July 28, 2017

Starting a New Chapter......

After over twenty-one years in the classroom this school year I will be stepping out of the role of classroom teacher and entering a new one.  I have chronicled my switch from elementary school teacher to that of technology teacher (and learner) with my grade 7 students over the past seven years on this blog.  In addition to my role as classroom teacher, I provided professional development and teacher training ( I really don't care for that term.)  These past four years I morphed into our school's iPad coordinator.  I think it goes without saying there has been a lot going on in my professional life since its inception.  I have enjoyed all facets of being a classroom teacher, but lately have been compelled to do more; to reach more students and teachers.
This year I have been given the opportunity to do just that.  I am thrilled to have been selected as our system's first digital coach.  What does this entail?  I am not 100% sure, but plan on having an amazing time figuring it all out.  I will be looking at teaching and learning through a bit of a different lens, one that it broader and more systems based than building or grade based.  This current school year my focus will be back with the "littles" as I will spend a majority of my time with our elementary teachers and students, specifically our third graders.  I will of course still support our grade 6 and 7 students and staff when I am able to do so.
Needless to say there will be many changes in my professional life this year.  I will no longer have a "home" school, and will be more of a gypsy.  It only makes sense to change my online life to match the changes in my career.  As you can see I have given my blog a bit of an overhaul.  I will be adding content to the new pages as the year progresses.
A big thanks to those of you who have been following my career via this blog.  I hope you will continue to do so as I document this next chapter.
   ~Kim White

June 4, 2017

Finishing Up Your Problem Solving

Welcome to full blown June.  The pollen is falling and so are the rain drops.  This has certainly been a rainy spring.  The forecast is for almost two more inches of rain at the beginning of this week. YIKES!!  I hope your weekend was great.  Did you know anyone who graduated this past weekend?  I know it's hard to imagine, but you will be donning the cap and gown before you know it.  I hope you remember all of the things I've been sharing with you this year about keeping the two sides of your digital life clean and separate.
This week you will complete your slideshows and your artifact reflection sheets.  I have created an assignment in Google Classroom where you will "turn in" your slideshows.  Please be sure you have turned in all of the components, both paper and digital, so you will receive all the credit you have earned.  You will also have some time to practice presenting your slideshows.  You may want to use your iPads for this so you can spread out in some "shared office space."

You have one more important piece of management to take care of in the next two weeks.  You will need to clean up your digital lives; your Google accounts and pdrives.  I will have a document for you to follow.  Please be sure you don't just delete everything.  You need to save some of your "artifacts" for your digital portfolio.  It will be your choice as to whether or not you want to save your teacher contacts in your email accounts.

Have a great week!

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May 30, 2017

Doing Your Best Today

    I will not be with you for class today.  Please be sure to make good choices and work hard for your substitute.  I am not having you work on your slideshows today, but instead having you take some time to think about "creator's rights."   You are contributing more and more to the web and will want your rights protected.  You have an announcement in Google Classroom which contains a video.  You will watch this video and use the information to help you with the first two worksheets in your packet.  Have a great day and I will see you the next time.
Please make me proud!!
    ~Mrs. White  :)

May 29, 2017

Time Out for Copyright Review

Welcome back from our three day weekend.  I hope you had some fun.  Unfortunately the memorial services on Monday were a bit soggy.  Did you take a moment to think about the reason for this holiday?  I hope so.  I know I did.  This site gives some information about this holiday and others observed in this country.

This week you will have some time to work on your slide presentations.  You will also review some information about copyright and fair use.  We have worked on this throughout the year, but I felt we could all use the review.  If you only have one class this week, it will be used to address this topic.  You will have plenty of time next week to finish your slide presentations.  You will find all of the information you need for this review in Google Classroom.  Please be sure to do a good job.  I will expect you to apply what you've learned as you work on your slideshow projects.
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May 8, 2017

Solving Problems

Have you ever thought about problem solving; I mean really thought about it?  Almost any change has come from someone or a group of people sitting down and thinking.  Yes, I said thinking!  Sure there is discussion involved, and sometimes that discussion gets heated, but in the end problems are most often solved with thinking and communicating.  I'm sure during some of those discussions crazy ideas have been thrown around.  I am just as sure that some of those crazy ideas have become the solutions.  It's called, "thinking outside the box."   Some of this type of thinking is dependent upon your learning type.  Let's take a look at this video and have some fun.

The next couple of weeks will most definitely test your creative and problem solving skills.  They will also test your ability to work together and get a job done.  I will share some resources with you, but ultimately the job is up to you to get done.

Good Luck!

April 30, 2017

Spring Tech Project

What a great weekend!  It felt summer like on Saturday.  I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day.  Unfortunately it sounds like more rain is on the way this week.  If April showers bring May flowers; what do May showers bring????  I hope the forecast is a bit inaccurate.  I don't know about you, but I would like to see a bit more of the sun this week.  Take a look at what Wonderopolis has to say about the "April Showers" theory.
This week you will start your final "big" project of the year in technology class.  Most of you did not have class with me last week due to our MCAS schedule.  We did have classes on Monday, and those students helped me shape this project.  I have created a "hyper doc" to share the project resources with you.  This project will require you doing some research.  Before we get started let's review how to efficiently search for information on the web by watching this video.  This project will require management of time and best use of resources.  I have created some resources to guide you through this process.  It will be up to you to use them effectively.  Good luck!

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April 9, 2017

Spring Is In the Air

I am very much looking forward to getting back to school to see all of my students.  I appreciate how well you behaved for Ms. Shepard in my absence.  This week with be a catch up and check in week.  I need to see what shape and state your blogs are in and make sure you have all taken your assessment.  I won't have the feedback from your assessment until after break as I need to make sure everyone has it completed first.
Blog Collection Form
I should have most of your feedback ready when we return from break.

April 1, 2017

A Little Social Media Fun

What a miserable weekend of weather!!  I saw some snowflakes flying around on Saturday.  I thought it was an April Fool's joke, but it was not.  You weren't even born yet the last time we had an April Fool's Day blizzard.  It was crazy!!!  Check it out:  20 Years Later:  Remembering the April Fool's Day Blizzard. I am so glad history did not repeat itself this past weekend.

This week you will take a break from the last two units we have been working on and have a little bit of social media fun.  During class one you will be working on some Mad Lib like emoji stories.  Have you seen the 2017 release of new emojis?  Take a look at All 69 New Emojis for 2017.  Once you have finished this video, please go to Google Classroom.  I have left a new assignment there for you.  Once you have read the assignment you will work "old school" with paper, scissors,  and glue sticks.
Good luck and have fun with this Emoji Lesson.

Please continue reviewing your Blogging and Commenting Study Guides.  You will have this assessment during class two this week.  If you missed tech last week be sure to get a copy of the study guide and answers from Ms. Shepard.

During class two you will take your Blogging and Commenting Assessment.  You will find a link to this assessment in an announcement in Google Classroom.  I have discovered some students have been using the chat component of Google Classroom to cheat on assessments.  This is very disappointing.  I have disabled this feature in classroom.  I would expect you to all be on your best honor when taking assessments.
Once you have finished and submitted this assessment, you will read quietly at your work station.

Have a great week!
   ~Mrs. White 

March 28, 2017

Evaluating Websites the POPULAR Way

Hello My Little Techies,
   I am sorry I cannot be with you today.  As you should have read in the announcement in Google Classroom, your assessment has been changed to next week..I have created a new website evaluation tool presentation for you to use for today's class.  Please do your personal best!

March 26, 2017

Marching On

The weeks keep "Marching" on.  It's hard to believe April is knocking on our door.  I feel like we just got back from our winter break.  Have you noticed all the flowers starting to pop up?   Before we know it flip flops will be flopping down the halls of BIS.  Did you do anything exciting this weekend?

During class one this week you will finalize and correct your Blogging and Commenting Study Guides. You will view a slide presentation with the correct answers to you will be able to make corrections on your own.  This presentation should be very helpful.  The real work is up to you!!  You need to take your study guide home and actually STUDY!!

During class two this week you will take your assessment.  I will share the link to this assessment in Google Classroom.  In addition I will have you share link to your blog with me.  I share a Google Form for this task.

Have a great week!!
    ~Mrs. White

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March 19, 2017

Crazy Weather

We are trapped in quite a crazy weather cycle.  It has felt more like winter in March than it did in January or February.  Mother Nature couldn't seem to make up her mind on Sunday.  Every time I looked out the window yesterday afternoon the form of precipitation had changed once again.  It was definitely a good day to stay inside.  I hope you all stayed warm and dry!!
Today you will finish the presentation you started during your first class last week.  Most of you missed your second class last week. Please be sure to read all text on slides and associated documents carefully and completely.  If need be, please be sure to read again.  You should have all of the resources you will need.  You should be very familiar with this process and I am sure you will do a great job.
Link to Website Evaluation Activity
If you should finish the final slide of this presentation before the end of class, you should get a book from the back table and read silently at your workstation.
Please be sure to take your time and do a great job on this assignment.
If you had both sessions last and finished this presentation, you will need to work on your blog.  Please create and edit a new post.  Then work on your design.  If you should complete this grab a copy of the book from the back table and read silently at your workstation.

March 12, 2017

In Like a Lion for Sure!!!!

Welcome back!  What a crazy month so far.  I hope you enjoyed your Friday off!  As I sit here writing this blog post I am watching the news.  The headlining story is that of Winter Storm Stella.  Holy cow!!!  We don't know what this storm will bring; only time will tell.  This site gives us some predictions.  I would also like to ask, no beg, any of you who are doing the "snow day dance" to please stop!  I don't know about you, but I'd like to get out of school before the fourth of July!!  Oh well....hang on to your hats and get those shovels ready one more time!
When you are in school this week, hopefully all five days, Ms. Shepard will be leading your class on some of the days.  I have created a presentation addressing Website Evaluation.  This presentation has been designed to take both classes of the week.  Please be sure to read all text on slides and associated documents carefully and completely.  If need be, please be sure to read again.  You should have all of the resources you will need.  You should be very familiar with this process and I am sure you will do a great job.
Link to Website Evaluation Activity
Have a great week!!
  ~Mrs. White :)

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March 6, 2017


I still cannot believe March has begun.  Have you heard the expression, "Out like a lion, in like a lamb?" Have you ever wondered what that meant?  I have a site with the answer.  According to good old Punxsutawney Phil we only have about three more weeks of winter.  Let's hope he is right!!

Quick Activator:
Please take the BIS Yearbook Club's Pop Culture Survey. Your input is important and results will appear in the 2017 BIS Yearbook. Thanks for your help with this.

This week you will add some widgets and gadgets to your blogs.  Before we get started with that project, you need to get your blog in tip top shape.  One of the widgets you will add is a ClustrMap.  You will use your URL to create this widget, so you must have your new one in place.  I can't wait for you to see where your blog audience lives!   Please be sure to use your resources and critical thinking skills when you come to "work."
  ~Mrs. White :)

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February 26, 2017

#Fake News

Welcome Back!  I will not be with you for your first class this week.  I hope you enjoyed your vacation.  We can catch up on details when I return.  I have created yet another slide presentation for you to use this for class today.  Please be sure to read all of the text carefully and follow instructions.  Remember you are at WORK and you know my expectations.  You will have one task to print and turn in by the end of class.  Please make great choices and work hard!
Link to Fake News Presentation
**If you should finish your work before the bell should ring, there are books on the back table for your to borrow and read silently.

February 13, 2017

Catching Up From Niko and Orson.....

Once again our New England winter has finally started.  Traditionally February throws us a couple of good storms and 2017 is no exception.  I hope you didn't lose power in the last storm.  Fasten your seat belts as this week will fly by.
Most of you will will start with class #2 from last week; creating "paper" comments.  After this first attempt of creating a "quality" comment you will move on to yet another.  You have been given an assignment in Google Classroom.  Be sure to read carefully before starting.
Before leaving on vacation be sure you have turned in both your Artifact Reflection Sheet and your commenting activities.  You will be graded on all three of these assignments.
Have a super vacation!

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February 6, 2017

Cue the Duck Boats........History Has Been Made!!

What a great day for New England!  Our Patriots did us proud on Sunday. They did us more than "proud," they made history!!!   WOW!  What a game.  So many "firsts" I lost count. Did you make it through the whole game?  I hope you didn't go to bed thinking it was all over after halftime. It looks as if the #driveforfive was somewhat of a omen.   Tuesday those duck boats will be waddling down the streets of Boston as Patriot's fans line those same streets celebrating with the G.O.A.T. and his teammates.  Just in case you missed any of the action or the speeches afterward, you can check them out here:  Best Superbowl Comeback Ever.   Ladies and gentlemen, the New England Patriots "finished the job!"
This week we will move forward in our blogging adventures.  You will explore "continuing the conversation" by learning how to create quality comments.  I have created an activity similar to the one you worked on last week.  Creating quality comments takes practice. You may find it frustrating at first, but in the end I know you will become "pros" if you use your resources.
If you did not complete your "Be the Curator of Your Digital Life" activity it is your responsibility to complete it for homework on your own time.  If you do not have access to a printer at home, please be sure to come to the lab during homeroom (with a pass) and you may print it there.
Resource for this Week:
Commenting Activity

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January 29, 2017

Super Bowl Pump Up (and some work too!)

Whether or not you're a big football fan, it's hard to escape the "Super Bowl Frenzy" building around New England.  The official site is packed with information if you would like to check it out.  Of course, there are many "unofficial" videos flying around the Internet.  Julian Edelman is known for his strong social media presence.  His, "Patriots Super Bowl 51 Hype" is one of my favorites.  I am sure the #driveforfive will grow stronger and stronger over this next week.  Don't forget to show your support on Friday!
This week you will have the opportunity and class time to wrap up all the loose ends from the past two weeks.  You will need to finish the slide presentation from last week.  You will need to finish "managing" your digital life with a little winter cleaning.  Finally, you will need to get your blog finished and ready to roll for the rest of the year.  I have included links to the digital docs you will need to be successful below.  Please be sure to read carefully.  You have everything you need.
Resources for this Week:
What's A Curator?
Winter Digital Life Clean Up
Updated Blog Checklist

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January 21, 2017

What is a Curator, Anyway?

What a weekend!   As I sit here writing this blog post there are many marches, hopefully peaceful, occurring around our country.  The transition of our new president, Mr. Donald Trump, has been somewhat smooth.  Hopefully our country will find a way to move forward, work together, and make history.  In addition to the Presidential Inauguration celebrations of the weekend, those of us living in New England are more focused on what lies ahead; the Patriot's game taking place tomorrow afternoon.  Both of these events are being documented and curated digitally.
What does this all mean?  What is a curator anyway?  You are on the road to finding the answer to that question.  This week you will use a slide presentation I have created to explore this topic.  Please take the time to think and process.  You are going to need to ask yourself some tough questions.  The answers may not come to you quickly, but if you put forth the effort, they will come to you.
Now that you have finished reading this blog post, please go to Google Classroom, read the announcement at the top of the stream of my classroom and get started.
  ~Mrs. White :)

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January 15, 2017

What a Week for America.....Past, Present and Future!

This week is power packed.....so much going on in our country; past, present and future!!!  What am I talking about?  We had Monday off from school to honor a leader from our past; Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King left an amazing legacy for our country.  If you would like more information about what you can do to carry on his legacy check out this site.   As for the future, Friday marks an important day in our country's history.  On Friday, January 20th President Obama will hand the reins of our country over to President Elect Trump.  This has always been a very special day in our country; jam packed with traditions.  You can learn more about past inaugurations at this U.S. Presidential Inagurations created for students.
As you know, you will have an assessment this week.  This test will take place during class two.  For some of you it will be your only class this week.  Be sure to look over your study guide before the exam.  Once you have completed your assessment, please use this resource to clean up and manage the work side of your digital life.
In addition to the assessment we will work on trying to tie up all the loose ends of your blogs. Please use the checklist I have left at each of your computers to work through this process.  I will model some of these steps for you.
  Have a super week and be sure to check out the history in the making!!!!
    ~Mrs. White  :)

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January 8, 2017

Finishing Touches!

Welcome to the only full week of school in the month of January!  I hope you all had fun playing in the snow this weekend.  Maybe some of you even made some money shoveling!  The forecast for the middle of the week projects some warmer temperatures; so melting will happen.  Did anyone build a snowman or make a snow sculpture?  Perhaps this could be the topic of your next blog post.  I like these snowstorms coming on the weekends; no snow days!!!
This week you will FINALLY publish your first blog posts.  I have a great activity to help get your creative juices working.  I used this process last year and it was very effective.  You will have the help of the Blog Beautician; as it is her process.  I have modified it slightly.  I can't wait to see some of your titles!!!
   ~Mrs. White :)
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January 2, 2017

Welcome 2017!

Happy New Year to all of you!   I hope you found some time to relax, enjoy, and unplug over vacation.  I most certainly unplugged.  I did do a bit of "pinning" and remained active on my social/personal side of my technological life.  I did take a vacation from my professional side and hope you did the same.  I must say I was disappointed to not have a white Christmas, but on the flip side I was happy to not spend any time shoveling the white stuff.  I spent a lot of time with my family.  I ended up dog sitting for my two "grand puppies" over the weekend.  It was a lot of fun! The cousins certainly loved to wrestle. What is your best memory from vacation?
This week we will start off with a review of the "Two Sides to Your Technological Life."  You will have an opportunity to check out a Kanoot Jumble; a new feature.  You will also complete a study guide or review as you will (I'm sure you know what is coming next) be having an assessment shortly.
During class two you will make the final revisions to your first blog posts, blogger profiles and finally get them uploaded!!!!
Welcome back and let's get going!!!
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