February 3, 2014

What Will Your Verse Be?

This week we will be embarking on a historical journey together.  The class of 2019 will go down in history in our school system as being the first class in which every student was given a device, an iPad, to use to advance and personalize their learning.  We will start our "work" this week by watching, "What Will Your Verse Be?", one of Apple's latest productions.  I cannot wait to hear your thoughts, not only about the video, but more importantly about how you envision using iPads all day long in school.  Just imagine every morning as you are preparing for your classes, you will grab your materials out of your lockers and then you'll grab your, yes your, iPad off the cart.  Now I am sure you have many questions.  Some of those will be answered during our discussions this week. You need to understand there may not be answers for all of your questions right now.  You will be reviewing and then signing the newly developed "Student Commitment Letter," and leaving your final thoughts on the back board of our lab. In addition to this discussion and sharing of expectations, you will also be creating your "professional or school" Apple ID.  

Wikipedia defines "beta" as "In computing, the term "beta" is used as (usually) the last release in the software release life cycle."  So I guess we can say our school is rolling out the "beta" version of 1:1 iPad use. With that said, there may be questions for which there currently are not answers.  You will be playing an enormous role in this process.  We will be learning right alongside with you.  So how will you use your iPad to improve and personalize your learning?  What will be your new learning "verse"?

During class two this week you will be creating your "professional/school" Apple ID. Before getting started with this process, I need you to enroll in the VPP (volume purchasing program). This membership will allow us to send you Apps. It is going to be very important for you to carefully type in your information. If you make a mistake in your email address, you will never receive the invitation. We will check you Gmail accounts next week to acceptance this invitation. Please complete the VPP Invitation Form. I will be walking you through creating your professional/school Apple ID accounts.

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