June 3, 2014

Stay Calm and Blog On!!

As promised I am giving you an opportunity to create and publish another blog post in class this week.  Most of my classes have finished discussion the Social Media Survey results.  If we have not yet finished, we will do so by the end of the week.  I know the end of the year feels very close, but please remember we still have a lot of work to do and my expectations remain high for all of my students.

I will not be in class on Wednesday and some of my Thursday classes as I will be in a meeting which means you will have a substitute in the room.  You will be given the instructions to read EVERY word of my blog post.  Please be sure to read everything before clicking or doing!!!!

You will be using this time to create and publish a new blog post.  This post may be about anything.  It does not have to be school related, but must be school appropriate.  Of course, as always, you may use Pinterest or other resources for inspiration.  However, you should not be spending more than 10 or 15 minutes on such sites.  Please be sure to take some time and find a way to link your readers to a site or source to support your post.  An appropriate image would also be great.  Be sure to give a link for the image unless you created it yourself!!  This post will need to be edited by a classmate.  Before asking for a "peer edit", be sure you have gone through the post yourself.  Peer editors; please be sure to double check for capital letters (especially I's) as well as other grammatical errors.  Remember, you are not commenting on the content, but checking to be sure Blogging Guidelines have been followed.
Once your post has had another set of "eyes" check it out, you should publish it.

You should then work in your Digital Literacy and Citizenship iText.  This can be found in your iBooks.  You should have competed and submitted two lessons to me.  They are Unit 1, Lesson #1:  Digital Life 101 and Unit 2, Lesson #1:  My Media.

If you have finished your post and both of the iText lessons, you may either read other blog posts from your Feedly accounts or "pin" for inspiration for your next post.

**ILT #14 I will collect your Blog Design Rubrics on Friday during class.**

Remember; you are NOT to listen to music, play games, or watch random videos!!!  Please use your critical thinking skills and Effective Effort strategies.  I am confident you will do a great job!
---Mrs. White

1 comment:

  1. I have read EVERY WORD and I'm ready to start blogging! :3


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