November 30, 2013

Web Evaluation....Be a Super Sleuth!!

Welcome back from our mini break.  I hope you all had a relaxing few days off and got your fill of turkey and pie.  It's hard to believe it is already December-YIKES!!!  We only have 3 weeks until our next break.  I'm sad to say this is our only full, "regular" week. Next week our schedule will be interrupted by parent/teacher conferences, and the following week will be impacted by concert rehearsals and performances.  Hold on to your hats.....we have a lot to do.

We are taking a step back from blogging to review an important concept- Website Evaluation.  As you move forward and are asked to do projects and papers for your classes, you are also being asked to find your own resources and information.  What are the best sources and how do you find them?  How do you know if the site you are visiting is reliable, valid, and credible?  Hopefully you will have answers and strategies after this week.

I would like to make one comment in regard to your comments on peers blogs.  Please remember to be careful and kind with your word choice.  As you are reading blogs please try to focus on the content and not so much on grammar and mechanics.  Leave those comments to me.  One last word on blogging for this week; you may (and I hope you do) keep on blogging this week.  Just remember to have another set of eyes check your post before you publish!

We will start our class this week with a quick introduction to URLs.  This video should jog your memories a bit.  Do you remember learning about this last year?  It's okay if you don't.  I have created a Web Evaluation Activity for you to work through during our first meeting this week.  Please take your time.  At the end of class we will discuss your findings.

Class 2 Activator:  Please start class with this survey for our guidance department.  Please read the questions carefully and answer them honestly  This information will help make BIS a better place for all of us.  Thank you for doing this.  School Climate Survey   Be sure to submit your responses by clicking, "done" a the bottom of the survey.

Once you have finished this survey you will pick up where we left off last class.  You will be inventing your own domain name by going on this E-VENTURE.  So fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride!!

Once you have finished this activity you will take a look at an activity called, "Comparing Search Engines."  Please complete this activity, writing your answers on the note card you have been given.

November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

It's hard to believe the holiday season is here!!  As I reflect on the beginning of this school year I recognize how much I have to be thankful for already in 2013/2014.  I have the most  amazing group of bloggers!!  They have really taken off and there's no stopping some of them.  I have already selected two "Student Blog of the Week" recipients.  You can follow them on my school web page.
They are far exceeding my expectations!  I can only imagine what they will be producing in June. I cannot wait to get them started on their Google sites.

I am also thankful for the amazing teachers, administrators, and other staff members I work with each and every day.  They bring so much to the table and I learn from them every day.  They are some of the hardest working and most dedicated individuals I have ever met!  Our students are so lucky!

Last, but of course not least, I am so thankful for my family and friends.  They are all such an important part of who I am and what I do day in and day out. 

I hope you and your families find a way to avoid all of the craziness and stress which usually accompanies this time of the year.  I am going to try to focus on those I have mentioned above and really enjoy the holidays this year.  I hope you are able to do the same!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

November 17, 2013

Moseying Along With MOODLE

So what is MOODLE all about?  This week you will find out.  You will be learning some basic terms and taking tour.  I hope you find this to be another great resource for you.  You will be expected to use this MOODLE course to make up missed work when you are absent.  I hope you will find it to be an easy way to keep up.  You may also use this course to review work we have done.  It is a great resource when it come to reviewing for an assessment.  On line learning environments are going to be a big part of your education in the future so why not start now?!
You will need to make sure you are logging in to the correct place.  There is a specific URL for the BPS MOODLE site.  You cannot just Google MOODLE and go to that site.  That will not get you to our course.    Once you are successfully logged in to the Information Literacy and Technology course, you will find directions and an assignment to complete.  
This week you will also have an opportunity to complete and publish post #2, and if you are ready you can go for #3!!!  You will also need to complete the blogging presentation you started a couple weeks ago.  It was either a glog or a Google presentation.  When you have finished, please add the URL to the Assignment Collection Form.  Please check out my earlier post from November 2nd for the link to that form.  Click on your ILT # to find it.

November 10, 2013

Another Look At Comments and Blog Post #2

Happy Veteran's Day to all of the men and women who have served and given of themselves in order for us to live our lives in a free country.  The sacrifices you and your families have made are extraordinary and for these I am eternally grateful!!

This week some of you will only have one tech class due to our Monday holiday. You will all have the opportunity to assess your first blog post using the rubric I have given you. I will take your self-assessment and add my opinions and a score.  Please be sure to take your time with this activity as it is a very important one.  It will take me a little time to read through all of your blog posts; so please be patient with me.  I will get you this score and feedback as soon as I can.\

I really want you to be able to create your next blog post.  Many of you were inspired by your Pinterest explorations last week.  I would like you to complete the Commenting Activity I have created for you. You should have time left before the end of class to be able to work on your second blog post. You Please be sure to follow your Blogging Guidelines as you are working on this second post.  I would like you to create your post on a Google doc before uploading and publishing it on your blog.  It would be a great idea to have a classmate edit your post before you publish it.

I will not be in our lab on Wednesday or Thursday this week, as I have my class on those days.  I will be at school, but not teaching in our lab so you may see me in the hallways.  Please read this blog post carefully.  I will expect to see the "5 Tips or Pointers" for the Commenting Activity completed correctly before you start your second blog post.  I would like you to have a classmate read your blog post before you publish.  Please remember to cite images and sources correctly.  All of the resources are still in the folders next to your work stations.  Please be sure to use them.

**You will need to take a moment to add your name and blog URL to the Google doc I have shared with you.  You all have permission to edit.  Please be careful when typing on this document.  Be sure to copy the URL when you are "Viewing" your blog; not on your dashboard.  Your classmates will use this doc to find your blog and leave you comments.

image link

November 2, 2013

Drum Roll Please..........First Blog Post- TADAH!!

The day has come to upload your first blog post and join the ranks of the rest of those in the global community.  I have given you some feedback and I'd like to make final edits to your posts.  Please be sure to take a look at the BPS Blogging and Commenting Guidelines before uploading your post.  You will find the directions for uploading this post in your Blog Resource Packet which is located next to your workstation.  
Please copy and paste the URL for your blog on the form below.  You will need to click on your ILT# and complete the survey. When you submit the survey, I will have your blog URL so I can take a look at it.  Thanks!

  ILT #10
  ILT #11
  ILT #14
  ILT #16

During class #2 this week you will create a Pinterest account.  I know some of you have personal accounts already.  This account will be your school or "professional" account.  You will use this account to create boards for school.  You will be able to organize resources for school projects on these boards.  The first board you are going to create will be for your blog.  You will then search for resources to use for your future blog posts.  I will share a video which will give you some good tips and tricks for using this resource.  In addition, I would like you to use the Pinterest Help Center as a second resource.  Happy pinning!!

image link