December 15, 2016

Snapchat VS Instagram

Hello My Techies,
   I will not be with you today in class.  I hope you all were dressed warmly while waiting for your bus this morning.  I have left a packet of information and work for you to do today.  Once you have finished reading this post you will put your iPads away.**   Here is a brief summary and some notes about today's lesson.
The first page of your packet is the plan for the day.  Please follow the steps in order.  All materials are included in the packet.
You will use an infographic as a resource for the first part of your assignment.  This inforgraphic should be on your keyboard.   You will write a paragraph defending your choice of the two social media apps.  Please be sure to use the resource to help create your statements.  If you are using information from your own personal experience be sure to start the sentence with, "In my experience..."  (This part of the assignment should take at least 20 minutes if you are using all your strategies and doing your best work.)
Once you have finished your paragraph, you will then move to designing your app.  Be creative and have some fun!!
If you should finish the work on the plan for the day (page one of the packet) I have included an additional assignment.  This final assignment is purely opinion based.  I am asking you to think about using social media in school; specifically Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.  Take some time to think. Be sure to use examples in this paragraph.

**You may use your dictionary app when you need it.

Have a super weekend and stay warm!  See you Monday.
~Mrs. White

December 12, 2016

2 Sides 2 Tech Revisited

The month of December is flying by very quickly.  I don't know about you, but I can't wait for our first snow storm.  Don't get me wrong; I'm not looking for a snow day.  As a matter of fact, I don't want any snow days!!!!  I like getting out of school early in June.  I am looking for some of the white fluffy stuff.  Do you like snow?  How do you feel about snow days?  I have heard the forecast is predicting a very stormy and snowy winter.  If nothing else, we need to at least have a "white" Christmas.  Coincidentally that is the title of one of my favorite Christmas movies.  Do you have a favorite holiday movie?  Maybe your favorite is on the AMC Top 20 Christmas Movie list.  I suppose we can wish all we want for snow, but it won't make it happen.  We should all probably be sure to keep mittens or gloves in our backpacks just in case.
During our first class this week we will revisit the "2 sides to our digital lives."  Let's take another look at this video.  You have only one class to complete a group task.  You will create a "poster."  Yes, you heard me right.  We are going "old school" this week.  You and two other classmates will create a poster showing the two side to your digital life.  Any exemplar posters will be hung throughout the hallways of our school.  You must get this task completed in one class; so you will need to work quickly.
During class two, you will do the final revision of your first blog post and complete your blogger profiles.  These both need to be completed by the end of class two so we can upload them next week.  Be sure to use the packet in your Workstation Resource folder.  If you have any time at the end of class two, you may also dig in to your blog design some more. **
I know many of you are gearing up for our vacation, but it is still a couple weeks away.  Please stay focused and keep working hard.
Have a super week!!
**If you are in the December concert and miss class two due to rehearsals, you need to make up this missed class and complete your first blog post.  Please come and see me to get your most recent feedback.
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December 5, 2016

Hour of Code

Once again BIS will be participating in the "Hour of Code."  This is such an exciting event.  I am always amazed by the coding capabilities of my students.  If you like coding and are good at it, you may be able to find a great job some day.
We will start the celebration by watching, "How Computer Science is Changing Everything."  You will then report to Google Classroom to find your instructions for our coding activities.  I have created a resource with all the links and instructions you will need
Our first class will start with the basics.  During class two you can check out the connection Disney has with
Have fun and code on!!!!!

November 27, 2016

Profiles and Designs......Here We Go Blogger, Here We Go!!

We are back from our little break.  I hope you all have a good time and didn't eat too much turkey.  It is amazing how technology has yet another part of our lives.  "Black Friday" events have been around for a very long time.  What about "CyberMonday" events?  How long have they been around?  I wonder how many employees are crossing their social personal side to technology (shopping) with their professional side (shopping online at work?)  Have you thought at all about doing something for others during this season of giving?  There are many opportunities to help others.  Being kind to others doesn't have to involve money.  A simple gesture, like holding a door and letting someone go ahead of you, goes a long way.
I went through your blog posts over the break.  I am very impressed with your first drafts.  Generally speaking almost every one of you forgot to be sure you had capitalized all "I's" when they appear as pronouns.  I will give you back your paper post with written feedback.  Please make the recommended corrections.  I would also like you all to read your posts aloud in a "6 inch" voice.  I will model this for you and explain my reasoning.  It is a strategy I use myself.
Once you have made the corrections to your first post, you will move on to the assignment awaiting in Google Classroom.  Please take your time working on your Blogger profile.
During our second meeting this week I will take you through the steps of creating the base of your blog.  You will then be given time to personalize this "template."  This is when the fun really begins.  I can't wait for you to get started!
Have a super week!!
  ~Mrs. White
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November 21, 2016

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Can you believe Thanksgiving is already here?  Being from Massachusetts, especially from Cape Cod, makes this holiday even more special in my opinion.  I was born and raised in the true "first landing place of the pilgrims."  Growing up in Provincetown, the first landing place was pretty cool.  Did you know the pilgrims washed their clothes in Provincetown harbor?  Seems silly and cool all at the same time.  Have you ever climbed the steps of the Provincetown Monument?  There is a lot of history right here on our "little rock."  How do you and your families celebrate Thanksgiving?  What is your favorite part?
If any of you answered, "Watching the parade," then you are in luck.
Today we are going to take a look at this historic event.  We will start by taking a look at a "sneak peek" at this year's new additions.  This year is the 90th anniversary of the famous parade.  You are going to be given the opportunity to design one of those monstrous memorable balloons for the 100th anniversary parade in 10 years.  You will find a document of resources in your latest Google Classroom assignment.  At the end of class we will share your creations.  Can't wait to see them!!
Enjoy your time off and don't eat too much pie!!
~Mrs. White :)

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November 17, 2016

While I Am Out.....

Hello My Budding Bloggers,
    As you know I will not be in these last two days of this week.  I am confident you have all the tools you need; ones I have provided and ones you are bringing with you.  I can't wait to read your rough drafts of your first blog posts.  For some of you blogging will come very naturally; as I recognize some natural story tellers in my classes.  For others, this may be a bit frustrating.  Blogging is a writing genre all its own.  As you are creating this first post, try to picture your audience.  It will be filled with people of all ages from all over the world.  How would you introduce yourself to them?  What do you want them to know about you?  Using the questions I have left for you will help you do a great job.
The Resource Packet:
At each of your workstations there is a packet of resources.  Please find and review each of the pages mentioned below.

  • The first page is filled with some hints and tips.  
  • When you flip over to the back side of the first page you will find the actual "how to" or steps to writing your first post.  There are 9 questions for you to ponder and answer.  You don't have to answer them in order.  Be sure to create a paragraph (or two) with your answers; not a list.
  • One of the resources is a page of "sentence starters."  I found a blog with these ideas.  Try to use a couple of them.
  • I included a resource with the steps for finding and saving an image for your post. It is the process we used a couple weeks ago in class.  Be sure to sign in to Novell.  **If you cannot sign in to Novell I will help you with this process next time.
  • I won't be grading this rough draft, but I will be giving you a lot of feedback. You will have many revision opportunities.  Eventually I will be assessing your post with the rubric I've included so take a look at it.
  • Finally, the back page is a copy of the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines. 
I have added two new items to Google Classroom.  The first is an announcement containing a presentation of the BPS Blogging Guidelines. You will view this presentation and then move on to the second addition.  You have a new assignment; Creating Your First Blog Post.  Please "OPEN" this assignment and get started.  If you don't get to the image step; don't worry.  The most important part of this assignment is your introductory paragraph.  
Please go to Google Classroom and start the process of introducing yourself to the world!!!!!!
~Mrs. White :)

November 14, 2016

The Time Has Come to Be Creative Communicators!!

This week we will start one of my favorite "jobs."  This week I will launch you all in to the blogging pool.  This will be a slow process.  You will start in the shallow end of the pool and be wearing swimmies.  Have no worries.  I am sure most of you will be swimming with the sharks by the end of the school year.   We will start be finding out what you know about blogging with a Kahoot.
One of the first things we will do is to "dissect" a blog; learning all of its parts.
The next important component of blogging here at BIS is understanding the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines.  These guidelines were created by students at BIS.  I am so proud of the work they did to create them!
After reviewing the guidelines you will create your first post; paper post.  In this post you will introduce yourselves to the world!

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November 6, 2016

It's a Wrap!

It is finally here......ELECTION DAY!  After months of campaigning, the final decision will be made this Tuesday.  Do you think there will be a lot of people voting or very few?  This has most definitely been one of the most controversial political campaigns of our country's history. If you are interested you can check out the history of Presidential Elections.  I am thinking many of you are also very tired as your bodies are still trying to adjust to the change in time.  Why do we change out clocks?  Click this link to find out more.

We have a short and crazy week.  There is no school on Tuesday.  Teachers will be in school, but students will not.  Our week ends on Thursday this week as we will honor our veterans on Friday.  I hope everyone takes some time on Friday to remember all those men and women who have served our country and sacrificed so much so we have the freedoms we enjoy.

In this short week we will finish up our History of Email timelines.  If time allows I would like to start looking at blogs, but we will have to wait and see.

Enjoy your short week!
~Mrs. White :)
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October 24, 2016

Searching Here, There, and Everywhere

Google has become commonplace in our world today.  It is no longer used just as a noun, but has now become a verb.  How many times did  you "Googled" something this weekend?  How long has Google been around anyway?  And who thought of Google?  So many questions.  How can I get the answers?  I know; I'll Google them!  Check out the history of Google.
All this talk about Google has been deliberate.  This week we will take a look at getting the most from Google.  Before learning how to search well, you must understand how a search works in Google.  You will start with an assignment in Google Classroom using the video, "How Search Works."
Once you have finished that assignment, you will move on to the next  This one uses another Google tool, Google Presentation and was created by the people at Google as well.  You will explore Google search with A2:  Google Landing.  Don't worry if you have some trouble.  We will go over this activity together before you turn it in.  Have fun!  I can't wait for you to be Google Search experts.
   ~Mrs. White
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October 18, 2016

What Does Your Signature Say About You?

We have been talking about emails and communication.  That got me thinking about signatures.  I started to do a little bit of research; okay more like exploration, about signatures.  My first thought was about the expression, "Write your John Hancock on the line."  I mean I know who John Hancock is, but why him?  Why not one of the other founding fathers?  I came across this very interesting article, John Hancock.  Check it out.  I then started to think about my signature.  What does my signature say about me?  Have you ever thought about this?  I found this interesting video and wanted to share it with you.  In this day and age our signatures are more often of the digital form.  Is there a way to make your digital signature more creative and personal?  The answer is "YES!"  Today you are going to work on doing just that.  We will continue our "Email Etiquette Lesson" from earlier.  I have inserted a step.  Let's call it Step 3- Part 2.  This resource will give you all the information you need.  Have fun!

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October 11, 2016

A Short Week

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.  The middle was most definitely soggy.  I bet we got almost an inch of rain!!  At least the rain was sandwiched between two sunny days.  So why weren't we in school on Monday anyway?  The answer is we were off for Columbus Day!  Go in to the History Channel's Vault episodes to find out more about this special day.  We are going to work very hard in this shortened week.  I hope you are ready!!

During Class #1 this week we will pick up where we left off before the iPad roll.  You will start working on perfecting your email skills.  Let's start by taking a look at a quick video review.  You will then go to Google Classroom to find the assignment for the rest of class.  I think you should be able to get it all done in one session if you work efficiently.

During Class #2 (for some of you the only class this week) you will complete your iPad assessment.  Once you have finished the assessment, you will have the opportunity to be creative and make your Google avatar.  Please follow the instructions and use the resources I have shared with you in this Google Doc.

Assessment Link

At the end of the week we will all do a great big collective, "Phew!!!" for a job well done!!
   ~Mrs. White :)

October 3, 2016

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

After a long summer of no rain, lately it doesn't seem as though it will ever stop!  To make matters worse, there is a mammoth hurricane swirling around in the Caribbean.  Hurricane Matthew quickly strengthened to a category 5 hurricane over the weekend; the strongest possible rating.  What are the categories of hurricanes and what does all that mean? Check out the explanation from the National Hurricane Center. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope he takes a hard turn to the east and goes out to sea!!

This week you will complete Part 2 of the 21st Century Skills Assessment.  I know this is a long process and not very exciting, but the data will benefit us all!  I can't wait for you to see how much you have learned when you  You should have a reading book with you and know what to do.  You will take Part 2 of the 16/17 Pre-Assessment.  If you were absent last week, you need to take Part 1 today and will have to take Part 2 at another time.  Please be sure to read the questions carefully and think before answering.  Once you have completed all the questions, "Turn In Test", log out of, sign out of your workstation and read quietly.  Please go to, sign in and begin the assessment.  If you have any questions, please raise you hand and I will come over to help you.

During our second class this week we will review our iPad rules using Kahoot.  Before we get started, I would like you to watch this video from Apple Education.  It shows how some students are using iPads to improve their learning.  Perhaps it will give you some ideas.  Once we have finished the review, I will share a blank iPad Assessment Study Guide with you.  We will complete this together and you will need to use it to help you prepare for your assessment in a couple of weeks. We should also have some time to clean up your iPads.

Have a great week!!
  ~Mrs. White                                          
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September 27, 2016

So You Have an iPad......Now What?

Brrrrrr.....What a change in the weather!!  Fall most definitely arrived this weekend.  The leaves are still green, but the red on the thermometer is dropping.  We may still have a couple of warm days, but the early morning will very consistently be chilly for sure.  I have been wondering if the drought conditions this summer would impact the fall foliage show.  See what New England Today has to say about "Leaf Peeping" in New England.

By the time you read this, you should have your iPad which means you should have it with you right now.  We are going to take a look at your devices, do some organizing, and do some reviewing.   I hope the experience so far has been positive.  This is the first time we have used this MDM (multi device management system.)  I would like to know what your first impressions are about the process.
We will put your apps in some folders and get your iPads ready to roll.  We will end class by using one of the shortcuts on your iPads.  I wonder if you can figure out which one?!!!  I have also created a Kahoot iPad review for us to work on together.

You will work on a pre-assessment during class two this week (except for my Monday peeps!!)
You will take the first part of the 21st Century Skills Assessment.  It is a pretest. This will not be a content grade on your report card, but it is very important.  Please take your time and read each question carefully.  It should take you the entire class to finish.  If you do not finish by the end of the period, don't worry.  If you should be done before the bell I expect you to sit quietly and read.

Please use the resource link below to get you to the site.  If you have any trouble logging in, please raise your hand and I will come over to help you.

I would like to repeat; this will not appear on your report cards.  There was no study guide and I did not want you studying for this.  This is a baseline; showing me where you all are right now.  It will help me plan for our year so you are ready to take this assessment again in June.  Take a deep breath and do your best!!!

Please click on this link:  21st Century Skills Assessment Resource  

September 24, 2016

So Much Excitement

The day has arrived!!!!  You will be receiving your iPads some time today.   I am so excited to be a part of this day.
Because I will be busy in the library handing out iPads, a substitute will be in my lab working with you.
I know I can trust you to follow my instructions below and do a great job.  You should have brought a reading book to class with you.  You will need it when you have finished taking our Tech DDM.

Today you will take the first part of the 21st Century Skills Assessment.  It is a pretest.  This will not be a content grade on your report card, but it is very important.  Please take your time and read each question carefully.  It should take you the entire class to finish.  If you do not finish by the end of the period, don't worry.  If you should be done before the bell I expect you to sit quietly and read.

Please use the resource link below to get you to the site.  If you have any trouble logging in, please raise your hand and the teacher will come over to help you.

I would like to repeat; this will not appear on your report cards.  There was no study guide and I did not want you studying for this.  This is a baseline; showing me where you all are right now.  It will help me plan for our year so you are ready to take this assessment again in June.
Take a deep breath and do your best!!!

See you next class!

Please click on this link:  21st Century Skills Assessment Resource

September 19, 2016

Tools of the Trade

Did you get to see the amazing moon on Friday night?  What a glorious spectacle!!!  That moon was called the Harvest Moon.  Check out this interesting video about the calendar year of full moons.  There are so many "myths" surrounding full moons.  Here is a link to "Ten Common Moon Myths."

This week we will make sure you are able to access all of your school/professional accounts or the "tools of the trade."    You will use a resource I have created and shared with you in Google Classroom.
It is important for you to know all of your usernames and passwords.  It is also important for you to keep your digital life organized.  You will be given an opportunity to do some cleaning out and organizing this week.  Please make the most of this time.

The second part of our week will be dedicated to the art of emailing; another tool.  Creating professional emails is very different from texting or even creating personal emails.  I will share a document in Google Classroom.  This document has links to many resources for you to use when you create school or professional emails.  You will need to add all of your teachers to your GMail contacts.  Please use this resource.

Have a great week!
  ~Mrs. White :)  

September 12, 2016

First Full Week

Ladies and gentlemen fasten your seat belts!  We are entering the first full, five day week of the 2016/2017 school  year.  Before we get started I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon yesterday's events.  It is mind blowing for me to think the students sitting in front of me were not even born when 9/11 occurred.  That day still seems like yesterday to most Americans.  Fifteen years have passed since that tragic day.  As I watched the news last night, and then again this morning, I was moved by the many tributes paid to those who lost their lives, and those whom have now become known as the, "First Responders."  May we never forget that day, and those who are now gone.

Moving forward, a new year is upon us with many new eager employees sitting in front of me.  I will do my best to make my blog a useful resource and a model of good and responsible blogging for all of you!  This week we will take a look at the expectations for iPad use.  You will be receiving your devices at the end of the month.  We have a little work to do before you get them.  We will start our discussions  by watching a TV commercial??!!  It will all make sense shortly.  Please be sure you understand your commitment letter before signing as it is a contract and you will be held accountable.

Have a super week and welcome to work!!
  ~Mrs. White

September 5, 2016


I was shocked when I realized I hadn't touched my blog since the end of last school year!  I guess it is time for me to reconnect and get back in the flow of this new school year.  This blog is one of the ways I will communicate with you and your families this year.
Let me start off by welcoming you to ILT!!  As you will find out during our first meeting, I run my classroom as if it were a company.  Your first meeting will be with the director of the "Human Resources" department; me.  You will find out what it take to be a grade 7 tech student in my room; company.  We will start classes by watching a video, "Two Sides to Technology."  You will receive the copy our company policy.  During our second class you will find out about our LMS (and find out what those three letters stand for) Google Classroom.

I hope you had time to check out the #'s on the door.  I am especially excited to #learningsomethingnewfromyou!!

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June 6, 2016

Press Rewind, Then Play......

You will continue working on what was started last week.  Please use all of the resources you have been given to do a good job on your final tech project of the year.  During class two you will need to take a pause to organize your digital life one last time!  I will provide you with a checklist for this clean up.  I am still working on your blogs.  Sorry they aren't all corrected, but you should receive your rubric during class two this week.
Calling all photographers.....Mrs. Finnemore is looking for pictures of grade 7 students for a project.  If you have any photos on your iPad please send them to her at this email address:  Be sure to include a subject line.
Sample subject line:  Re:  Pictures from Team 7J (be sure to use your team's letter!!)

Have a super week and stay focused!!
  ~Mrs. White :)

May 31, 2016

We've Come Full Circle

I hope you all enjoyed your extra day off.  Mine was very busy.  I think we saw every type of weather with the exception of snow over the three days.  How did you spend your Memorial Day weekend?  Did you do what Mr. Gauthier asked?   Did you take a moment to think of those who have given of themselves so we can all have the freedoms we have in this country?  There were many celebrations around our villages.  Check out 20 ways to celebrate Memorial Day in our country's capital.

This week we will come full circle to where we started out our year.  You will share your knowledge of the two sides to your technological life.  Instead of creating a paper poster, you will create an infographic.  This form of digital media is taking over.  I'm sure you have seen then around, but may not have known what they are called.  What is this form of digital media anyway??
You have an assignment waiting for you in Google Classroom.  I can't wait to see what you create!!

May 26, 2016

Blog Collection Form

During class two you will be working on ISTE standard #2:  Communication and Collaboration.  This is you last opportunity to get your blogs ready for their final assessment.  Please be sure to take the time to check over all aspects of your blog carefully.  Use the rubric I have provided and the two resources on the back side of it.  You will need to complete the "student" column and turn it in before I will assess it.
You will also need to give me your blog URL as the final piece of this assignment.  Please use the Blog Collection Form to complete this step.  **It is very important for you to use the URL of the "View of your Blog", not your dashboard!!!

ILT 2 Blog Collection Form
ILT 3 Blog Collection Form
ILT 4 Blog Collection Form
ILT 5 Blog Collection Form
ILT 7 Blog Collection Form
ILT 8 Blog Collection Form
ILT 9 Blog Collection Form
ILT 11 Blog Collection Form
ILT 12 Blog Collection Form
ILT 13 Blog Collection Form
ILT 14 Blog Collection Form

May 23, 2016


This week you will explore using spreadsheets.  I have found a great tutorial to help you with this process.  Before beginning the tutorial, I would like you to complete a pre-assessment.  Please be sure to read the questions carefully and submit the form when you are done.  Please take the Spreadsheet Pre-Assessment now.
It is highly likely you will need to use a tutorial to teach yourself a new skill one day.  Perhaps some of you have already done so.  Using what you know and applying it to something new and similar is an important skill to have in life.  This week you will have an opportunity to do just that.  I have found a tutorial I would like you to complete.  The complete assignment and instructions are waiting for you in Google Classroom.  Please try your hardest and don't give up. You are all capable of completing the final challenge found on the last slide of the tutorial.  Have fun and learn something along the way!!

May 19, 2016

In My Absence

Hello My Young Techies,
       I will not be with you in class today.  In my absence I have left a couple of Brain Pop lessons for you to complete.  These lessons are a follow up to our Computer Careers lesson from class one.   Please read all of this post and then follow the instructions in order. You will go over your work before the end of class.
Mrs. White

Lesson Procedure: (Follow these steps in order)

Use the link at the bottom of the post to go to Brain Pop and log in.
Log In Information:
Username:   BIS123
Password:   redraider   (all lower case and one word)

Once in Brain Pop type "computer programming" in to the search box.  This will bring you to the computer programming lesson.

Watch the movie in its entirety.
When you have finished the movie, raise your hand and the teacher will bring you a packet which you will complete.
First:  Complete the quiz
Second:  Complete the vocabulary page.  Please use the movie, which you may re-watch or use an online dictionary to define the terms in your OWN words.
Next: Go back to the search tab of Brain Pop and type "digital animation" in to the search box.  This will bring you to the next lesson.
Watch the movie in its entirety.
Now: Complete the quiz.
Finally:  Complete the "Compare & Contrast" activity.

If you should complete all this work, please go back to the Brain Pop home and search for all technology topics.  Select one of the topics you have not yet worked on and watch the movie in that lesson.

The teacher will go over this work before you leave class and collect it at the end of class.

Brain Pop Link

May 11, 2016

Technology Related Careers

What a difference a week makes!   What a super weekend weather wise.  I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  It's hard to believe May is half over already.  Time certainly flies by this time of the year.  Did you ever wonder where that expression came from?  Check out the explanation in Idioms by The Free Dictionary.  It's going to be tough to stay focused, but we can do it!!

This week you will take a look at computing careers.  What are some careers involving skills and interest in computers or technolgy?  I guess the simple answer would be almost all, but I have created a resource to help us look at some specific computer careers:  Computer Career Thinglink.

You have an assignment in Google Classroom related to the Thinglink above.  Please take your time and follow the directions carefully.  Once you have finished and turned in the assignment go back to the Thinglink and explore the other careers.  There are a total of nine different options.  You won't have enough time to check them all out in class, but you should get to look at a couple others.

Have a super week!!

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May 8, 2016

Week Two of Our Crazy Schedule

What a crazy weather weekend.  I felt like Mother Nature couldn't make up her mind.  One minute it was raining and the next it was sunny.  I was on my walk Saturday afternoon and about half way through it started pouring.  All I could do was laugh.  Not sure if I ever remember a Spring as wet as this one. Check out the Weather Channel's report. Did you get rained on this weekend?
During our first class this week, which will only be 25 minutes long, you will create your accounts for the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge.  I will give each of you a teeny tiny strip of paper with your username and password.  Both of these are crazy.  I will give you instructions to change your passwords.  Unfortunately you cannot change your username.  I will share a document with you via a Google Classroom assignment.  This document will be a place to record your final Scholastic log in information so you will be able to access it this summer; just in case you forget.  After we have updated your log ins, you will have some time to explore the site and try to come to up with some books to read over the summer.  Have some fun!!
Stay tuned for what's up for class two this week!
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May 3, 2016

Class Two: Plagiarism

Hello My Talented Students,
   I am giving you an independent day.   Please read all of this post and then follow the instructions in order.  We will go over your work before the end of class.
Mrs. White

Lesson Procedure: (Follow these steps in order)

Use the link at the bottom of the post to go to Brain Pop and log in.
Log In Information:  
Username:   BIS123
Password:   redraider   (all lower case and one word)

Once in Brain Pop type "plagiarism" in to the search box.  This will bring you to the plagiarism lesson.

Watch the movie in its entirety.
When you have finished the movie, raise your hand and the teacher will bring you a packet which you will complete.
First:  Complete the quiz
Second:  Complete the vocabulary page.  Please use the movie, which you may re-watch or use an online dictionary to define the terms in your OWN words.
Third:  Complete the "Identify It" activity.

If you should complete all three of these pages of the packet, please go back to the Brain Pop search box and type in "copyright."  Find this lesson and complete the same steps (in the same order) as you did for the the "plagiarism" lesson.

Brain Pop Link

May 1, 2016

Tips and Tricks

Happy Day After May Day!!  Sunday was the official "May Day."  What exactly is May Day?  How is it celebrated?  Is it still really celebrated?  Check out TheHolidaySpot for answers to these questions.  I saw a lot of virtual May Day wishes being shared on Face Book yesterday.  I have never seen anyone dancing around a Maypole, but think it is probably a pretty cool thing to see.  Did you do anything special to celebrate May Day this year?  By the way, April showers seems to be bringing more May showers, not flowers as promised!!
Before starting classes this week, the Broadcasting Club has asked me to share this Social Media Survey with you.  Please take a moment to independently complete and submit it.
This week our schedule will be impacted by PARCC testing.  Class one will remain in tact, but class two will be shorter for most of you.  We will work on some stand alone lessons during our PARCC testing time in the next couple of weeks.  During class one you will complete an assignment in Copyright and Fair Use.  Please start off by completing this form.  During class two you will learn some keyboard shortcuts and other "tricks" by completing your "Tips and Tricks" assignment in Google Classroom.

**If you were absent last week and did not complete the 21st Century Skills Post Assessment, you will need to complete it this week.

April 24, 2016

Back From Break

Welcome back my little chickadees.  I hope you had some fun and found some time to be "off the grid."  I "powered down" myself over break.  It was great to spend a couple of days in Nashville with our daughter.  This time I flew instead of making that long drive; so much better!!!  The weather was amazing and everything was so green and colorful!  Have you ever heard of the Grand Ole Opry?  I was lucky enough to see an amazing show there featuring The Brothers Osborne, Chris Jansen, Kelsea Ballerini, and Rascal Flatts. The next night we attended the release party for an up and coming young artist, Levi Hummon which was actually work for my daughter, Ashley  She has a very cool job!   You will have an opportunity to share your vacation stories on your blogs this week.

Before you start a new blog post, you will be taking your post DDM for technology.  I can hear you moaning and groaning already.  I know it seems early for the "end of year" tech DDM, but I didn't want to have you work on this during PARCC testing and there are so many field trips and interruptions after PARCC testing we would have never completed the test.  This will NOT be a content grade, but it is very important so please take your time.  There are two parts to the assessment.  You will take DDM Part 1 during class 1 and DDM Part 2 during class 2.  If you should finish early, you will start working on your blog post.

Logging in to your Tech DDM:
Use this link to get you to
Your log in information is as follows:
Username:  lastname_firstname21
Password:  LUNCH ID + 00
Enter:  Barnstable
Then click log in.

Please be sure to read all questions and choices carefully.  Take your time.  If you have any questions, please raise your hand and I will come over.  There is to be NO talking during this assessment.

April 11, 2016

The Home Stretch

The Red Sox open at Fenway Park this week.  It just doesn't seem possible!!!!  Have you ever been to a game at Fenway?  I know it is an old park and there are many other beautiful ones out there, but I think Fenway is very special!  Do you know all of the history of Fenway?  If you have never been to a game at Fenway, you definitely need to add it to your "bucket list."   GO SOX!!

This is your last week to work on your spring projects.  If you stick to your task assignment sheets, you will have no problem getting this done and turned in on time.  I will share the instructions for turning in this assignment in class.  We will start off class by visiting a "wall" in Padlet where you will answer a question which will give me some feedback.  I will share the QR code with you as you enter class.  Have a super week!  I can't wait to see your finished products!!!

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April 7, 2016

Tips for Your Projects

Memes are very fun to create.  We see them everywhere.  Have you ever created one?  There are so many sites and apps out there.  I have created one related to your spring projects.  I'm sure you've seen this little guy before.  Take a look at it below the tips I've included.

Tip #1:  Completing Your Storyboard:
When creating a presentation you should always take the time to create a storyboard first.  I have included copies of blank storyboards in all of your folders.  If you need more, please ask.  You don't want to waste time being a perfectionist with your drawings and text.  You are making basic notes, rough drafting, in each slide box on the template.  Draw stick figures or simply write what you will use as your "key words" in your "query."
**Be sure to include a title slide (which should have the group members first names) and a Resource or Bibliography slide (this is where you will copy and paste from your EasyBib project library and add any image citations.)
Don't worry about backgrounds, fonts, colors, and transitions.  You will sit as a group on the due date to finalize these items.

Tip #2:
Text before images!!!  Your words are the most important part of this presentation.  You need to convey your solution or answer to your audience.

Tip #3:
Limit your text on each slide.  Text should be large enough for your audience to read from a distance (like the tables in our cafeteria.)  You can use bullets to emphasize points.  Slides do not need to be written in complete sentences, but audience must understand your points.

Tip #4:
Work together and communicate with one another (yelling and bossing around are not effective ways to communicate.)

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April 3, 2016

First Big Meeting

Well the calendar says April, but the weather feels more like February.   The forecast for the beginning of this week is a bit frigid.  Have you ever wondered about how often is snows in the spring in our area?  The Old Farmer's Almanac has a way for you to get that information. I was quite surprised by some of the information.  You may be too!  We have been talking about the many layers of community in our lives.  I saw this story over the weekend and it reminded me of our discussion.  See how one local business involved another local community.

Your long awaited group assignments have been made and will be announced during class one this week.  Take a moment to view the presentation I created to summarize your project.  Please remember we are treating this assignment the same way you would experience an assignment from your boss in the real world.  You wouldn't whine to your boss about who you have been told to work with in a group, so don't whine to me (I'm the boss!!!)  I have created some documents which have been designed to keep you on task and productive.  You will only have four class meetings to get this job done so you need to stay focused and on task. These projects must be completed before we leave for April Vacation.

By the way, if you are doing School Bell Schedule you may want to check out this source.

**On that note; if you are absent this week you must contact me before your next class so I can put you in touch with your group members.  They will fill you in on your task and the date of its completion.

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March 28, 2016

Project Prep Proceeds

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.  I spent most of mine driving with my daughter from Tennessee. She is home for a quick visit so it was nice to get the extra time with her and Tallululah (her golden retriever) in the car.  Any guesses as to how long it takes to drive from Nashville to Cape Cod?

Before we start class today we need to do something for our school community.  Mrs. Finnemore and the Yearbook Club would like us to take the 2016 Pop Culture Survey.  The results will appear in the yearbook this spring.  Please answer the questions honestly and be sure to submit it when you have finished.

After completing this survey, please check you email on your iPad (or workstation.) There is an important announcement in Google Classroom everyone must read!!  After you have read the announcement you will start with the work listed below.

This week you will continuing "prepping" for your first group meeting.  You need to ready so you will be a productive and effective group member.  You will be taking notes, searching for more sources, and taking more notes.  Keep your question in mind, and more importantly keep thinking of a possible solution or answer.   You will need to print out your research if you took digital notes. (Don't worry, I will hang on to the hard copy for your!!)

Once you have finished your research, you will do a quick Spring Cleaning of Your Digital Life .  Please use the resource I have left at your workstation or open the link above.

The final task of the week is to explore and select a "mind mapping" tool.  I have a couple of app options and Google Drawing.  Mind mapping is a very cool way to make your thinking visible.  This will be another piece your will bring to your first team meeting along with your research.

March 20, 2016

Project Based Learning.....Here We Come!!!

Happy Spring?!!  The weather doesn't seem to agree with the calendar.  Oh well, I guess if we look back a year, we would see over a foot of snow on the ground.  So I guess we shouldn't complain.  Why does Spring begin on a Sunday in March anyway?  The Farmer's Almanac shares a great explanation of this change of seasons.  Be sure to take a look.

This week we will bring together all of the skills we have been working on over the past month.  You will select a project to work on.  You will find the choices and other necessary resources in a book I have created for you.  I have left a hard copy of instructions for downloading this book into your iBooks library.  Please follow them carefully and let me know if you have any questions.  I cannot wait to see the end results of your work!!

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March 13, 2016

Grinding Out Citations

I know this is going to be a tough week; adjusting to the time change.  UGH!!  It is a little bit of a bummer to wake up and have it be dark.(sad face emoji)  The flip side is how light it is at night now!(hands in the air emoji)   Here are fun facts about Daylight Savings.
We will continue with our EasyBib Activity in Google Classroom.  I have been struggling with a way to make you understand how much simpler it is to use EasyBib than to be hand writing out citations.  I figured it out.  I am going to make you hand write out a citation.
You will end the week by creating and publishing a new blog post.  The final twist is you will be doing a self-evaluation of your blog.  As you can see, our week is very full.   We can get through this together.
  ~Mrs. White :)

March 5, 2016

Hello Opeartor

Here we are in the first full week of March.  This weekend marks an important event.  Do you know what it is?  On this Sunday, March 13th, we will have to change our clocks.  "Spring Ahead" as the saying goes.  Why do we change our clocks?  What is Daylight Savings Time all about anyway?  If you would like some answers then check out this site.  Be prepared to be a little sleepy on Monday morning as we will lose an hour.  UGH!!

As for our learning this week, we will take a look at some more tips and tricks for improving our searches.  This week we will talk about the "7 Operators."  You will also be introduced to EasyBib and find out a quick and easy way to create proper citations.  This is a great guide for using this tool.  We will also take a look at adding an "extension" from the Chrome Store and download the app on your iPads!  Some very cool stuff.  Let's start by watching this introductory video on citations.

Enjoy your week and rest up!!!
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February 29, 2016

Effective Searching with Google

It seems so strange to have February 29th on the calendar this year.  I know it was only four years ago when we had our last Leap Year, but it always seems new to me. Why does Leap Year happen anyway? Check out these facts about this special day. I heard someone on the radio say, "We have an extra day this year.  Make the most of it."  I thought that was a great sentiment.  What did you do with your extra day this year?
We will start off class one with a website evaluation review using Kahoot.  Now that you're done cheering about Kahoot, stop and think.......Ahhhhh yes!  You will have a summative assessment on this topic at the beginning of class two this week.  You are ready, so don't be worried.
We will take a look at searching using Google.  Many students are not making the most of searching.  We've talked about evaluating sites, but how do you narrow down the number of sites from which to choose?  We will take a look at an activity which will answer this question.

February 23, 2016

Blogging Again

Please take a look at the agenda on the boards as those items are my expectations for the day.  I have left a packet of resources on each of your workstations.  Be sure to use them and leave them for my next class.  Use the outline below to guide your through today's class:

  1. Using your apps launcher, sign in to Google Drive.
  2. Create a "new" document and title it. (ie; new blog post, Feb blog post, etc.)
  3. Write your post.  It doesn't have to be school related, but does have to be school appropriate.   Think about your blog title.  Your post should match your title.  You may use Google and the Internet to find any information you will need for your post.  Be sure to cite any sources you use.
  4. Once you have finished this draft, ask a classmate to "peer edit" your post.
  5. Make necessary corrections to your post based on your classmate's suggestions.
  6. Find, save (to your pdrive) and cite (paste the URL on your doc) an image for your post.  There is a resource in your packet reviewing the process for finding and saving images.  Be sure to use the advanced search filter!!!
  7. You will then open Blogger and paste your new post on your blog.  There is a resource in your packet which shows you how to open Blogger and create a new post.  Be sure to use it!!!
  8. You will then take one last look at your blog using the "Blog Post Checklist" which is the first page of your resource packet.  
  9. If you are comfortable; hit that "Publish" button.  Be sure you have included a Post Title and Labels!!
  10. If you are not comfortable, hit the "Save" button and I will double check it next class.
This process should take you the entire class.  You must get this post done in this one class.  If you have any time left before the end of class, please work on your blog design.  You may not listen to music, play games (including fish on your blog) or watch videos!!!

  ~Mrs. White :)
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February 21, 2016

Back to the Grind....

I don't about you, but I feel as if our vacation went by at lightning speed!!  I spent a couple of days with my daughter down in Nashville.  We heard some amazing up and coming singers and had a great time.  You can check out her work and some of the local up and coming talent on her blog, Jam Catchers.  Nashville is most definitely a very cool place to visit.  I hope you enjoyed your time off and are ready to get back to work.

This week we will continue working with ISTE Standard 3:  Research and Information Fluency.  I will start off class number one this week by sharing a site about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which seems fitting as Black History Month is coming to a close.  After we evaluate and discuss this site, I will ask you to answer the question I have sent you in Google Classroom.  You will then work on a website evaluation activity using a mystery QR code (if you didn't do this before vacation.)  We will also use Kahoot to do a final of review of website evaluation.

During class two this week you will create, edit, and publish a new blog post.  Speaking of your blogs, I have also created an announcement in Google Classroom which include the link to a form I need you to complete.  This "Blog Collection Form" will allow me to access and view your blogs so I may give you feedback.

Have a super week and welcome back!!!
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February 8, 2016

More Website Evaluation

Let it snow?!!!!  Our first "snow day" of 2016, and hopefully our last!  Mother Nature has given us a "one-two punch" of sorts in these past 4 days.  It started with the storm on Friday, punch number one, and continued with Monday's storm, punch number two.  The Boston Globe shared the following on line report.  Check it out.  The forecast predicts lingering snow flurries for most of this week, and plummeting temperatures. There goes out mild winter.  How do you feel about this weather?  Does it remind you at all of last year?
This week we will move forward with website evaluation.  I also need to collect your blog URL's so I can create a sheet for sharing with classmates.  I have assigned a new "announcement" and a new  "assignment" in Google Classroom.  The announcement shares a link to a video about website evaluation.  I am using a new tool, "EdPuzzle" with this video.  Gone are the days of sitting motionless watching a video.  You will have a variety of questions pop up while you are watching the video.  Be sure to think before answering.  I am so curious to see how this new tool works and more importantly how you like it.  Before "opening" the assignment, you will need to get a "mystery" QR code from me.  You will use the information from this "mystery site" to complete the Website Evaluation Activity Form you have been assigned.
I hope our week will not be cut in half by Mother Nature, and we will only miss one day.  Please be sure to get your incomplete assignments turned in to me by the end of the week.
Have a relaxing and safe vacation!!!
   ~Mrs. White :)
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February 4, 2016

Message to My Thursday Techies

    I will not be with some of you today as I have to leave early.  The good news is our lesson for today is student driven.  You should be able to work independently, and not need me at all!  The resources you need are in your Google Classroom Assignment.  Please follow the steps below and work hard!  I will be looking for your work in "Classroom" this afternoon and tomorrow so I can give you feedback and plan our lessons for next week!  This is important, you can do this, I am counting on you!!!
Steps for Today's Class (follow in order):

  1. Grab a pair of headphones, plug them in, and watch this video: Website Evaluation with C.A.R.S.
  2. Using the Apps Launcher in your tray, sign in to Google Classroom
  3. Locate and "OPEN" the assignment titled, "Website Evaluation Activity." (it should be the 3rd item in your stream.)
  4. Read the directions and open the resource above your work area, Web Site Evaluation Activity.  On this activity you will see URLs and links for 5 different websites.  You will select only ONE of these websites to use to complete both of the docs in "Your Work."
  5. Open your website in a new tab.
  6. Select one of the "Answer Sheets" and open it.  You will need to type the name of the website you have selected to evaluate on the top of this doc (I forgot to leave a space for that; sorry :()
  7. Go through and answer each question on the answer sheet based on what you find on the website you have selected.
  8. When you finish this answer sheet, open the second "Answer Sheet" and follow the same procedure.  Be sure to put the name of the same site on the top of the second answer sheet, answer all questions based on what you find on the website.
  9. When you have finished the second answer sheet, be sure to turn in your work.  You will turn in both answer sheets at one time.
  10. If there is time left in class, please explore any of the other websites on your resource.  You will not be completing an answer sheet, but try to ask yourself the same questions and figure out if the sites are reliable, valid, and credible.
You should NOT be on any other sites, listening to music, or playing games of any type.   I will be looking for your assignments in Google Classroom tonight.  There is plenty of time for you to complete both evaluations during our class.
                           Have a great day!  Please do not be doing any "SnowDay" dances tonight!!!
                                           ~Mrs. White :)

January 31, 2016

Valid, Reliable, and Credible

A new month is upon us.   I wonder if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow.  How accurate is that silly old groundhog anyway?  USA Today shares their thoughts on the furry little creature. There are many other critter predictors around.  Check out this link to find out more.  I don't know about you, but I am hoping for a very early spring.  Keep your fingers crossed!!
You will work on a mini website evaluation unit this week.  It will be important to have this information when we return from February Vacation.  You will start work on a research project when we return.  You will work independently on the Website Evaluation Activity I have assigned to you in Google Classroom.  Let's start by watching a website evaluation video.
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January 24, 2016

Let's Continue the Conversation

I don't know about you, but I really thought the Patriots were going to pull off that two point conversion.  It was quite a game.  I am still in a state of shock that "our" season has ended.  It really was a good game; a true nail biter.  I am very proud of our Pats.  They played an amazing season; especially considering they played the entire season with many players on the disabled list at one time or another.  This link will take you to a recap of the game, just in case you missed it.
This week you will practice commenting; continuing the conversation.  You will have an opportunity to create a paper comment on your classmates' blogs.  I will then review your comments and give you some feedback. Commenting is definitely a skill which needs practicing.  I have shared a resource with all of you in Google Classroom.  This resource is a blog post I discovered a couple of years ago.  Mr. Fisher shares some super "Comment Starters."  Please use some of these during our activity and when you continue to comment on blog posts.

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January 19, 2016

What's in a Name?

We have the threat of a winter storm for the upcoming weekend.  I wonder what it will be named?  Have you noticed we now name our winter storms?  It used to be only hurricanes would receive names.  Why did this all start and how do they determine the names of storms?   Check out this link for more information.

Speaking of names......It's time to rename your blogs  I have created an assignment to help you with this process.  You will find it in your Google Classroom; my virtual presence.  After you have completed this assignment you will also want to change the URL for your blog.  Have no worries; everything you need you will find in Classroom. I have found a great resource, a video! I also need you to work on your Blogger profile.  This is an old assignment in Classroom.

After completing our naming activity; we will continue working with blog comments.

Have a great "short" week!

January 14, 2016


Hello My Hardworking Techies,
          As I had mentioned during our last class, I will not be able to "physically" be with you today.  Mrs. Diggins will be at the helm in my absence.  I am however, "virtually" with you as I have left you an assignment in Google Classroom and this blog post.  You will NOT be using your iPads during class today.  All work will be done on your workstations, so please put your iPads in a safe place for class.  Today you will continue with your exploration of commenting on blogs of others.  The activity you are doing should look familiar.  We did a similar activity a while ago when we first started blogging.  Please be sure to read the directions carefully.   You will need to get an "answer key" from Mrs. Diggins so you can correct your work.  Please do not turn in your assignment in classroom before you have made corrections.  I should only receive correctly formatted commenting guidelines.  **There are only 8 guidelines on the activity and 10 on the answer key.  Lucky you!!
Once you have finished the Commenting Guidelines assignment you have four possible options, depending on what you have previously completed.   You will need to work through all of these options one at a time in order.  To be clear, EVERYONE IS STARTING OFF BY GOING TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM TO COMPLETE THE COMMENTING GUIDELINES ASSIGNMNET!
See below:
Option 1:
You will need to complete and publish your second blog post.  Please be sure to use the yellow
two page hand out as a guide.  You will need to follow the steps outlined in my blog post from January 4th.  Once you have completed those 6 steps, you will copy and paste your text in to your blog.  Remember to follow the steps on the resource to upload your image and include the link. You may use one another as resources.  Everyone should havea second blog post published by the end of this week with the exceptions of ILT # 13 & #14.
There is a resource for this option.  Please ask for it if you need help.
Option 2:
If you have already successfully published your second blog post, you will ask Mrs. Diggins for the
resource, "Cleaning Up Your Digital Life."  You will carefully go through the steps outlined on this document.  Be sure to look at the back side of this document (it is double sided.)

Option 3:
If you have already created and published blog post #2, and cleaned up your digital life, you will
then work on your blog design.  Hint:  From your Blogger dashboard you will select the option
"layout."  Once you are on your layout you will select you will need to look at the top of that
page and select "template designer."  Be sure to "save" your work and changes by looking for
those orange buttons.  Remember:  You are NOT to change your template!

Option 4:
Go to your Google Drive, create a new document, title it, and begin working on a third blog post.

  •  watching videos
  • listening to music
  • playing games
You all know the expectations I have for the condition of my lab when I return.  BE SURE TO PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF!!
Please do your personal best while I am out.   Enjoy your three day weekend!
    ~Mrs. White  :)