December 22, 2015

Last Day Before Break

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Hello my little elves.....I am sorry I am not there today, but I have high expectations for you.  ILT #13 and and ILT #14 you have a lot of work ahead of you.  You will need to get in your groups when Mrs. Diggins gives you that direction. You will start be reviewing your poster outline and rubric.  You will then create a storyboard (rough draft) and get it approved by Mrs. Diggins.  She will give you poster board for your final product.  Below is an outline of the steps which should take no more than 15 minutes:

  • Get in your groups
  • Review the project outline
  • Review the rubric
  • Create your story board/rough draft (this is messy and plain; don't waste time!!!)
  • Raise your hand to get approval to start production
You will then begin working like busy little elves.  The materials are on a table in the back of the lab.  You may use any workstations to get images/logos.  Do NOT forget the URLs for these images.  I have left the examples of "good" and "not so good" work on the front board.  Mrs. Diggins will collect your projects at the end of class and inspect the "plant" before you are allowed to leave.  Check out the outline below:

Starting Production:
  • Get materials you need
  • Assign everyone in the group a job
  • Check your rubric, outline, and examples on the front board while working
  • When printing images/logs be sure you are printing to room 231
  • Delete any images from computer desktops (clean up virtual trash)
  • Be sure to create a Doc and paste, then print, URLs for images/logos
Ending Production:
  • Clean up all materials and return 
    • Markers in boxes back in the marker containers
    • Colored pencils back in boxes back in the correct container
    • All scraps of paper thrown in recycling containers
    • Glue sticks capped tightly and returned to crate
    • Pencils, pens, stickies, etc.. back in container
    • Rulers,  paperclips, scissors, etc... back in container
  • Log off workstations before leaving
  • Project turned in to Mrs. Diggins with all pieces paper clipped to the poster
I expect to return on January 4th to an immaculate lab!!!  Mrs. Diggins should not have to clean up after you!!!

You will follow a different procedure.  You will first complete your posters. Get right in to your groups.  You know the drill.  Be sure to clean up and turn in your finished poster to Mrs. Diggins.   Once you have finished your poster, please sign in to Google Classroom.  I have left an assignment there for you.

Have a super vacation!  See you all in 2016!!

December 18, 2015

Wrapping Up Your Projects

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We only have one class together this week before we take our "break!"  I know it will be hard, but you need to remain focused.  You have a job to finish and the production line needs to be running at full capacity to get this done.  As soon as you report for your shift, you will find you materials and resources all set up in a work space.  The lab is yours; no need to ask for permission!  Just get what you need and get going.  Please remember the importance of this job!  You need to give correct information to your audience (students in our school.)  We don't want anyone getting in to trouble because they were given inaccurate or incomplete information on your poster.   I know I can count on your!!

Please be sure to make good decisions in your social/personal technological lives during vacation.  Remember the protocol:

Do NOT use your school Apple ID on your personal stuff. (those cool tech presents you got for gifts)
Do NOT use your school Google account ( to create social accounts like Instagram, Snapchat, etc...

Have a super holiday season with your family and friends.
See you in 2016!!

December 14, 2015

Two Sides to Technology Poster

We have been discussing the two sides to your technological life since the first day of class.  We will start our week off with a Kahoot to get us thinking about this topic.  Why is this so important?  Why do I bring this up again now?  Let's think about the time of the year.  Many of you celebrate holidays in the month of December which involve the tradition of gift giving.  In past years, many students have received "technology" related gifts such as iPads, iPods, cell phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, etc...  I have noticed an increasing number of students use their "School/Professional" accounts on these newly acquired gifts.  It is important for you all to understand that separation between your two sides.  You are NOT to use any school accounts on or for personal technology.  In other words, you CANNOT use your school Apple ID on a new iPad you get for Christmas!!!  
This week the employees of have an important job!!  You will create posters to display in our school sharing this important message.  You will work in a group to get this job done and will be provided with all the resources you need.  It is important this job be completed on time!!  I have shared links to the resources you will get on day one this week just in case you would like to take a look and start thinking!
I cannot wait to share our finished products with our school community!  

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December 8, 2015

Hour of Code

During class two this week you will participate in the "Hour of Code."  It is a worldwide event; check out this video. "
I hope this video has you excited!!!  You will dive right in to your coding practice.  Please go to
Here you will find a wide variety of coding experiences.  There's even one with a Star Wars theme!!!  So dive in and start coding!!!

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December 6, 2015

Publishing and Profiles

The publishing push is on!  If you did not publish your blog post last week, you will most likely be taking care of it this week.  During class one you will publish and then work on your Blogger Profile.  I have some resources for you to ensure you are "practicing safe use of sharing information when blogger."
It will be a little bit of a crazy week with our 1/2 days for conferences, so come in ready to work!!!
Before we get started please complete the three student created surveys below.
Earth Day Survey
Favorite Shirt Color Survey
Water Survey

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November 29, 2015

Stuffed and Ready to Roll

Welcome back from your break!  I hope you didn't eat too much pumpkin pie!!!  You've had plenty of time to come back from your "turkey coma."   Did you watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?  It has been around for a very long time.  Check out this information about the famous parade.

This week you will finish editing your first blog post, add an image, and publish it.  Once you have completed this process, you will print a copy of it and attach it to the rubric.  I will take these and in the next couple of weeks get them back to you with a grade and feedback.  Once your blog is uploaded, you will probably want to make some changes to your blog design.  Please take the time I give you to make those adjustments.

The next part of the blog process is to complete your Blogger profile.  You have an assignment awaiting your in Google Classroom.  You will use the Blogger Profile Template and the resource, "Adding About Me to Blogger."  

  ~Mrs. White :)
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November 24, 2015

Have a Great Break!

This post and week are a short one.  We didn't get all of our blogs published, so that is where we will start next week.  One of your peers has asked we to share this survey with you.  Please take a moment and give it your best effort; survey link.

Have a super Thanksgiving Break!  Travel safely and don't stuff yourselves too much!!
  ~Mrs. White :)

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November 17, 2015

While I Am Out.....

Today you will be in the very capable hands of Mrs. Diggins.  She should have instructed you all to read my blog post before doing anything else.  Whether this is class number one or two, you will work on the second draft of your blog during the second half of class.  My "Wednesday/Friday" kiddos will work on your Mobile Learning Assessment Study Guide during the first half of class.  Mrs. Diggins will go over this with you to be sure you have the correct answers to study for your test on Friday.  My "Monday/Wednesday" kiddos (a.k.a. ILT #3) will start off class with a Kahoot review, and then turn to your iPads, go to your Google Classroom app, and get the link for your assessment which you will take on your iPads.  Please take your time and do your best.  Read the assignment and instructions carefully before beginning.
During the second half of this class you will create the second draft of your first blog post. This time it will be digital.   Mrs. Diggins will give you back your first draft with my feedback.  You will open your Google Drive, create a new doc, title it "First Blog Post," and begin keyboarding your second draft.  This should take you the rest of your class time.  Please take the time you have been given to make changes to your first draft and use the resources I shared with you last week.  They can be found in your Workstation Resource Folders.  Before starting, please take a look at the general comments and observations I have shared below.

My Reflections on Your First Drafts
Overall, these were the BEST first drafts I have ever seen!!!  I am very impressed.  I do have some observations I would like to share with you.  Many of you are using very simply structured sentences; subject-predicate.  Please try to vary your sentences to make your post more interesting to read.  Many of you are asking for comments and feedback.  You are not wording your requests properly.  You do not want or need to bring up the quality of your reader's comments.  Don't predict they will make rude or inappropriate comments.  We will address this if it happens.  Try asking for feedback in this way,  "I welcome and appreciate feedback.  Please feel free to comment below."  You are not making blogs, but writing posts. Please be sure to check your blogging guidelines.  Many of you are not using correct grammar and spelling.  Frequent offenders:  "going to" is correct, "gonna" is not.  Got it?!!   One last thought.  Many of you ended your posts abruptly.  I would like you to try to think of a "sign off" you will use at the end of each of your posts. Kind of like your "signature move."   Try to think of something fun and interesting you would say naturally.  You have plenty of time to experiment before locking in your "sign off."
Yesterday Google Drive was acting up in both Firefox and Chrome.  If you are unable to load your Drive in one browser, try another.  You also have the option of keyboarding the second draft of your post on your iPads.  Please work hard, take the time to think, and get the job done.  We have a deadline!!!
See you next class!!   ~Mrs. White :)

November 16, 2015

It's Time for an Assessment....Oh yes!!

It hardly seems possible that Thanksgiving is in less than two weeks.  YIKES!!!!  Could someone please slow down the calendar?!!!  When do you think we will see our first snowfall?  Has it ever snowed this early before?  Check out this NY Times article from a few years back.  I'm afraid to mention the word "snow" around some people.  The thought of it makes many angry. I really enjoy the white fluffy stuff.  Oh well, we will just wait and see what Mother Nature has in store for us.

This week you will be very busy.  You will get a study guide during class one to help you prepare for the assessment you will take during class two.  This assessment will cover our iPad rules and expectations.  You will also have the opportunity to review before the test with a Kahoot.  (Yes, I heard those cheers!!)  Once you have finished your test, you will work on the revisions of your blog post.  You should be able to upload and publish this post before we leave for Thanksgiving.  Keep your fingers crossed!!

What will we do in class one you ask?  I will review the process for finding, saving, and citing images.  You will have plenty of practice opportunities for this skill.  You will need to "own" this for the rest of the year.
Hope you have a great week!
  ~Mrs. White :)

November 8, 2015

Getting Started

We will not be in school on Wednesday this week.  Do you know why?  This Wednesday we will honor our nation's veterans. When did this day of remembrance begin?  Check out this website for some answers and information.  Please take a look at the way Cape Town Prepare for Veteran's Day.

This week you will start creating your blogs!!  I will take you through the steps of how to set up your blog and you will use this partial blog design rubric to help you after the initial set up.  You will not finish your design in one or two classes.  In fact, you will most likely be making changes on your blog for quite a while.  I will let you know when you need to lock it in.  During our second class this week, you will begin writing your first blog post.  You will be on the steps of the shallow end of the pool wearing "swimmies."  Your first post will be "paper."  Please check out this resource to get you started.  You can also find more resources on the Blogging Resources page of my blog. This will give me the opportunity to give you some written feedback before you share your first post with the world.  We will be pulling all of the pieces together.  I hope you are as excited as I am!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!

November 1, 2015

Blogging Guidelines

November is upon us, which means summer and its memories are fading away quickly.  There are some unusual "holidays" in this month.  Did you know November 2nd is Cookie Monster Day?  Or that November 3rd is National Sandwich Day?  Have you ever heard of Use Your Common Sense Day? Well that is on November 4th.  I am not kidding.  Of course there are some much better known holidays in this month.  What is your favorite November holiday?
I wonder if there is a National Blogging Day?  I will have to check that out and get back to you. Speaking of blogging.....Before we can get started creating our blogs and posting, it is important to know the guidelines; what you can and cannot do and what you can and cannot say.  You have been given the job of making sense out of the puzzle of the BPS Blogging Guidelines.  This assignment has been placed in Google Classroom.  You should have received an email from me about this assignment. You have everything you need to complete this assignment.  We will review your results at the end of class.
We will also take a look at some advanced search techniques you will need when you start your blogs.
Have a super week!!

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October 28, 2015

Applying Blogging Vocabulary

During class today you will apply or use the blogging vocabulary introduced last week.  You have done this in other classes.  For example, in ELA you may have been asked to write sentences using new vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding of the meaning of those words.  You won't be writing sentences to demonstrate your understanding; you'll be exploring blogs!!  At each of your workstations you will find two resources. The first resource is a copy of the blog diagram from last week (completed.)  The second resource is a document with four QR (quick response) codes.  Each of these codes will take you to a different student blog.  Please be sure to leave these for the next class.  I have created an assignment in Google Classroom titled, "Blogging Vocabulary Activity." Follow the steps below to complete this assignment.

  1.  Please log in to Google Classroom on your computer workstation.  Once in Classroom please "enter" my class and "OPEN" this assignment.  In the work space of the assignment you will see the Google doc, "Blogging Vocabulary Activity" which I have created for each of you.  Please open this doc.  
  2. Open your iPad. 
  3. Open your "Organization/Feedback" folder
  4. Locate and open your "Qrafter" App.
  5. You will need to scan each of the QR codes with the camera on this app.
  6. Select "Open URL in Safari"
  7. Using the information in the appropriate blog, you will type the answers to each of the questions on the Google doc.  Be sure to answer in complete sentences using correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
  8. You should have time to review the answers with the teacher.
  9. Be sure to "TURN IN" this assignment in Google Classroom.
  10. *If for some reason you do not have your iPad, the links to the four blogs are listed below.
Learning Alongside My Students
   11.  **If for some reason you are not able to get in to Google Classroom, the teacher will have a paper copy of the questions for you to answer.

October 26, 2015

Searching....I Never Knew That!

It's hard to believe October is almost over.  There are two big events happening this weekend.  The first is Halloween which will be celebrated on a Saturday (HOORAY!)  The second is Daylight Savings Time; yes we gain an hour of sleep on Sunday morning (HipHip HOORAY!)  Have you ever wondered why we mess around with the time?  This article should answer all of your questions.

We are going to be all over the place during class one this week, trying to catch everyone up.  Before we get started with any lessons, I would like to ask you to please take this one question survey created by one of your classmates.  Thanks for your help with this.  Some of you will be working on blogging vocabulary during class one while others will take a look at some advanced search techniques offered by Google.  No matter which topic, you will start off with a video.  Blogging exploration will begin by taking a look at Blogging In Plain English.   Searches will launch their lessons with How Search Works.  Both of these videos do a great job of explaining these two topics.  You will then be doing some work "old school" and "new school" combined.  The resources you need are below.
During class two you will complete a Blogging Activity.  This assignment can be found in Google Classroom.

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October 19, 2015

It's Not That I Don't Love iPads.....

This week will officially be five days long!  We can do it if we work together, haha.  Last week was amazing and so many incredible things happened on Friday!  Students and teachers were in my room buzzing with excitement about iPads.  I know a few of you are still struggling to get in and get going.  I worked all weekend and will continue to work this week on getting everyone up and running.  Please be patient and do your part by communicating with your families when I ask you to do so. We will spend our first class getting to know your iPads and getting organized.  Let's start by watching this video together.  Before leaving class today please take a look in Google Classroom.  I have left a short Blogging Pre-assessment for you to take.
I am sooooo excited for our second class this week!   We will finally begin taking a look at blogging!  This will be an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and ideas with the world!!  We will start by taking a look at a great explanation of blogging; Blogging In Plain English.    You will be working with a partner to complete a blog diagram using a word list.  Both of these documents can be found in your most recent assignment in Google Classroom.

October 15, 2015

While I'm Handing Out iPads.........

Today is the day!!!  I will be in the library handing out iPads to all grade 7 students!!  HOORAY!!!
While I'm handing out iPads, you will be working with Mrs. Diggins in my lab.  You will be taking the second part of the "21st Century Skills Pre-Assessment."  Please remember this is important information for me and you to have so you will need to take your time and do your best.  Please read questions and answers choices carefully.  Use what you know to make an educated guess if you don't know an answer.  It should take you about a minute per question.  You will go to the site to take this assessment.  Your log in is the same as your X2 account log in:  lastname_firstname21 and password is lunchID+00.  Be sure to log out when you have finished Part 2 of this assessment.

Once you have finished you will do the following:

  1. Go to Google Classroom and complete the BIS Website Scavenger Hunt.
  2. Turn in this assignment.**Some of you may have done this on Tuesday.
  3. If you have completed the BIS Website Scavenger Hunt, you will then open your Google accounts and add events to your Google Calendar.  Please use this resource:  Calendar Events
I know I can count on you to do your personal best while I am not in our lab!

October 12, 2015

The Big Day Has Arrived!

This Thursday will be a big day.  Grade 7 students will be receiving their iPads.  How exciting!  We have a couple of little pieces to complete and we will be there!  Please make sure you have completed the following little pieces:

  • You have successfully logged in to iTunes using your school/professional Apple ID
  • You have accepted the Cisco Meraki invitation which is sitting in your Gmail inbox

Before getting iPads, you will work on a scavenger hunt of one of your resources this year.  Please look for this assignment in Google Classroom.  You will find your own copy of this BIS Website Scavenger Hunt, and will need to turn it in there as well.

During class two this week; this will be the only class for many of you as we did not have school on Monday, you will complete the 21st Century Skills Pre-Assessment on the website.  Do you remember your log in????

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October 4, 2015

Keeping Track of All the Little Pieces

The hardest part of any project is keeping track of all the little pieces.  We have both little and big pieces of our iPad Rollout 2015 to take care of before next week.
About half of you will not have a second class this week as you will not be in school on this Friday. Okay, you can stop the cheering!!  This is when keeping track of those pieces come in to play!!!  You will need to finish up your iPad Activity from last week.  We need to review those iPad rules, and you will need to sign the iPad Student Commitment Letter before you can take "ownership" of your iPad. You will also need to accept an invitation to our VPP program.  You will find an email in your school/professional account from Cisco Meraki.  You will need to accept this invitation which will require you to sign in to iTunes using your school/professional Apple ID.  Now are you seeing all of the "little pieces" coming together?!!!  YIKES!!!!  We have a lot to get done; so please bring your best game to work this week!!!
At the end of class you will go to Socrative and take the iPad Rules and Regulations quiz using the following code:  WHITE231

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September 27, 2015

Let's Talk iPads @BIS!

Many school systems across the country and around the world have initiated programs which have brought iPads in to their classrooms.  How are they being used?  Do students seem to be performing better in these schools?  Is the cost worth it?  These and many other questions have been part of discussions in systems including ours.  Let's listen to "What Students Think About Using iPads in School."

Last week we were unable to get to our iPad readiness activities; so we will start them this week. Check out this video.  We will take a moment to share your thoughts and then you will work with your "cubicle mates" to complete a TK-W-L chart. This week we will also have our first discussion about Cooperative Learning Groups.  There are four roles or jobs within each group.  You will each play a role and throughout the year you will all have an opportunity to try out each role.  Will you be the "leader" "reader", "scribe" or "reporter"?  Your iPad intro will end with a matching activity which you will complete within a cooperative learning group.

During class two this week you will take the first part our our DDM pre-assessment using a site called  Your log in is exactly the same as X2 log in.  You will need to select "Barnstable" as your district.  There is nothing you can do to prepare for this except read carefully, think about your choices, and take your time.  When you finish your DDM, you can take a look at the information on this year's Doodle4Google contest and get started on your submission.

By the way, you are doing a great job so far at  We had a great discussion during one of our shifts last week.  As a result, starting in October I will select an "Employee of the Week."  His/her photo will be displayed outside our room.  I can't wait to see who will be the first one of you to have your photo on the wall!  In addition, I will be selecting a "Shift of the Month."
Have a super week!!    Mrs. White:)

September 22, 2015

More Communication and Collaboration

This week we will pick up where we left off.  You will need to finish adding your Contacts in to your address book.  You will also take the time to clean up your Google Drive.  Managing your digital life will be a large part of what we do this year.  The amount of information can be overwhelming at times.  I will help you work on managing all of that information.  You will use the "Beginning of Year Google Drive Clean Up" resource to accomplish this task.  All of the resources and assignments can be found in our LMS (Google Classroom.)

We will get started with our iPad readiness activities.  Check out this video.  We will take a moment to share your thoughts and then you will work with your "cubicle mates" to complete a TK-W-L chart.
Your iPad intro will end with a matching activity.  

September 13, 2015


This week you will be receiving your orientation to the communication procedures here at “”  Texting is the way you communicate on your “social/personal” side of your technological life.  Here at “work” or on your “school/professional” side you will be using email to communicate.  You all have your school/work Google accounts.  We will start by logging in; gaining access to this account. 
We will talk about the proper protocol for sending a “work” email, and take part in a Kahoot so you can show me what you know about sending a work email.  We will take a look at a quick overview of "Email Etiquette for Students."  Where will you get all of your resources for this lesson you might ask?  Well that would be on our learning management system, LMS for short, Google Classroom.

We will start by “joining” my class.  To do this, please use this link.  There are other ways to gain access to our LMS which I will share with you at another time.  You will find an assignment waiting there for you.  This LMS makes communication between you and your teachers quick and easy.  No more creating, naming and sharing folders.  Google Classroom takes care of all of that for you…like magic!   All you have to do is join the class.  FYI using your LMS makes access to resources and assignments happen PDQ.  So let’s get started!!

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September 8, 2015

New Employee Orientation

Welcome back from your long weekend.  I hope you did something outside this weekend as the weather was spectacular.   I am so glad I was not stuck in the traffic heading off Cape yesterday.  Check out the report from
So here we are, back in to the routine.  You will start off our new school year with the human resources department of  I hope you enjoy working for this company this year.  You will hear our mission statement.  Check out this sneak peek:   Never Give Up.  You will also find out the company expectations, employee responsibilities, compensation scale, and identify and share what you will contribute.  You will receive your employee ID and an information packet will be waiting at your cubicle.  Have a great start!

~Mrs. White (company CEO and head of human resources)

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September 2, 2015

Let's Get Started

It's hard to believe the summer has ended and a new school year has begun.  Today was a soft start to the new school year as I did not teach technology.  It was great having the time to get to know the students on our team.  So I had 100 introductions; just 200 left to go in the next couple of days!
Starting the school year with a "two-day" week is a bit unusual.  I have decided to start the year off with a challenge.  Each of my students will find a piece of line on their workstation.  I will give students 20 minutes to try and learn how to tie a bowline knot using one of the resources below.
If you already know how to tie this useful knot, please find another "knew knot" to tie.  You may be wondering why on earth you are tying a knot in tech class......I guess you will have to stay tuned to find out!!!

Welcome Back!!!!

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August 24, 2015

Corporate Headquarters of

It has been a great summer, not very long, but still great!   I have stepped away from some of my technological tools and tried to "unplug" just a bit.  Mid July I sat down and began reading the "feedback" letters from my students.  There was a very common theme; one which I have noticed in years past as well.  Students told me they "want to work together."  My usual reaction, if I am being totally honest, is a roll of my eyes as I imagine students talking and being non-productive.  This year, however, I had a very different reaction.  In fact it was close to an epiphany!  I realized what my students have been telling me is they want to collaborate.  This word is on the wall in my classroom, it's part of the ISTE standards I used to create my mastery objectives and student learning outcomes, and now it will be alive at the corporate headquarters of "" My lab has been totally rearranged; no more rows!!!!  I have created what I hope to be a "real-world" work environment and am calling this business  Though most of our work will be done on line, we do have a "brick and mortar" location as well, in room 231.  There is even a sign on the door inviting students in to this office.  The year will begin with "orientation" to the company and then students will be given some real world problems to solve together in teams.  I cannot wait to see what happens! This is going to be an amazing year!!

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June 15, 2015

It's My Turn for Feedback

Believe it or not this is our final full week of school....your last full week of being a 7th grader. This has been an amazing year at BIS. I have learned so much from all of you. You have received a tremendous amount of feedback from me throughout the year. I hope I have helped you learn how to use it effectively. Now it is your turn to give some feedback to me. I started giving this assignment a couple of years ago and have found it to be so helpful. Many of the changes I make in my classroom set up or how I share information have come from my students. So today during class I would like you to write a letter to me. Please be sure to use "Friendly Letter Format" just as you would for an email. Check out this resource from a school in Carolina if you need to brush up on the format. You should use your Google docs to create this letter.  The letter needs to be two paragraphs long.

What exactly would I like you to say to me? In the first paragraph I want you to be honest and share what you liked about ILT and what you didn't particularly care for as well. Think about the topics we have covered this year. You may want to go back through my blog posts or Google Classroom to refresh your memories. Flipping through the papers in your Workstation Resource Folder (which by the way was a suggestion from a student two years ago) may jog your memory as well.
In the second paragraph in the body of your letter I would like you to address my teaching style. What are things you like and what are things your think I might want to reflect upon? Again, I would ask you to be honest, but also mature and respectful in the way you address this topic. I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.  You will then print this letter and turn it in to me (your ticket to leave.)

During class #2 this week you will do a little digital life clean up. I would like you to try to find an item from each of your content areas to save for a portfolio. You will be cleaning up not only your workstations, but your iPads as well. I have prepared a resource, "Clean Up Checklist," to guide you through this process. Once you have finished your cleaning, you will continue work on your digital stories.

Hang in there.....we can do this!!!

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June 8, 2015

Tellagami PSA's

The end of school is drawing near, but we still have so much to do!!  This week you will be finishing up your first attempts at a digital story.  This digital story "short" or PSA will be created using your iPads and the Tellagami app.  You will start by completing a storyboard.  I hope you enjoy this process.  I can't wait to see your creativity and innovation!
For the remainder of this school year you will have the choice of finishing up your GHP or creating a new digital story.  I will give you a checklist for either project to keep you on task.
      Digital Story Checklist
      Digital Story Storyboard Template (see Mrs. White)
      Genius Hour Project Checklist
Have a super week!!
 ~Mrs. White :0)

June 1, 2015

First Try at Digital Storytelling

This week you will take your first try at creating a digital story.  You will be using your iPads and your Tellagami app.  The link to this site will give you some tips for getting started. You will need to start by creating a storyboard.  Whenever you are working on a form of digital media, you need to pencil and paper your ideas first.  This pencil and paper is called a storyboard.  I will share a blank storyboard for you to use.  What will you write about?  I will give you a variety of options during class.
After this initial exploration of digital storytelling you will have the choice of making a cyberbullying digital story or complete your Genius Hour projects.

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May 26, 2015

Blogging...the Final Frontier

Welcome back from your long weekend.  I hope you found some time to relax and enjoy the great weather.  I also hope you remembered Mr.Gauthier's request, and took a minute on Monday to remember all those who have made our freedom possible.  Although our week is short, our daily routine is "normal."   HOORAY!!
This week during class one you will be creating and publishing the best possible post you can muster up.  This is your opportunity to show me how much you have learned about blogging this year.  I will be asking you to follow the same procedure you always follow with one extra step.  Once you have successfully published your post, I would like you to print a copy and staple it to the rubric you have been given.  Don't forget to go to Google Classroom and complete the accompanying assignment.(It's turning in your blog URL!!)
Once you have finished this assessment, you will be working on a Digital Storytelling Guide.  I hope you enjoy exploring this new type of media.

~Mrs. White :0)

May 17, 2015

One More PARCC Week and We're Done......Hooray!

I don't know who will be more excited when PARCC testing has come to an end; students or teachers?!!!  I can't wait to have our regular schedule back....oh wait!  Memorial Day Weekend is next week which means only a four day week.  UGH!!!  Are we ever going to have a "normal" school week?!!  Oh well, let's make the best of it and do some cool stuff in the time we do have.
This week you will be showing me what you know in regard to commenting.  You will be taking you Commenting Assessment (most of you) during our second tech class this week.  I hope you have been reviewing your study guide and the BPS Guidelines.  If you have been, this assessment will be a piece of cake!
Well, what about our first class this week?  What will we be doing you ask?  We will be taking a look at digital storytelling.  When I looked at the responses from the Genius Hour Project Survey I was surprised to see so many students sharing the desire to continue working on their projects.  I also respect the number of you, almost equal, who do not want to continue with this project.  Our crazy schedule and loss of so many days derailed many of you and caused a loss of enthusiasm.  So I have come up with a compromise of sorts.  I will be introducing the concept of digital storytelling to all students.  After our introductory lessons you will have the choice of creating your own digital story or continuing with your Genius Hour Project.  I would like all of my students to be familiar with this form of media, but respect those of you who want to complete what you've started.
So here we storytelling.  I have an example of a digital story for you to watch.  I'm afraid my projector bulb has still not been replaced, so you will have to watch this individually at your workstations.  Please check out this digital story.  We will talk about the elements or parts of this story once you have finished. Please check out a post from my archive in which I talk about this digital story: Caught in the Crowd.

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May 14, 2015

Just a Little Bit of Craziness Today.....

Hello My Teen Techies,
    I will not be with you for class today as something has come up unexpectedly.  You will be having an assessment on commenting next week.  Please see the schedule at the bottom of this blog post for your testing date.  You should have received an email from me via Google Classroom letting you know to expect this assessment.
   You will be printing your "Study Guide" during this class.  Please listen carefully to your substitute as he/she will be reviewing the answers with you.  You will be using the handout I have placed next to your workstations to be successful today.  You will start off with Step #1 of this handout as soon as you have finished  reading this blog post.
   Reviewing the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines and your printed document should have you more than prepared for this assessment. I will be sure to leave some time for a quick review at the end of our class one next week to answer any lingering questions you may still have.
   Please do a great job and make me proud!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. White :0)

P.S.  ILT #'s 13 & 16 have a part two to their assignments today as they have longer classes.

Commenting Assessment Schedule

Monday, May 18th:  ILT#5
Wednesday, May 20th:  ILT#2 & ILT#3
Thursday, May 21st:  ILT#'s 4, 8, &12
Friday, May 22nd:  ILT#'s 7,9,11,13, & 16

***If you know you will be absent on your testing date, please make arrangements with me to take the assessment prior to that date.  

May 8, 2015

It's PARCC Time Again

Hello My Testing Taking Techies,
     It is one of those weeks which has been interrupted by PARCC testing and our schedule has once again changed.  This means you may have class once this week, you may have it twice, or not all all.  Class may be 30 minutes long, 40 minutes long, or 50 minutes long.  Therefore I have created a lesson which will not interfere with our classes next week if you should happen to miss tech this week.  YIKES...what a mouth full!!! Please be sure to read all of this post before starting.  You will be visiting Brain Pop and working with Media Literacy today.  This is such a fascinating topic!!  We are so influenced and easily swayed by media. Please use the Brain Pop Media Literacy Activity Lesson Guide I have created for you.  You will need to follow the four steps, in order, to be successful with today's class and meet my expectations.  You may use either your iPad or your computer workstation to complete this assignment.
      Please take a moment and read through the entire assignment (either on line using the link above, or the hard copy next to your workstation.)   Once you have read through the entire assignment, you may begin.  Please write neatly and be sure to include your name and  ILT# on the top of the worksheet. You will need to turn in this worksheet at the end of class.
Have a super day and a great week if I don't see you again!!
 Mrs. White :0)

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May 5, 2015

Let the Comments Continue

During class today you will be working on another commenting lesson. Please read every word of this blog post carefully before starting the lesson.  I have created a document with many resources to help with this assignment.  This document, Commenting Lesson Resources, can be found as a hard copy next to your workstations, and in the assignment for today which is located in Google Classroom.  You will also find the list of questions you will be answering for this assignment in the same two places.

You will need to answer all ten questions using complete sentences.  DO NOT SIMPLY COPY AND PASTE your answers from the resources.  I expect you to use your own words when creating answers.  It is always a good idea to "kick back" words from the questions in your responses.  You will be reviewing and correcting this document together at the end of class.  This will give you the opportunity to make edits and ensure you have the correct responses for the questions.  This document will become a study guide for you to print and use at a later date as a study guide, so you want to be sure to have accurate information.  DO NOT turn in this assignment until you have made all of the corrections.

I believe you have all of the information you will need. I will not be in our lab on Wednesday with my four classes.  Please do a great job for the substitute.  He is expecting great things from you, as am I!
(**You know there is to be no game playing, video watching, or music listening going on during class.)

Alright, you may now go to Google Classroom, log in and begin this assignment!
Have a super day!
  ~Mrs. White :) 

May 1, 2015

ISTE Student Survey

Believe it or not, it is time to take the post survey in regard to technology at our school.  If you remember correctly you took an ISTE Student Survey in the fall.  When you took that survey I told you to be prepared to retake it in the spring.  I would like you to take your time and read the questions carefully.  I'll bet you have seem some changes since the fall.  Please be sure to think about what you have been doing in your classes when you are reading the questions and the choices for responses.
If you have any questions, please be sure to ask me; not a neighbor.  Thanks again for helping us out with this valuable information.
Link to Survey:  ISTE Student Survey

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If you should finish the survey before class ends, check out this video on Commenting.

April 29, 2015

Commenting Lesson

Commenting is an important part of the blogging cycle.  We have discussed this topic and practiced commenting. This is still an area of improvement for most of you.  Please be sure to review the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines as a part of this lesson.  I found another method of commenting.  I have left a copy of the "A + 1" Commenting Method beside you workstations.  Please take a look at this method.  It is a great set up for commenting.  Use this blog post to complete the Commenting Activity which is also beside your workstations.

Commenting Post:
The students of today are a very unique generation; a generation of "firsts."  The Internet has been in existence since before you were born.  Therefore, you have never lived without the Internet.  Can you imagine not having Google around?  Think of how many times a day you use Google.  Now think about the technology you have available at your fingertips.  Do you remember a time in your life when someone in your family didn't have a cell phone?  All of this technology is amazing and yes, life changing.  But is it all for the better?  This is a question asked by so many.  Many worry your generation has lost the ability to communicate with others face to face (F2F) and many other skills considered necessary for life.  Others express concerns young people have become desensitized to crimes and bad behaviors due to their involvement with on line gaming; not being able to tell the difference between what's real and what's fantasy.  What are your thoughts and feelings about your generation and technology?  Do you think you will be lacking in important social and communication skills?  Do you think you have become desensitized to crime and violence?  How do you envision our world in your hands one day?

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April 27, 2015

Let's Wrap This Up and Move Forward

Welcome back!  I hope you had a great vacation.  The Boston Marathon was very exciting.  Unfortunately no Americans took first place, but all of the athletes did a great job.  I had a "staycation" and got a lot of yard work done.  I also did a lot of planning for the rest of the school year, but don't want to solidify those plans until I get some feedback from all of you.

So what does this week bring for my technology students?....Feedback and assessment are on the docket.  Do you remember the 21st Century Skills Assessment you took before break?  Well, we found out we need to have students take both parts before we can receive any data. will be taking part two during class one.  Please go to and using the log in information I have left at your workstations.  Again, I will be asking you to do your best and remind you of the importance of this data.  You will not be seeing this score, but your work does make a difference.  Catching up and getting this assessment done will most likely take most of Class one.

During class you will be giving me more feedback.  Due to our crazy winter, the schedule of our Genius Hour Project has gone out the window.  So I have created a survey to get some information from you to help plan the rest of our school year.  Please take your time with this.  You can find this survey as an assignment in Google Classroom.  Please be sure to submit the survey/assignment.

Once you have completed this survey, I am giving you the rest of this class to get yourself caught up and organized.  Please use the May Clean Up/Catch Up Checklist to accomplish this task.  Mid term report cards will be going home soon and I need to get grades in to X2.  Any work not completed and turned in by the end of this week will be a "0" and there will be no opportunity for make ups; this is your make up opportunity so take full advantage!!

April 12, 2015

Helping Me Out....

What a gorgeous weekend!  It actually felt like Spring.  I hope you all got outside in the sunshine on Sunday.  What fun outdoor activities did you partake in this weekend?  You can check out this article on "Eight Ways to 'Spring' Out of Winter on Cape Cod."  Let's hope this weather is the new trend.  Other definite signs of Spring....Opening Day at Fenway Park (April 13th), The 119th Boston Marathon (April 20th), and of course the opening of so many ice cream shops!!

This week you will be helping me out by testing out a new assessment.  We would like to use this assessment with our technology students next year, but want to see how your perform and how you feel about it.  You will not be receiving a grade for this assessment, but I would really like you to try your hardest on it.  The other technology teachers and I will take a look at the results, analyze the data, and determine whether or not we think it is a good assessment.  I will also be asking for your thoughts about it during class #2.  I have provided you with the log in information at each of your workstations.  You will need to go to to sign in and take the assessment.  Again, this will not be a content grade for you, but I am asking you to take it seriously, keep your eyes on your own device, and try your hardest.

You will also be completing your Blog Design Assessment Part 2 assignment this week.  You will find all of the details in Google Classroom.  You will be given all of class #2 this week to get this done and turned in.
**To add the "Feedly" subscription button to your blog please use this link:  Feedly

If you should have time left at the end of either class this week, I would like you to create and publish a new blog post.  It has been a while since we have been able to find class time to write one.  It can be about anything you'd like.

Have a super week!  I know it will be hard to focus with the warmer weather and April Vacation so close, but I know you can do it!!!

~Mrs. White

April 2, 2015

Another Web Evaluation Assignment.....WordFoto!

Week two of PARCC testing is under way.  Once again I know our students will be putting forth a tremendous amount of effort and doing their personal best.  It is hard to have our schedule disrupted, but you are all troopers and I know you will get back on track next week.  With that said, I have altered my lesson plans again this week, as our schedule has been tweaked.  I feel as though I haven't seen some of you for weeks!!  If you are with me this week three out of our five days will be scheduled with shortened classes.  You will need to get right to work to complete this lesson in only 30 minutes, but I'd like to start you off with this quick video.  Check out CAPOW!
Your new assignment is "living" in Google Classroom.  I have also placed a link to this assignment on my blog:  Web Evaluation Assignment Using WordFoto.  This week you will use another iPad app to share strategies for evaluating websites.  Please take a look at the resources below to help your develop this short paragraph summary.
Web Evaluation Resources

You will be creating a short paragraph explaining how to quickly evaluate a website.  You will create this paragraph using Google Docs.  You will then be exploring another new App, "aTypo Picture."  You will turn your explanation in to a "work of art!"   The "turning in" process is the same as last week.  You have resources to help you so use them and have fun!!!

March 28, 2015

Memes......Heck Ya!

This week you will begin your first PARCC testing sessions.  Listen to this message from Kid President.  I know you will all come in and do your best, using your Effective Effort strategies.  Although we are in the middle of doing research for our Genius Hour Projects, I am having you take a pause this week, and next week.  I have created a lesson for you which is not quite as taxing on your brains, I hope.  This week you will be working on your iPads creating "MEMES."  I have put this assignment in your Google Classroom which means you should have received an email (hope you're checking!!!!!)

This Meme lesson is intended to be "fun," but also a way for me to see what you are learning and remembering about website evaluation.  We will start off class with this short video activator, "Evaluating Websites."

So have some fun and see if you can create a "winning" meme.  The best memes will be copied and put up in the lab and perhaps elsewhere!!!

Have a great week!   ~Mrs. White :)

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March 22, 2015

Jump Starting Genius Hour

I am keeping my fingers crossed for a complete week of school with out any scheduling changes.  I think it has been two months since we have been in attendance for five straight days without interruptions in class time.  Only time will tell.  I don't  know about you, but I LOVE how late the sun  stays out.  It is so nice to get out of school and have the sun shining.

Let's get jump started with our Genius Hour Projects.  We'll start with a video of some students sharing their projects:  Pewamo-Westphalia Genius Hour Projects 2014.   Afterward we will do a quick review of website evaluation.  You will be given a QR code which will lead you to Moonbeam Enterprises.  You will use your Website Evaluation Checklist to determine whether this site should receive a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down."  You will then continue searching for websites to help you with the research for your own GHP.  Be sure to check out those sites before you start collecting data.  You may record this data in any manner, using any tool or device (workstation, iPad, or good old fashioned paper and pencil.)  Be sure to save your sites as bookmarks in your Diigo account.  Label these resources "GHP."

During class two you will complete a Website Evaluation Assessment in Google Classroom.   Don't worry, you will be prepared for it.  Pretend you are doing a project on "critters" and you found the following site in your Google search.  Please evaluate this site:  Tardigrades.

Have a super week!!
  ~Mrs. White :)

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March 18, 2015

Spring Cleaning and Feedback

Today you will be taking a pause to clean up your digital lives.  Please use this "Spring Cleaning Checklist" making sure to follow all of the steps carefully and do them completely.

Once you have finished cleaning up, please go to Google Classroom and find the assignment I have returned to you.  Take a moment to read my feedback, and then go in to your blog and make the corrections I have suggested.  You will be working on your blog design.  If you need help, use your resources and one another.

After you have made these adjustments, you will head back to your Google docs and create a new blog post.  Please think about any comments I shared with you and take a look at your Blogging and Commenting Guidelines before you start.  Be sure to have a reliable classmate edit you post.  Then make any last minute adjustments, copy and paste (upload and download) to Blogger and publish.

If there should be any time left in class (which is doubtful) you may explore the creativity apps listed on the front board.  **If you don't see them on your home screen go to the purchased section of the App Store.

~Mrs. White

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March 16, 2015

Reflecting and "Springing" Ahead

As I sit working in the dark as the sun has not come up yet, I am taking a moment to reflect upon some of the amazing things students have accomplished so far this year.  I have seen so much improvement in my seventh graders. Last week they were the hardest workers I've seen yet. Generally speaking, they are taking more responsibility for their learning. In addition this past week Natasha took the initiative to find a way to quickly bookmark using our Diigo accounts on our iPads.  She discovered  "Diigo annotator for Safari" and shared her discovery with me which I am sharing with the rest of my students.  Thanks Natasha!  This is only one example of what my students have "taught" me this year!! Our Genius Hour Project progress has seemed slow and painful due to all of the interruptions Mother Nature has thrown our way.  I hope my students will pick up steam and really get moving with their projects.

We begin our final trimester of the school year this week. Student will not only continue working on their GHP's, but they will also take a pause to organize their digital lives by doing a little bit of "Spring Cleaning."  Speaking of spring, Friday it will make it's arrival.  There will most definitely be some cheering.  Unfortunately as we have seen, this is not guarantee our white and cold weather will come to an end, but we can most certainly hope so.  Saturday also marks an important day.  Twitter will turn 9, though there is some controversy as to it's true birthday.  Last year they launched a new tool on their birthday.  Who knows what this year will bring?!

Have a great week!  Think Spring!
   ~Mrs. White :)

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March 8, 2015

Let's Give It a Whirl

Let's see if we can make it through a week without a snow day or snow delay!  Unfortunately we do have a half day on Friday.  Teachers will be getting together to do some work.  I actually got together with some teachers on Saturday.  Many teachers from BIS attended the 6th Annual Homegrown Technology Conference.  It was a super day.  We investigated Google Docs and Google Classroom in our lab.  I learned a lot and had a great time doing it!  Maybe next year I will ask some of my students to help out!
This week you will turn in your Blog Design Assessment Part 1 assignment in Google Classroom if you did not get to it last week.  I will be grading and returning these to you over the next week.  Once you have completed this assignment, we will take a look at Diigo.  This is a super bookmarking tool.  You will be able to use it on your iPads and your workstations.  It is cloud based, so you can find your bookmarks anywhere.  You will create a school Diigo account.  This will come in very useful when you are doing your research.
Once you have created this account, you will finally begin your research.  Start looking for website, evaluate the sites, and then begin collecting data from the reliable ones.
Have a super week!
                          ~Mrs. White :)