December 17, 2014

Blog Post Two for Some

Many of you have finished your first blog post and are ready to create and publish post #2!  My classes meeting on Thursday will find me missing, and Mr. Yetman will be in my lab.  Please do a super job in my absence.  I have told him how wonderful you all are!  Please read the rest of this post carefully before beginning.
You will be working on agenda items #'s 5 and 6 today.  Please don't worry about widgets and gadgets. We will resume our work with them next week.
Step 1:  Launch Google Chrome, sign in to your "Drive" and open your ILT folder.
Step 2:  If you didn't finish "polishing" your first blog post last week, please start there. You will open the "First Blog Post" doc, make your corrections, copy the text, paste it in to Blogger **, then upload images, add image URL, check one last time, and then "Publish."
**You should already have a draft of a post with a title and labels.  You will need to go to your dashboard, select "post" under options, and click on "edit" to continue.  Use this resource to help you with this.
**If you make corrections to your post and want me to take a look at your work to change your grade DO NOT give your rubric to Mr. Yetman.  You will need to bring the rubric to me on Friday morning during homeroom.
Step 3:  You will need to begin creating your second blog post.  Please use the Helpful Hints resource I have created for you.  It is available here, and a copy can be found next to your workstation.  I have also left a resource to help you with your image searches.
Please do a super job in my absence.  Remember:  No watching videos or listening to music during class. You will not be needing your iPads today as you will be using your workstations.  Please put them "apples up" in the safe place, next to your workstations.  I cannot wait to see your next post!!!

December 14, 2014

Widgets and Gadgets

It's hard to believe this is our last full week of school in 2014.  We will have some interruptions with concert rehearsals and the performance on Thursday and Friday.  Please try to stay on task so you can publish your second blog post before we leave for our break.  During class one you will be adding widgets and gadgets to your blog.  I have resources on the second page of this blog to help with this task.  Please include the following gadgets on your blogs:

  • Page Counter  (Blogger:  Blog Stats)
  • Blog Roll  (Blogger:  Blog List)
  • Subscription Gadget (Blogger:  Subscription Links)
You may add others if you choose.  I would suggest a translator gadget and you may also want to look at VOKI and clustrmap as well. Think about where you are putting your gadgets.  Remember-the most important part of your blog is your words.  Nothing should distract your readers from your words!!
Please be sure to settle on your title and URL. Once you are comfortable with it; you will need to share your blog information with me by completing the blog creation form found on:  Blog Collection Form resource.

During class two this week you will work on your second blog post.  Please be sure to use the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines as you are working on it.  Create a Google doc, title it Blog Post #2, and compose away.  Once you have finished this post, please have a classmate edit your work.  Once it has been checked out by a peer (peer edit) you will need to copy and paste it on to your blog.  Remember to give your new post a title, and a label (tag).  Check it one last time before you hit "publish."

Have a super week!
     ~Mrs. White :)

December 8, 2014

Polish, Publish, and Coding

I don't know about the rest of you, but I would much rather be having white fluffy precipitation this time of year than the cold pouring rain foretasted for our area.  The weather outlook for this entire week is bleak!  A December nor'easter usually involves snow, not rain.  Check out Wikipedia's explanation of nor'easters

This week is packed full of activity and expectations.  During class one you will receive feedback and comments on your first blog post; the paper version.  You will take a few minutes to digest this information and then go to the Google doc and make corrections or "polish up" your post.  If you received and "INC" from me, please be sure to return your pink rubric when you have completed this assignment so I will know to check and adjust your score.  You have until December 19th, but please don't wait until the last moment.
Once you have polished, you will then copy and paste the words, upload the image, and add the URL as a "caption" in Blogger.  Before you publish, please "Save" and "Preview."  When you feel your post is "practically perfect and ready to post" go ahead and press the "Publish" button. Taadaah!!  Your first official blog post!!!!  You will then want to go in to your template designer and tweak a bit.   **Be sure to look for those orange tabs to save your work.

During class two you will be participating in "Hour of Code,"  a national event.  Please use the "Hour of Code" doc before moving forward.  You will find all of your resources on the site.  I can't wait to hear what you think of this event.

Have a super week!!  Remember, we still have a full two weeks plus of school before our break.

image link

December 1, 2014

Last Stretch of 2014

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a restful few days off.  Did you see any snow?!  Some parts of New England had a "White Thanksgiving."  I don't know about you, but I definitely had my fill of turkey.  Do you have a favorite leftover turkey recipe?  The Food Network has some ideas in their "Best Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes" post.  Maybe one day I will see one of your recipes featured on this blog.  Let's wake up from the turkey coma and get going with our blogs.

This week you will be creating your first blog post!!  I have compiled a packet of resources for you.  You will find it next to your workstation.  It includes the following:

I hope you find them useful.  Remember this first post is your introduction to the world.  Take your time and do a super job!  Later this week we will take a look at commenting and practice by doing some "paper" comments on your "paper" posts.  Next week you will use your feedback from peers and me to polish and then publish your first post!!  Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!