February 3, 2013

Bursting With Pride

I would like to congratulate the students in our BIS Broadcasting Club.  I am so proud of the new BIS Tour video they created.  It was amazing!!  You can check it out on our school webpage.  It received rave reviews from all who have seen it!!  So I would like to say to Maeve, Greta, Liam, Olivia, Seamus, and Maxen- You ROCK!!

Now on to this week; the word of the week is “Podcasting.”  What is it you ask????  You will most definitely have an answer by the end of the week.  You will watch a great video, “Podcasting in Plain English,” and then experience podcasts on two different devices.  I want you thinking about the different purposes for creating this type of media and who might be watching/listening to podcasts; the audience.  You will be creating your own podcasts in the upcoming weeks; so it is very important you understand the basics.  We will be using resources from a well-respected site: PBS NewsHour Extra.  I hope you are excited to learn about a new type of media and find some helpful resources for school and life.  

After exploring podcasts on both iPods and our workstations, we will begin preparing for our next project.  I have created a Google doc with some podcasting resources.  I would like you to bookmark at least three of these resources in your diigo accounts.  Don't worry, I will review how to do this.  I know it has been a while.  I would like you to start thinking about what type of "How to" podcast you would like to create. We will work on a planning sheet next week.  Until then.......happy podcast exploring!!

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