December 22, 2015

Last Day Before Break

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Hello my little elves.....I am sorry I am not there today, but I have high expectations for you.  ILT #13 and and ILT #14 you have a lot of work ahead of you.  You will need to get in your groups when Mrs. Diggins gives you that direction. You will start be reviewing your poster outline and rubric.  You will then create a storyboard (rough draft) and get it approved by Mrs. Diggins.  She will give you poster board for your final product.  Below is an outline of the steps which should take no more than 15 minutes:

  • Get in your groups
  • Review the project outline
  • Review the rubric
  • Create your story board/rough draft (this is messy and plain; don't waste time!!!)
  • Raise your hand to get approval to start production
You will then begin working like busy little elves.  The materials are on a table in the back of the lab.  You may use any workstations to get images/logos.  Do NOT forget the URLs for these images.  I have left the examples of "good" and "not so good" work on the front board.  Mrs. Diggins will collect your projects at the end of class and inspect the "plant" before you are allowed to leave.  Check out the outline below:

Starting Production:
  • Get materials you need
  • Assign everyone in the group a job
  • Check your rubric, outline, and examples on the front board while working
  • When printing images/logs be sure you are printing to room 231
  • Delete any images from computer desktops (clean up virtual trash)
  • Be sure to create a Doc and paste, then print, URLs for images/logos
Ending Production:
  • Clean up all materials and return 
    • Markers in boxes back in the marker containers
    • Colored pencils back in boxes back in the correct container
    • All scraps of paper thrown in recycling containers
    • Glue sticks capped tightly and returned to crate
    • Pencils, pens, stickies, etc.. back in container
    • Rulers,  paperclips, scissors, etc... back in container
  • Log off workstations before leaving
  • Project turned in to Mrs. Diggins with all pieces paper clipped to the poster
I expect to return on January 4th to an immaculate lab!!!  Mrs. Diggins should not have to clean up after you!!!

You will follow a different procedure.  You will first complete your posters. Get right in to your groups.  You know the drill.  Be sure to clean up and turn in your finished poster to Mrs. Diggins.   Once you have finished your poster, please sign in to Google Classroom.  I have left an assignment there for you.

Have a super vacation!  See you all in 2016!!

December 18, 2015

Wrapping Up Your Projects

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We only have one class together this week before we take our "break!"  I know it will be hard, but you need to remain focused.  You have a job to finish and the production line needs to be running at full capacity to get this done.  As soon as you report for your shift, you will find you materials and resources all set up in a work space.  The lab is yours; no need to ask for permission!  Just get what you need and get going.  Please remember the importance of this job!  You need to give correct information to your audience (students in our school.)  We don't want anyone getting in to trouble because they were given inaccurate or incomplete information on your poster.   I know I can count on your!!

Please be sure to make good decisions in your social/personal technological lives during vacation.  Remember the protocol:

Do NOT use your school Apple ID on your personal stuff. (those cool tech presents you got for gifts)
Do NOT use your school Google account ( to create social accounts like Instagram, Snapchat, etc...

Have a super holiday season with your family and friends.
See you in 2016!!

December 14, 2015

Two Sides to Technology Poster

We have been discussing the two sides to your technological life since the first day of class.  We will start our week off with a Kahoot to get us thinking about this topic.  Why is this so important?  Why do I bring this up again now?  Let's think about the time of the year.  Many of you celebrate holidays in the month of December which involve the tradition of gift giving.  In past years, many students have received "technology" related gifts such as iPads, iPods, cell phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, etc...  I have noticed an increasing number of students use their "School/Professional" accounts on these newly acquired gifts.  It is important for you all to understand that separation between your two sides.  You are NOT to use any school accounts on or for personal technology.  In other words, you CANNOT use your school Apple ID on a new iPad you get for Christmas!!!  
This week the employees of have an important job!!  You will create posters to display in our school sharing this important message.  You will work in a group to get this job done and will be provided with all the resources you need.  It is important this job be completed on time!!  I have shared links to the resources you will get on day one this week just in case you would like to take a look and start thinking!
I cannot wait to share our finished products with our school community!  

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December 8, 2015

Hour of Code

During class two this week you will participate in the "Hour of Code."  It is a worldwide event; check out this video. "
I hope this video has you excited!!!  You will dive right in to your coding practice.  Please go to
Here you will find a wide variety of coding experiences.  There's even one with a Star Wars theme!!!  So dive in and start coding!!!

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December 6, 2015

Publishing and Profiles

The publishing push is on!  If you did not publish your blog post last week, you will most likely be taking care of it this week.  During class one you will publish and then work on your Blogger Profile.  I have some resources for you to ensure you are "practicing safe use of sharing information when blogger."
It will be a little bit of a crazy week with our 1/2 days for conferences, so come in ready to work!!!
Before we get started please complete the three student created surveys below.
Earth Day Survey
Favorite Shirt Color Survey
Water Survey

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