white stuff" this weekend!!!

image link


October 19, 2014

Next Steps

This is our recovery week.  We will be trying to get everyone set up with their Apple ID's and accepted in to the Meraki VPP.  I know we will figure this out quickly.  We will start off our class with a very important survey.  As I explained to you earlier, there are many stakeholders involved in our school, and we need to share our iPad journey with them.  We need to create some baseline data as well, and this will be done with this survey.  Please take this survey seriously and ask me if you don't understand something.

Once you have finished this survey, you will take a tour of X2.  This is a tool/resource for you.  You will receive feedback from your teachers on your portal page.  You will need to add your teachers' pages to your X2 account.  We will also take a look at your calendar which is another way to help you keep organized.

The final step in our organization this week will be the final check on your Google Drive organization.  Did you create, name and share folders with all of your teachers?  You will also check your email and clean it up.  Please use the "Clean It Up and Organize" Google doc I have created for this task.

Have a super week!!!    ~Mrs. White :)

October 15, 2014

Log In Poster Contest

We are finally distributing iPads to grade 7 students today!  HOORAY!!!!  I will be working in your classes with you passing out the iPads.  While I am away from my lab, I have a challenge for you all.  You will be working on a poster.  The criteria for this poster can be found on the gold sheet in your workstation resource folders.  You will be given a "rough draft" piece of paper.  Please take at least 10 minutes to sketch out what you would like your poster to look like based on the criteria.  You will be expected to turn in this rough draft so please be sure to put your name and ILT# on it.  You will have the option of using paper and art supplies to create a more traditional "hard copy" poster OR you may digitize your work and use an on line creator. If you choose to create your poster on line, please write the name of the tool you are using on a note card and turn it in.    You may also use a combination of both paper and your computer.  If you would like to type your text and find images from the Internet, print, and then paste on a paper you may do this as well.  You are the artists and your creativity should flow freely.  Art supplies can be found on the table in the back of the lab next to the printer.  Please be sure to clean up after yourself and return all materials to the place you found them.  You should be able to complete this project in the class time given today.  Please do not rush through this project.  I will be selecting the top posters to use and/or copy.  These winning posters will be placed in classrooms and computer labs throughout the school.  Have fun!!!!

October 6, 2014

Ready Set Let's Roll...

A great song by Chase Rice and a super start to our final preparation of all things iPad for grade 7!!!   This week and next week we will be preparing for you to get your iPads. Let's check out how some other students are using iPads by watching "A Day in the Life of a Minnetonka iPad Student." Before we get started with our project you will need to open your email from Apple (finally) and verify some information.  Please be careful with your typing!! You will be creating a group slide presentation of our iPads "rules and regs."  Each of you will work on a slide.  You will need to include the following on your slide:
  • Text from iPad Commitment Letter
  • Your explanation or understanding of what that text is saying
  • An image of some type with the URL to give credit to the image source                                          

Apple ID's and VPP

This post is for my 13 year olds only.  We will be creating your Apple ID's today.  You will also need to complete the VPP invitation.  I will walk you through the steps!

October 1, 2014

Getting Good Stuff from Google

"Google it," has become one of the most common phrases in society today.  It's hard to imagine our world without Google, but in all actuality Google is only 12 years old (though this is somewhat disputed-How Old Is Google?)  Google celebrated its birthday 3 days ago!  So Happy Belated Birthday, Google!  We are going to be working on perfecting our searches this year.  So let's start off by seeing How a Google Search works.  I have found some interesting resources to share with you. We will look at these throughout the year and add to it. We will go on a Google Scavenger Hunt using the Google Tips and Tricks site.   Happy Searching!!!  -Mrs. White :)