April 5, 2012

Good Communication and Follow Up

I have been reviewing the expectations for ILT with students this week in regard to missed classes. I must say, it seems to have paid off!!! I have received 8 emails in the past two days from students who have made up missed work. I realized one piece of the equation I neglected to share with students. We discussed where to email me (white_kim@barnstable.k12.ma.us), what to include in the subject line (re: make up work ILT#), and when (within 1 week of the missed class); however I did not mention checking your email accounts for confirmation. Once you have completed the make up work and sent me an email, it is a good idea to monitor you email accounts for a reply from me. I try my best to send a reply to students within a 48 hour period. So, if you haven’t heard back from me saying “I received your email and have given you credit for the missed class”, you should double check with me. There could have been a mistake in the address you sent it to or some other malfunction. It is technology after all!! Good communication is so important. So “thanks” to those of you who are using your “Effective Effort Strategies” and putting in that “time” to be successful. Keep up the great work and have a super long weekend!
Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate!!


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