February 29, 2016

Effective Searching with Google

It seems so strange to have February 29th on the calendar this year.  I know it was only four years ago when we had our last Leap Year, but it always seems new to me. Why does Leap Year happen anyway? Check out these facts about this special day. I heard someone on the radio say, "We have an extra day this year.  Make the most of it."  I thought that was a great sentiment.  What did you do with your extra day this year?
We will start off class one with a website evaluation review using Kahoot.  Now that you're done cheering about Kahoot, stop and think.......Ahhhhh yes!  You will have a summative assessment on this topic at the beginning of class two this week.  You are ready, so don't be worried.
We will take a look at searching using Google.  Many students are not making the most of searching.  We've talked about evaluating sites, but how do you narrow down the number of sites from which to choose?  We will take a look at an activity which will answer this question.

February 23, 2016

Blogging Again

Please take a look at the agenda on the boards as those items are my expectations for the day.  I have left a packet of resources on each of your workstations.  Be sure to use them and leave them for my next class.  Use the outline below to guide your through today's class:

  1. Using your apps launcher, sign in to Google Drive.
  2. Create a "new" document and title it. (ie; new blog post, Feb blog post, etc.)
  3. Write your post.  It doesn't have to be school related, but does have to be school appropriate.   Think about your blog title.  Your post should match your title.  You may use Google and the Internet to find any information you will need for your post.  Be sure to cite any sources you use.
  4. Once you have finished this draft, ask a classmate to "peer edit" your post.
  5. Make necessary corrections to your post based on your classmate's suggestions.
  6. Find, save (to your pdrive) and cite (paste the URL on your doc) an image for your post.  There is a resource in your packet reviewing the process for finding and saving images.  Be sure to use the advanced search filter!!!
  7. You will then open Blogger and paste your new post on your blog.  There is a resource in your packet which shows you how to open Blogger and create a new post.  Be sure to use it!!!
  8. You will then take one last look at your blog using the "Blog Post Checklist" which is the first page of your resource packet.  
  9. If you are comfortable; hit that "Publish" button.  Be sure you have included a Post Title and Labels!!
  10. If you are not comfortable, hit the "Save" button and I will double check it next class.
This process should take you the entire class.  You must get this post done in this one class.  If you have any time left before the end of class, please work on your blog design.  You may not listen to music, play games (including fish on your blog) or watch videos!!!

  ~Mrs. White :)
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February 21, 2016

Back to the Grind....

I don't about you, but I feel as if our vacation went by at lightning speed!!  I spent a couple of days with my daughter down in Nashville.  We heard some amazing up and coming singers and had a great time.  You can check out her work and some of the local up and coming talent on her blog, Jam Catchers.  Nashville is most definitely a very cool place to visit.  I hope you enjoyed your time off and are ready to get back to work.

This week we will continue working with ISTE Standard 3:  Research and Information Fluency.  I will start off class number one this week by sharing a site about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which seems fitting as Black History Month is coming to a close.  After we evaluate and discuss this site, I will ask you to answer the question I have sent you in Google Classroom.  You will then work on a website evaluation activity using a mystery QR code (if you didn't do this before vacation.)  We will also use Kahoot to do a final of review of website evaluation.

During class two this week you will create, edit, and publish a new blog post.  Speaking of your blogs, I have also created an announcement in Google Classroom which include the link to a form I need you to complete.  This "Blog Collection Form" will allow me to access and view your blogs so I may give you feedback.

Have a super week and welcome back!!!
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February 8, 2016

More Website Evaluation

Let it snow?!!!!  Our first "snow day" of 2016, and hopefully our last!  Mother Nature has given us a "one-two punch" of sorts in these past 4 days.  It started with the storm on Friday, punch number one, and continued with Monday's storm, punch number two.  The Boston Globe shared the following on line report.  Check it out.  The forecast predicts lingering snow flurries for most of this week, and plummeting temperatures. There goes out mild winter.  How do you feel about this weather?  Does it remind you at all of last year?
This week we will move forward with website evaluation.  I also need to collect your blog URL's so I can create a sheet for sharing with classmates.  I have assigned a new "announcement" and a new  "assignment" in Google Classroom.  The announcement shares a link to a video about website evaluation.  I am using a new tool, "EdPuzzle" with this video.  Gone are the days of sitting motionless watching a video.  You will have a variety of questions pop up while you are watching the video.  Be sure to think before answering.  I am so curious to see how this new tool works and more importantly how you like it.  Before "opening" the assignment, you will need to get a "mystery" QR code from me.  You will use the information from this "mystery site" to complete the Website Evaluation Activity Form you have been assigned.
I hope our week will not be cut in half by Mother Nature, and we will only miss one day.  Please be sure to get your incomplete assignments turned in to me by the end of the week.
Have a relaxing and safe vacation!!!
   ~Mrs. White :)
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February 4, 2016

Message to My Thursday Techies

    I will not be with some of you today as I have to leave early.  The good news is our lesson for today is student driven.  You should be able to work independently, and not need me at all!  The resources you need are in your Google Classroom Assignment.  Please follow the steps below and work hard!  I will be looking for your work in "Classroom" this afternoon and tomorrow so I can give you feedback and plan our lessons for next week!  This is important, you can do this, I am counting on you!!!
Steps for Today's Class (follow in order):

  1. Grab a pair of headphones, plug them in, and watch this video: Website Evaluation with C.A.R.S.
  2. Using the Apps Launcher in your tray, sign in to Google Classroom
  3. Locate and "OPEN" the assignment titled, "Website Evaluation Activity." (it should be the 3rd item in your stream.)
  4. Read the directions and open the resource above your work area, Web Site Evaluation Activity.  On this activity you will see URLs and links for 5 different websites.  You will select only ONE of these websites to use to complete both of the docs in "Your Work."
  5. Open your website in a new tab.
  6. Select one of the "Answer Sheets" and open it.  You will need to type the name of the website you have selected to evaluate on the top of this doc (I forgot to leave a space for that; sorry :()
  7. Go through and answer each question on the answer sheet based on what you find on the website you have selected.
  8. When you finish this answer sheet, open the second "Answer Sheet" and follow the same procedure.  Be sure to put the name of the same site on the top of the second answer sheet, answer all questions based on what you find on the website.
  9. When you have finished the second answer sheet, be sure to turn in your work.  You will turn in both answer sheets at one time.
  10. If there is time left in class, please explore any of the other websites on your resource.  You will not be completing an answer sheet, but try to ask yourself the same questions and figure out if the sites are reliable, valid, and credible.
You should NOT be on any other sites, listening to music, or playing games of any type.   I will be looking for your assignments in Google Classroom tonight.  There is plenty of time for you to complete both evaluations during our class.
                           Have a great day!  Please do not be doing any "SnowDay" dances tonight!!!
                                           ~Mrs. White :)