April 30, 2017

Spring Tech Project

What a great weekend!  It felt summer like on Saturday.  I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day.  Unfortunately it sounds like more rain is on the way this week.  If April showers bring May flowers; what do May showers bring????  I hope the forecast is a bit inaccurate.  I don't know about you, but I would like to see a bit more of the sun this week.  Take a look at what Wonderopolis has to say about the "April Showers" theory.
This week you will start your final "big" project of the year in technology class.  Most of you did not have class with me last week due to our MCAS schedule.  We did have classes on Monday, and those students helped me shape this project.  I have created a "hyper doc" to share the project resources with you.  This project will require you doing some research.  Before we get started let's review how to efficiently search for information on the web by watching this video.  This project will require management of time and best use of resources.  I have created some resources to guide you through this process.  It will be up to you to use them effectively.  Good luck!

image link

April 9, 2017

Spring Is In the Air

I am very much looking forward to getting back to school to see all of my students.  I appreciate how well you behaved for Ms. Shepard in my absence.  This week with be a catch up and check in week.  I need to see what shape and state your blogs are in and make sure you have all taken your assessment.  I won't have the feedback from your assessment until after break as I need to make sure everyone has it completed first.
Blog Collection Form
I should have most of your feedback ready when we return from break.

April 1, 2017

A Little Social Media Fun

What a miserable weekend of weather!!  I saw some snowflakes flying around on Saturday.  I thought it was an April Fool's joke, but it was not.  You weren't even born yet the last time we had an April Fool's Day blizzard.  It was crazy!!!  Check it out:  20 Years Later:  Remembering the April Fool's Day Blizzard. I am so glad history did not repeat itself this past weekend.

This week you will take a break from the last two units we have been working on and have a little bit of social media fun.  During class one you will be working on some Mad Lib like emoji stories.  Have you seen the 2017 release of new emojis?  Take a look at All 69 New Emojis for 2017.  Once you have finished this video, please go to Google Classroom.  I have left a new assignment there for you.  Once you have read the assignment you will work "old school" with paper, scissors,  and glue sticks.
Good luck and have fun with this Emoji Lesson.

Please continue reviewing your Blogging and Commenting Study Guides.  You will have this assessment during class two this week.  If you missed tech last week be sure to get a copy of the study guide and answers from Ms. Shepard.

During class two you will take your Blogging and Commenting Assessment.  You will find a link to this assessment in an announcement in Google Classroom.  I have discovered some students have been using the chat component of Google Classroom to cheat on assessments.  This is very disappointing.  I have disabled this feature in classroom.  I would expect you to all be on your best honor when taking assessments.
Once you have finished and submitted this assessment, you will read quietly at your work station.

Have a great week!
   ~Mrs. White