December 19, 2012

A Well-Deserved Vacation

It has been quite a week.  So much has happened, and not all of it joyful and holiday-like.  It seems fitting to be leaving to spend time with our families and friends right now.  We are winding down the year 2012 which doesn't seem possible.  This time of year always leads people to reflect and think about the events of the past year.  I hope for most of you these are good memories and reflections.  It is also a time for making "resolutions" or creating new plans.  I know my resolutions will include trying to make sure to take the time to say "hello" or share a silent smile with those I see walking down the hall or street looking sad and alone.  It is amazing how small gestures can make a huge difference.  I would encourage all of you to remember that face to face communication skills are just as important as your technological skills.  I know this may sound strange coming from your technology teacher, but human interactions are more important that the virtual ones we talk about in class.  So during this busy and sometimes crazy holiday season, please remember to look up, take a breath, and share a smile with the people around you; those you know and those your don't.   That simple gesture could make the world of difference to someone. 
Take this time off to relax and enjoy.  Be safe and be smart!!  I will see you all next year!!!
Merry Christmas
Joyeux Noël
Frohe Weihnachten
Buon Natale
Feliz Natal
¡Feliz Navidad
Veselé Vánoce

December 14, 2012

Get That Creativity Flowing

There isn't anything harder than waiting for a vacation to arrive.  There is so much energy and excitement in the air.  I know it's hard, but we all need to try and keep a little bit of peace and calmness in our days.  You will be using this time, whatever little you may have, to work on your blogging presentations.  I will not be in on Monday, but I am confident my students will work very hard for Mrs. "D" and impress her not only with their presentations, but also with their work ethic!! 

So what exactly should you be doing during class you may ask?  You will want to take out your storyboard (recipe) and finish putting all of your text and images in your presentation.  Be sure you include your citations.  Remember you have the choice to put them on the slide with the information or to create on citation slide (zoom) at the end of your masterpiece.  Once you have all of the content loaded in, you will want to work on the attractiveness component of the project.  If you are struggling with "how to" be sure to use that "HELP" tab on the top of  the page.  You may also use the many other resources (students) or search the Internet for help.  Once you feel you are "done" be sure to carefully look over your presentation using your rubric.  A good way to check your work is to pretend you are me.  Think about how I would assess this project using that rubric (it is what I will be doing after all.)

If you are satisfied you have done your absolute best and it is ready to share with the rest of us (and the world), you may go back to your blog and work on it.  You can work on the design, or even get another post ready to go.  Please DO NOT upload or publish a new post before I look at it.  In fact, it would be a good idea to create it as a Google doc.  You could share it with me so I can look it over before it goes "live."  You will need to send me an email letting me know you have a post waiting to be checked.   If you aren't in the mood to work on your blog, you may check out the latest posts coming in to your Google Reader.   You may also search for other blogs and subscribe to them.  Have fun!  

During our second class this week we will be messing around with web cameras!!!  So get ready to say, "cheese!"

Take a Breath!!

After finding out so many of my students would be missing class next week, I made the decision to hold off presenting your projects until after our vacation.  You will really want to have your presentation completed before leaving for vacation.  We will spend the first class back rehearsing and making notes and then present the following week.  I hope this lets many of you breathe easy this weekend.  You should be out there enjoying all of the holiday festivities happening on the Cape and enjoying time with your families.  Have you heard about the "Polar Express Ride" on the Cape Cod Central Railroad?? So have fun!!  Let's keep our fingers crossed for a little of the while fluffy stuff!

December 10, 2012

Show Me What You Know!!!

I have finished sharing the last of my "official blogging lessons."  Please don't think this means you are all done blogging!!!!  It is quite the opposite.  You have just begun to blog!!!  I will not be spending class time showing you how to blog, however, you will be expected to continue blogging.  Some of you have asked if you need to wait for my permission to blog or wait to be assigned a topic about which to blog.  My answer would be different for different students.  My biggest concern is that you are representing yourself in a positive light; creating a good digital footprint.  If you are someone who struggles with editing, you may want to have me double check your posts before you upload them.  I still create my posts in Google docs and then copy and paste them in to Blogger.  This gives me that extra time to double check for errors.  So check with me if you are ready to blog again!
Don't forget about your "Blogging Checklist."  You will need to make some time to complete the items on it before we leave for our Holiday Break.  If you need my help with anything, you know where to find me!
This week you will begin working on a presentation.  This topic of this presentation is "Blogging Basics."  You will receive an outline in class explaining the project.  This outline will also contain the rubric which I will use to assess your presentation.  You will only have 3 classes to create your presentation so you will not want to waste any time.  During our last class meeting before vacation you will share your presentations with the class.  I will be assessing them during the presentation.  I think you will have fun and thought it was a more 21st century assessment tool.  So whether you select Google Presentations, Prezi, or another presentation tool; it's time to get the creative juices flowing!!  You will want to create an outline or storyboard for your presentation before you jump in.  This can be a simple piece of paper or you may want to use the storyboard template I have available.  You should have plenty of time to complete this presentation during class if you are focused and using your effective effort strategies.  If you should feel you are not getting enough done in class, you always have the option to continue working at home.  You can find the resources your need on our class MOODLE page.
I cannot wait to see your masterpieces!!