It has been a great summer, not very long, but still great! I have stepped away from some of my technological tools and tried to "unplug" just a bit. Mid July I sat down and began reading the "feedback" letters from my students. There was a very common theme; one which I have noticed in years past as well. Students told me they "want to work together." My usual reaction, if I am being totally honest, is a roll of my eyes as I imagine students talking and being non-productive. This year, however, I had a very different reaction. In fact it was close to an
epiphany! I realized what my students have been telling me is they want to
collaborate. This word is on the wall in my classroom, it's part of the
ISTE standards I used to create my mastery objectives and student learning outcomes, and now it will be alive at the corporate headquarters of "" My lab has been totally rearranged; no more rows!!!! I have created what I hope to be a "real-world" work environment and am calling this business Though most of our work will be done on line, we do have a "brick and mortar" location as well, in room 231. There is even a sign on the door inviting students in to this office. The year will begin with "orientation" to the company and then students will be given some real world problems to solve together in teams. I cannot wait to see what happens! This is going to be an amazing year!!