September 27, 2013

What is Blogging?

We will finally get started with our blogging unit this week.  Before we learn the parts of the blog, you will take a Blogging Pre-Assessment. This will give me a better idea of what my students know and don't know about blogs and blogging.
Now let's get started.  I created a special blog for us to use as a "teaching blog" or a resource.  You will all be given a copy of this blog and a word list.  You will try to label the blog.  Remember to use what you know to figure out what your don't know.  We will talk about these parts of a blog.  You will also be given a copy of the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines.  Once you have reviewed these, you will be asked to evaluate a blog of your choice.
The best way for you to blog well is to read a lot of other blogs.  So lets get started!!  Check out some of the blogs on "Interesting Blogs and Resources."
By the way, you will be given an assessment next week.  This assessment will cover our acceptable use policy, parts of the computer, the Internet and intranet, and emails.  You have many resources to use to help you prepare.  We will take a little bit of class time to review.  You will get a copy of the "Study Guide" for this assessment during class.  Be sure to use your other resource to complete the guide.  If you have any questions be sure to check with me by the end of the week.  You will do well, so don't be nervous!!

September 19, 2013

Email Etiquette

Emailing has become almost as antiquated as "snail mail" in the eyes of students.  There are so many other ways young people communicate today, texting, snapchatting, and instagramming, to name a few.  It is so important for students to understand how to create and send an appropriate email and regular letter as well.  During class my students will take a look at email, and learn the proper way to communicate via this technology.  They will send and receive emails and hopefully walk away being able to show anyone who asks what a good email looks like.  For those of you who still aren't too sure, check out "12 tips for better email etiquette" or "Email Etiquette for Students."
I want to know how students have used email in the past.  We will start off by going to a "wall" on Padlet (formerly Wallwisher).
Image Source:

September 15, 2013

Google Contacts and Google Calendar

It seems more often than not, our plans change.  Last week I had hoped to have my students adding contacts to their Google contacts.  It took a little longer to get through some of our other lessons which is fine.  We had some great conversations and students really seem to have an understanding of our school's intranet.  I also feel they will do a great job troubleshooting any future problems with our workstations.

So this week we will move on to adding contacts to our Google accounts and adding events to our Google calendars. There are so many cool things we can do with our Google accounts.  I'd like to share this video with you.  Some of you have seen it, but it's worth watching a second time.  I hope to be able to create presentations like this one, "Google Demo Slam:  Epic Docs Animation."  Now that you are excited about what you can do with one of your apps, Docs, let's take a look at your Contacts.  You will find a "Google Directory" next to your workstation.  You will need this resource for this activity.  Please watch the screencast  I created for you, "Adding Contacts to Your Google Account" and then add your team teachers to your contacts.  You can go back and watch the video again if you get stuck.  Be sure to type carefully.

Once you have finished adding contacts, you will work in your Calendar.  You will find a list of events next to your workstation.  Please watch the screencast I created, "Adding Events to Your Google Calendar," and then add the events to your calendar.  Have some fun and customize your calendar.  If you have any questions, just watch the video again.  I hope you enjoy personalizing your Google accounts!!

September 9, 2013

Our First Full Week

 Ready or not; we are off and running!!!  We will have an official full week of school.  I was so pleased with how ready my students are for school this year.  I cannot wait to share all of the exciting technology developments happening in our school this year.  Your "Passion WORDLES" will soon be decorating our lab.  Yes, "our lab."  Remember, we are in this to learn together.  This week you will log in to your Google accounts and create contacts for all of your teachers.  You will have an emailing and a sharing address for each.  I know this may seem confusing, but once I model it for you it will be piece of cake!  You will need this Grade 7 Teacher Directory to help you accomplish this task.  

September 2, 2013

Welcome Back!

I know for many of you it seems as though we just left this building, and yet here we are once again starting a new year.  I am sure you had some amazing summer days, and had a hard time getting out of bed this morning.  I hope you are excited about 7th grade and all of the great things we will be doing in technology this year.  The technology will not be limited to the two times a week you come to class with me.  You will be using technology in all of your classes.  We have some exciting things planned for this year and you will play a very important role in how things happen.  So get ready to experience an amazing year!  I can't wait to see what you have to teach me!!