June 15, 2015

It's My Turn for Feedback

Believe it or not this is our final full week of school....your last full week of being a 7th grader. This has been an amazing year at BIS. I have learned so much from all of you. You have received a tremendous amount of feedback from me throughout the year. I hope I have helped you learn how to use it effectively. Now it is your turn to give some feedback to me. I started giving this assignment a couple of years ago and have found it to be so helpful. Many of the changes I make in my classroom set up or how I share information have come from my students. So today during class I would like you to write a letter to me. Please be sure to use "Friendly Letter Format" just as you would for an email. Check out this resource from a school in Carolina if you need to brush up on the format. You should use your Google docs to create this letter.  The letter needs to be two paragraphs long.

What exactly would I like you to say to me? In the first paragraph I want you to be honest and share what you liked about ILT and what you didn't particularly care for as well. Think about the topics we have covered this year. You may want to go back through my blog posts or Google Classroom to refresh your memories. Flipping through the papers in your Workstation Resource Folder (which by the way was a suggestion from a student two years ago) may jog your memory as well.
In the second paragraph in the body of your letter I would like you to address my teaching style. What are things you like and what are things your think I might want to reflect upon? Again, I would ask you to be honest, but also mature and respectful in the way you address this topic. I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.  You will then print this letter and turn it in to me (your ticket to leave.)

During class #2 this week you will do a little digital life clean up. I would like you to try to find an item from each of your content areas to save for a portfolio. You will be cleaning up not only your workstations, but your iPads as well. I have prepared a resource, "Clean Up Checklist," to guide you through this process. Once you have finished your cleaning, you will continue work on your digital stories.

Hang in there.....we can do this!!!

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June 8, 2015

Tellagami PSA's

The end of school is drawing near, but we still have so much to do!!  This week you will be finishing up your first attempts at a digital story.  This digital story "short" or PSA will be created using your iPads and the Tellagami app.  You will start by completing a storyboard.  I hope you enjoy this process.  I can't wait to see your creativity and innovation!
For the remainder of this school year you will have the choice of finishing up your GHP or creating a new digital story.  I will give you a checklist for either project to keep you on task.
      Digital Story Checklist
      Digital Story Storyboard Template (see Mrs. White)
      Genius Hour Project Checklist
Have a super week!!
 ~Mrs. White :0)

June 1, 2015

First Try at Digital Storytelling

This week you will take your first try at creating a digital story.  You will be using your iPads and your Tellagami app.  The link to this site will give you some tips for getting started. You will need to start by creating a storyboard.  Whenever you are working on a form of digital media, you need to pencil and paper your ideas first.  This pencil and paper is called a storyboard.  I will share a blank storyboard for you to use.  What will you write about?  I will give you a variety of options during class.
After this initial exploration of digital storytelling you will have the choice of making a cyberbullying digital story or complete your Genius Hour projects.

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